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antimesh Anti-Mesh System False Positives


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On PS4 PVE OC-Gen2-1577 at approx coords 48 12.
Using Tek Suite was slowly flying near large cylindrical structure when the fast travel screen popped up.
I didn't want to lose my inventory so I tried to cancel the screen but I couldn't so I exited the game and logged back in.
I went searching for my character inventory bag but the same fast travel screen popped up while walking on the ground near same structure so i went ahead this time and selected nearest bed. I tried several times looking for my bags but never found any and I always got fast travel screen near the same structure at different points.
I rode my nearby astrodelphin to see if I could get a better view to find my inventory bag but I got kicked off my delphin and the fast travel screen came up again.
I went back looking for my delphin and whistling follow all but never found it. I tried looking at 50 50 where lost dinos use to appear but no luck.
I finally looked at tribe log to see if it could tell me what was happening and it said I was destroyed by anti-meshing. See attached pics.
I lost:
- Astrodelphin lvl 275 with astro saddle 40.2 armor
- Carbonemys: 
8 tamed levels 250 - 275, 
13 raised levels 265 - 295
- Noglin lvl 140 tamed out to 175
- Shadowmane lvl 285
- Tekbow ascendant 278 dps


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Walking around on a mountainside on the back of my only Ferox, Stitch.  Watched him die out from under me...You are fast making a game I love into a game that I hate.  Work for hours, just to have things lost to YOUR mistakes, and I get a "sorry, we can't help you, but here's a link to post in forums"...so post I will.

Tribe Log Stitch Loss (2).jpg

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A false positive mesh claimed the lives of both myself and my zombie wyvern on the genisis 2 server 1537... Can someone please help!

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coordinates for me was located at X=372954.625 Y=56285.719 Z=22500.730

And the wyverns coordinates were located X=372742.469 Y=56580.207 Z=22288.391

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Earlier today I logged off in my base on Gen2 Map when the server reported it would be going down in 15mins for maintenance. When I logged onto my account a number of hours later I discovered I had been killed by Anti-meshing and all my items in my inventory that I spent hours getting earlier in the day were gone. Also my best Argie in a cryopod was lost Level 302. I lost around 28 Mutagel which I waited ages to harvest yesterday is now all gone.

Screenshot 2021-09-23 204350.png

Edited by Laxity
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Genesis 2 central platform falsey, after 260hrs in the game I got vaporised whilst resting my argy on a simple platform and lost my precious grind and cryo tames that was in my bird


Gutted with a hope and a dream that someone will restore the work I put into the game



Server:OC-PVP-Official-GenTwo983 - (v337.17)



1 (Medium).PNG

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I'm used to die and get red on screen message "You killed yourself" with no reason.

But last one is wired lol. My body is stretched all over the place - in base.

Its impossible to get items from dead body inventory. Also option to drag  body do not work.




notice  number of foundation between hand and leg lol

No is not some kind of pipe but my hand.unknown.png




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