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antimesh Anti-Mesh System False Positives


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na-pve-gen2-977 got killed twice at the same spot,

first time i was hovering in tek suit and when i tried to unpod a reaper i got insta killed, spawn back and retreived my pod with the reaper inside, so no loss.

second time i was walking the same spot ,heading to the building 2 min before giving birth to a reaper, and when i reached the door, insta killed, problem  on respawn, i was not "pregnant" anymore so the death killed the reaper offspring as well, in general when you die, you do not lose reaper embryo unless it is a meshing death,

note that i can walk this spot or fly over , and 99% of the time i do not die, but for some reason sometime i do


Edited by L4D2
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Tribemate and our stryder were antimesh destroyed during a crash/rollback right before servers were taken down for maintenence. Stryder did not appear in tribelog but tribemate did, and stryder/bed for it are nowhere to be found. This is not the first stryder to be lost by people on Gen2 that have mesh disappeared and not shown in logs. 


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Server: NA 965 Gen 2 server

Tames lost: 17 Astrodelphis (from taming & the two I was riding.)

1 Tek Stryder

I was told to bring this here however I am completely pissed off. I was told this is "solved" but it is not because I can not even go out into the tek trench on Genesis 2 at all without this happening. This is not just an anti-meshing issue this is something more. My tribemate was directly next to me multiple times when these anti-meshing happened and yet they were never touched. I have lost more tames then I would like due to this and because of this issue I can not even step foot into the Tek Trench without every crash causing my character to anti mesh. These are not the same locations either, they are different everytime, even to the point one of them was next to the wall where NO ISLAND ever spawns at. So there is no reason at all I should of been anti-meshed especially with my tribemate being next to me. 




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I was taming a ferox on Genesis Part Two 987, after I tamed him, he instantly disappeared because of this error. I submitted a ticket to get a reimbursed but the support customer told me it wasn’t possible. I don’t understand why, it’s frustrating the amount of bugs this game have. Is there anyway I can get my ferox back? Please patch this area of the map. 

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I was on crossark8 on Ci and i sent in a ticket and basically got told too bad but you can post here if you really want to, I lost dinos and tons of gear rare skins and chibis in a spot where you are supposed to grab the artifact, a tribemate tried to help me find my body and was also antimeshed you cant get anywhere near it.


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