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Dino guide: enforcers


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Hello fellow scrubs, today i would like to discuss my opinion on the enforcer and what improvements could be done as well as buffs, feel free to add anything opinion!


In ark i believe everything has a pro and con, the enforcer is no different 

PROS 1: it can be argued that the enforcer is the most mobile and flexible dino, no other dino can match the versatile of this thing!

PROS 2: it can telport and in doing so you can avoid any damage! 

Pros 3: because of it's mobility and telport you can use this guy as a excellent mobile backpack, slap what you wana take with you, their Ai is excellent too, rarely will they get stuck, excellent combat potential against  Corrupted dinos, double damage and damage resistance 


PROS 4: excellent dino to scout and responsible damage, perfect for hit and run tacics, levels should go to hp, weight, movement and stam and melee depending on how you wish to use it, no fall damage and can climb! Also can color em!


PROS 5: no need to raise em! Also (i advice cheap only) could be used as an effective suicide runner with c4 to drop a tower if need be, enforcers combat wise work best in a pack and as an escort if your on a giga, 


CONS 1: sadly as great as it is, it has no saddle and doesn't benefit from crafters at all, what damage you take is the full raw damage the dino will take, also class wise i would put this slightly above a raptor

CONS 2: they will eat element dust only (not sure if they eat shards or element) and thus a user must have a healthy supply of element dust, if damage a scout could perhaps heal the enforcer

CONS 3: lastly the cost, a really nasty good enforcer can be expensive, replacing could be very hard should you be careless 



What do you people think!? Let me know and be safe people!

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Super fun to control, it's climbing mechanics aren't broken or janky like the thyla or deinonychus. Great early game tame for any situation. I'm dissapointed how it's only good early game though, it's made of metal but it feels like it's made of paper mache. The damage reduction against corrupted dinos is bugged and doesn't work, no imprint bonus, no saddle, no healing food, not even a mate boost. It's pretty fast but there's plenty of flyers that'll leave it in the dust. 

I'm hoping the new shadowmane creature coming in Genesis 2 will be a better enforcer. It looks like it can also teleport, but it looks a lot stronger.

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