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antimesh Anti-Mesh System False Positives


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 Genesis 641, pve.   I was in the volcano and spawned back to my base at Ocean East Spawn spot via H1na. he Ferox was in large form and then resized to small form on spawn in, It then disapeared and the tribe log says Antimesh destroyed. Please replace my Ferox. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/781878164249975844/31DFBBF8B4E97AF4411D3D3B508D255C0DA821ED/

Location: 62934 -201137 1260 99.40 -51.58

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The first ferox I tamed was a 150 with element.

at : X=-45876.223   Y=193310.938  Z=-10149.049

the second ferox I tamed was a 135 with element. 
at: X=-265867.594   Y=222396.609  Z=-22376.443

the last ferox was a previously tamed ferox that when changing back into smaller form got killed by anti-meshing, while having a cryod anky(264)ferox(217) and 40 element inside 

at: X=97539.055  Y=107803.492  Z=33723.5001





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 I've experienced a false meshing report in the Genesis Bog map. My tribe built around a tree and sometimes I've noticed our tames will faze through the tree like it isn't even there and then suddenly they become stuck like it rendered in again. I feel like the trees in the new Biome are incredbily glitchy, and in this instance, it killed me during an update and I lost my cryoed baby I had been tending to. When the announcement popped for an update, I didn't want my Ferox baby to lose out on it's imprint since it only had about 2mins left on the timer and I wasn't sure how long it would take for me to come back into the server. But after the update passed and I logged in, I'd been killed and my body was nowhere to be found. That was when I checked my tribe log and the report was on me apparently meshing. 

 The cords for my location were: X=312474.000 | Y=169702.656 | Z=1336.320


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after finishing the mission when the Ferox was downsizing it disappeared :(
Here are the photos of where that happened

I contacted the technical support and they can't do anything and they said to get in touch with you here, the worst thing is all the elements that you lose and the time you have done and nobody can do anything?


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Day 701, 00:43:39:  Anti-meshing destroyed ‘bloodstalker - Lvl 145’ at X=295920.781 Y=162870.156 Z=10944.903

Ark Server : EU-PVP-PS4Official-GenOne1261-(v546.12)

I was taming the bloodstalker in the bog biome and as soon as I tamed it, it disappeared and I spent the next hour looking for it but I never was able to and then I check the tribe log and this was the reason I never saw it but it had no reason to kill the bloodstalker I had barely tamed like you can see in the photo I attached.



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Already did all this, please see ticket. 

scorched earth102. 
landed in a little cave type opening in the side of the wall to get a drink and chat. Tried to fly out of the hole, didn’t work. Tried crawling out and my wyvern just disappeared. Already been three days and my tickets been looked at, think it’s abit of a joke I needed to come post it here to before any action is taken.


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Mar 27, 9:07 AM PDT

I was fighting a crab and my tame and I got mesh killed. This is the second time this has happened. The first time I didn’t submit a ticket and chalked it up to being arked. It appears there is a consistent problem. I lost my crab that was Cryo’d, gear and over 150 extraordinary kibble that was in my body. I have a picture of the tribe log which shows the deaths as well as me cryoing the crab. I would like equivalent tames or a 180 Drake egg as that was what mine was, a crab and my kibble back.  This happened on NA pvp Crossark 11  Aberration  on ps4  ?name=IMG_0733.PNG

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I went inside my water cave with my spino and I tried parking it inside and it went inside the ground completely and killed me and my friends spino. It is a 205 imprinted spino with 100% imprint. 6334 HP on hatch 276 Melee on hatch and around 1221 Stamina, with 100% imprint it was around 7700 HP, 336 Melee, and 120 movement speed. I have a screen shot in my tribe log that shows my spino got anti meshed. I would very much like to get that spino back please. Thank you. This is Primitive+ btw 


I can’t post the picture cuz this site saying the picture is too big even after heavy cropping. 

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Hello. my friend try to tame Bloodstalker Lvl 125 and when he was tamed, he suddenly disappeared,

then we try with another one Lvl 140 and he did the same.


This is was in my tribe log :

Day 611, 21:01:03:     Anti-meshing destroyed 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 125' at X=202863.922 Y=259325.984 Z=14780.811!




Day 613, 18:51:03:     Anti-meshing destroyed 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 125' at X=238440.547 Y=198524.469 Z=11834.348!



Can you help me please? It took us a long time to collect blood and go tame them.



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It won’t let me send a picture but here are the cords to my tame now I have lost my spino cause my other friend did not know where it was x=179044.953 y=82163.078 z=19396.9631 aberration ps4 643 the other tame was lost at x=173075.422 y=22934.389 z=12281.287 one was a 165 hatch rockdrake other 283 ab spino 4 people in tribe both tames name dan character name is dan tribe name is DVD OP 

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