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antimesh Anti-Mesh System False Positives


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10 min a go i was on meat farm run in swamp with my giga.

Server 345 the island.

Suddenly fall from giga in some kind underground water. When i looked in sky direction i have seen foliage and herb that grow on in swamp. I tried to swim up but was killed by meshing.


In log i found that giga was also killed

To loose giga i can survive but it had mastercraft saddle with a lot of mats used to craft.

Just adding to community.

No support as i know i wont get any.

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Crystal Isles EU PvE server 858

At red obelisk, the antimesh system annihilated my character after crouchwalk/crawling into the red pipework running through the base perimeter of the obelisk to retrieve a dropped backpack from a cryopodded dino. Including my inventory with cryopods with a yuty, daeodon, and several rexes for bossfight, along with mastercrafted/ascendant armour and firearms and a bunch of ammo and homing rockets.

Was a real kick in the balls since I literally just walked into the gap normally.

A little further testing showed I can recreate it at-will just by walking into the same hole.


Edited by Loinsteak
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This is getting ridiculous!

This is the second ravager in 5 days that I lost.

I don't have to worry about enemy players killing may dino's. The game is doing it for them!

I have a zip line in my cave to transport heavy mats from bottom to top.

Jumped on it with my ravager, start climbing up. Got rubber banded back. Ended up under a triangle foundation and died.

Tribe: Vexxed, Tribemember Vexeen. Server small tribes Aberration 54.




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I got swarmed by bats at the entrance of skylord artifact cave on the island.  Kept freezing up and died.  Came back to save my otter and collect my things and had no green beam.  Checked tribe log and seen this  😥  lost a lost of good tames tek suit element the works  but the biggest thing was my zombie wyvern chibis....  would be cool to get that guy back.


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Lost my snow owl due to anti-meshing and i was teleported to the other side of the map. I'm playing on official-extinction474. I sincerely hope that my tame can be recompensated but i highly doubt it. Please fix your game. Tribe name necrotic and tribemember HUMAN NECROSIS


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Extinction server 1110 PVE Xbox Official. I was hunting Velos. Jumped off my wyvern to look at taming one of the event velos. I was about to deploy my lvl 283 Giga to clear out the area. Boom, still screen, then respond at the base.  Went to look for my body and my gear. My wyvern was still sitting there but no body or gear bag to be found. Lost my Giga in a cryopod, armour, crossbow plus tranq bolts, spyglass, gps, 17 regular kibble, 27 superior kibble. The only thing that matters to me is the giga. Its listed on the tribe log as frozen just before all this happened.


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Server CrossArk5. I was going to try teknological terror mission on the Genesis. During cleaning wild rexes before mission I had internet kick.I log in after a minute, I was dead and my body dissapeared. Tribe log says I was destroyed by anti meshing. I put on my best gear to make this mission, would be nice to have my stuff back. My stalker was still fine, only body deleted..


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We where simply farming element dust from benches and lights. The dode could not be picked up. When my partner jumped off his dino even though he was above the world. He got deleted and lost. 1 605 and 1 705 melee gigas, 1 lightning wyvern like a 220 something, 1 gas bag with 5k weight, 1 snowl owl around level 190 to 200, 1 argy level 290 and then a bunch of ascendant guile armor. we where up top on the second level.


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This is Abberation,

I had two juvenile drakes in my inventory, instant killed while using picks .

This is PS4,

This is not the first time its happened in this area.

Please resolve and give me my drakes back!

This anti meshing error has happed to me a lot when I'm defiantly not doing anything I shouldn't!
Please resolve this it ruining this game.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I secured my important cryopods, bps, gear and breadlines last night in upload on character and in Ark Data after being griefed all day yesterday and expected a full wipe when logged off, planning on setting up a vacuum chamber dump today on genesis. Trying to find a spot place it down and secure my loot, I hit an invisible mesh wall and my basi with all my stuff I had on character upload disappears to anti mesh and I die to anti mesh. Lost 80+ Cryos, Tek gen, vaccum chamber, transmitter bps, gear all to a false flag. Server was NA PvP Genone Freebuild no mission 710MmRzkAs.jpg

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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Anti-Mesh System False Positives
  • Jatheish unpinned this topic

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