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leveling How to start a new world (offline mode) been level 100


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Hi i just want to share a tip of how to get to level 100 in less than an hour

basically what you need is to enter a server that gives you a free start at that level, after that what you need is to gather amber, you can go to the mountains, the best place in my opinion is the obelisk at the top left, if that is not a option you can go to the location that i marck on the video and collect rocks, on that location there are so many that by the time you finish taking all from one spot the next one already spawn in, that and watching videos will make the process between 15 min if they give you a flying dino and tools, to 45 min by just picking up rocks and watching ads

after that you buy the transferring ticket to a offline mode and that's it

the video is in spanish but is not hard to follow hope it helps


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