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antimesh Anti-Mesh System False Positives


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Walking around looking for bloodstalkers on Official Genesis 703 and i randomly die, i know for a fact i was not in the mesh and i spent all morning grinding 500 blood packs. went back to try and retrieve me body but anti mesh deleted it. i died when i tried to crouch underneath the orange leaf seen in the background of the attached image.


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I was playing in Arctic N (Genesis Map) and wanted to return to the teleport-destination of Arctic N. While teleport I landed on the "choose a spawn region"-screen. My Baryonyx, which was standing next to me was teleported - but my character got destroyed - as you can see on the screenshot of the tribelog.

My character got several high level dinos in gyro-capsules in his inventory, as well as other stuff. I went back to the teleport start destination but wasn't able to find anything.


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Woke up this morning on EU-PVP-Official-CrystalIsles-SmallTribes118 - (v312.9) tribe name Straw Hats ingame name Unicorn V2 to find our rat hole has been patched out and antimesh system has made it so we cant move anything out and its destroyed about 15 of our turrets. We have been living in this spot since since crystal isles came out and we thought that it was a intended spot. If possible could we get a gm on to help move our loot out? Cords are around 42, 47 on the ice cave roof.


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My hover-skiff has been destroyed by a supposed mesh, when I only made it and I saw that the materials were used up but I did not see the ship, then I looked at the register of the tribe and saw that it had been destroyed by the anti-mesh system And I would like the hover-skiff to be returned to me since it costs a lot to get it, my character is called Penesaurio, my tribe is called Tribe of l23, the server is pve-official-871 cristall isles, and I am attaching the screenshot.

ark mesh 2.png

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My recently tamed Bloodstalker (lvl 145 Female tamed to lvl 188) was killed by anti-mesh as I tried to land and walk on a Bog Biome surface at these coordinates - X-345241.594 Y-248954.484 Z-5636.344. I feel this is an unusual case as I've landed there many times and had no problems before. It's a wrench that this happened coz it took me ages to tame the darn thing (it kept dropping me, don't know if this is a game mechanic or a bug).

tribelog bloodstalker.jpg

Edited by Alice130
adding tribelog
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Had logged off ark while in the base, someone started destroying the base while I was offline, came back to my character dead, ran back to base location. Spike walls are all still there, but entire metal base is completely gone, as if there was never anything there. Checked logs to see how long it took and they didn’t destroy nearly enough to have entirely wiped my base out. So looked up what Anti-Meshing was and now I am here.. :(


Coordinates: X=131220.328 Y=57207.797 Z= 8036.5041

Tribe : Tribe of Cannibal Joe

Map : EU PVP-XboxOfficial The Island, SmallTribes39

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I used re-fertilizer while on my argentavis, a rock appeared where we were, i died, come back to find the argentavis gone, had dozens of cryo'd tames and a multitude of supplies on it(3000+ carryweight). Basically everything of value I had is on this bird, please let me get him back.



Tribe: TCE

Coordinates: X=-233455.531 Y=3365.104 Z= -4121.931



image0 (2).png

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COORDINATES: X: -224708.203 Y: 354862.156 Z: -212.473


Here is the link of the video showing how giga dissappeard and tribelog


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Good day to all.Today I faced a problem.Why practice these maneuvers of yours for supposedly improving the game if it is not?!Playing every day nerves fade with your own rates.. I was not in any caves,everything happened in the city, when searching for a drop, I landed on the platform and the creature disappeared(without an inscription)only on magazine understood that your hands deal!
Is there a possibility of compensation or recovery?!Have a nice day

Coords: X=.96914.820  Y=.69496.594  Z=.11212.015
Server: EU-PVE-Official-Extinction507(v312.32)
Tribe: The Corrupt RussianoARK-Survival-Evolved-Screenshot-2020-07-

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