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New Server types for ark 2


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So was thinking a lot lately about the things i enjoyed about ark and the things that i didn't. An it made me think of the things i really wished they would of added in ark and what im hoping they would add in ark 2. An for me the biggest thing I would love to see added is a new server type that stays locked. An what I mean by that is for it to keep all the starting restrictions on the map, with the exception of character transfer. I feel like having you character be able to transfer to new maps to get certain skills unlocked it fun and adds to the game. What I would love to see blocked though is the transfer on dinos to the server. Now I haven't played the game for years like a lot of people have. Mostly messed around here and there tell Genesis dropped and thats what really sucked me in finally. But 1 of the things I loved the most is when i joined i was able to find a brand new genesis server, and man it was so much fun. Everyone was on the same level. An it was just really cool working with the servers community figuring out the map where dinos are, where materials were at ect. An 1 of the best parts for me was when it came to the end boss. I just remember everyone was working on brred lines for the boss fight. An it was pure trial an error. I remember people trying rex, yuty, and pigs. Bringing in armored ferox to try it, tell we finally figured out rhinos and pigs were the go to. An it was just so fun going through the trial and error and everyone working on breed lines. An i remember a lot of the different clans were finding niches with certain breeds and they did that for the server. 1 raised rex, 1 did rhinos, 1 did gathers, ect. An it was just great that everyone was working and building everything up.

And then I remember the day dino transfers went live.... AN to me it was the death of the server and game. I remember day 1 a chines clan ended up just transferring in everything possible. We went from a server with hardly an lag, to what felt like being back on aol dial up. So many tribes just turned our server into a dumping ground for there millions of dinos. Just made it a crap server like the vast majority of the other out there. Where you log in and its like 3 fps because someone needed to build a giant square box base and fill it up with a million dinos to breed for they can sell to other servers. Then came the " Best DIno " crap. Which just wiped out every single dino breed line everyone on the server worked on. No one no longer needed to breed there dinos, because why waist the time when you can just buy every dino you need. Or why are you using that rex it sucks, why not just buy a perfect 1. An it just sucked soooo much fun out of the game instantly. I remember so many people just killing, freeing, or given away dinos cause in an instant the best stock became with worst and was just taking up space. 


Really sucked seeing what to me was the best part of the server and game die in an instant. So for me i would love to see a new server type come out where it keeps most of the starting restrictions on the map. An allows people to go to the server and just have a good fresh start, and keep all the pay to win crud out. An yes I know there are servers kinda like that will small tribe or apocalypses. But im not trying to restart every 30 or 60 days w.e it is. Would just like to see some servers come out, that just lets people who have been playing for every to start fresh and for new players to come in and not feel like they have to buy everything. That they can help build with the community and having something of value. 

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Only started playing ARK online 5 months ago but I see the point. I get offered a ton of dino's all the time, for my proud own catch sucks. I realy try fo find back that one bird, for it is my first good tame but people just say: "Who cares, have a good one of me".

While it is fun to try good dino's, I'm missing the feeling of accomplishment. Dynasties of dino's should not have a level cap but a max of generations and no more cloning.
Maybe, if "locked" is not going to happen, just a permanent cap on items and dino's to transfer can be done. Or timed to max 10 per day per tribe or so.

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