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Community Crunch 254: Last Week In ARK, Community Corner, and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin

ARK  Survival Evolved Super-Resolution 2021.02.05 -

Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch!

Love Evolved is live from February 11th - February 18th, and packs new skins, chibis, 3x rates and more!  Check out the post below for more information.

Playstation Update: 

We have set the event rates live on our Official Playstation network, and, we're eager to get the Love Evolved Event content into our Playstation Community's hands. The build is good and currently going through the publishing process. We hope to be able to set that live for you today. Apologies for the delay in deploying the update. We'll keep you posted! 



Last Week In ARK

This week we take a look at the average level of a player when a wild dino kills them.  We've seen a lot of interest in these stats and we'll continue digging up interesting stats for you to see!




Video Evidence for Support Tickets

Solving some types of enforcement tickets comes down to having good evidence.  For reports regarding certain cheats and exploits, a video goes a long way towards our enforcement team's investigative process.  We've updated the Navigation Bar, under Support, in the website to include a helpful guide in recording videos depending on the platform you're playing on.

We hope you find this helpful when creating your support tickets!


Steam Lunar Sale


🏮 Happy Lunar New Year!  We're kicking off the Lunar New year with an ARK sale.  Get it now while it's up to 80% off! 🏮

ARK | Steam Lunar Sale


EVO Event


There is an ongoing EVO Event from February 11th - February 18th as part of the Love Evolved event.

  • 3X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation)
  • 3X XP
  • 3X Harvesting
  • 3X Taming


Community Corner

🎥 Clips/Videos 🎥

🎥 Creator: Rubius Z

#ARKADIA, an ARK event by a group of content creators, launched this week with much excitement. Join Rubius Z as he starts his ARK adventure! Check this out to find out more about the content creators that are involved and be sure to give the event Twitter account a follow.

🎥 Creator: sam_stimo

Check out this Viking town build, complete with a port, docks, houses, a blacksmith, and more!

🎥 Creator: nohistoryheregaming

Never know when a friendly raptor is looking to welcome you to the neighborhood 🤗.

🎥 Creator: Sheplaysit

You really can't rush a good ale 🍻.

🎥 Creator: UpFromTheDepths

In this documentary-style video series, UpFromTheDepths explores ARK in an entirely new way. This episode, Snowbound, focuses on the harsh winter season.

🎥 Creator: NoHistoryHereGaming

You never know when that friendly raptor wants to welcome you to the neighborhood 🤗.

🎥 Creator: IamMacMan

Join I Am MacMan as they take us on a tour of their Owl Trade Base in this build showcase video.


🎨 Fan Art 🎨 

🎨 EmilyStepp - ARK Armored Reaper Concept


🎨 NeoVanilluxe - ARK Dodorex


🎨 Natahi-4 - Spinosaurus Aquareliga


🎨 RRRaven#0666 (Discord)



📷 In-Game Screenshots 📷

📷 GirlKingThatOddThing#2542 


📷 KingWillrus#2876


📷 Sandi#9998


📷 auztyle#7907



See you next week!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Discord: discord.com/invite/playark
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Thanks for working hard on getting PlayStation to us and before people complain about it and about no  genesis teaser get over it and deal with it one will come eventually just be happy that the devs are trying there best right now as well as working from home due to covid. Also if you start to complain about it they you try making a game for yourself its not that easy trust me I have experience. Hope Your Doing Well Devs Keep Up The Hard Work. 🤗

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8 minutes ago, Thalana said:

Well, there goes any hope of Genesis 2 coming in March, though it's certainly not surprising. Still excited tho.

o_O what on earth are you talking about?  because it wasn't mentioned in here you think it's not coming or something? I'm confused, was something said in here? We're supposed to get  announcements on it in the next two weeks or so. It's mentioned in the twitter feed in discord. Patience makes the heart grow fonder!  >_>  I totally want that tek bow yesterday though!

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25 minutes ago, Sparky16 said:

o_O what on earth are you talking about?  because it wasn't mentioned in here you think it's not coming or something? I'm confused, was something said in here? We're supposed to get  announcements on it in the next two weeks or so. It's mentioned in the twitter feed in discord. Patience makes the heart grow fonder!  >_>  I totally want that tek bow yesterday though!

For real tho I already snapped at people on crunch 250 but I fully agree with you. ^~^

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45 minutes ago, ArrangedFire90 said:

Also if you start to complain about it they you try making a game for yourself its not that easy...

While I'm not overly bothered by the delay, as it is expected at this point, this comment from you is pretty dumb. 

I paid money to someone who promised me a working game. That contract entitles me to voice my concerns when they are not holding up their end of the deal. 

That's called consumer rights. Feel free to keep your displeasures to yourself but if I want to voice mine, I've paid for that right.

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Love evolved where us on PS ain't getting any and haven't for along time no information like is PS update same size as xbox and if so we need an extension to event lost one day already 2 of my tribe mate will lose another day and half if its 58 gigs this was very poorly planned and we pay the price as usual

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1 minute ago, yekrucifixion187 said:

While I'm not overly bothered by the delay, as it is expected at this point, this comment from you is pretty dumb. 

I paid money to someone who promised me a working game. That contract entitles me to voice my concerns when they are not holding up their end of the deal. 

That's called consumer rights. Feel free to keep your displeasures to yourself but if I want to voice mine, I've paid for that right.

Go to community crunch 250 and ready all the comments there and you will see why I'm making that comment. It pisses me off how ignorant some people can be when they yell at the devs and be disrespectful I mean really there trying and its more difficult then it looks. Not only that but its a pandemic and if you look at the patch notes there trying to fix meshing methods and exploits there trying.

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41 minutes ago, Beercules121 said:

Will ark on console be able to have mods at all at some point or at least have it on epic games?

well, that is a good question, not gonna lie. but here's something for ARK:
if they're worried about not having aberration ruined by rockdrakes, why not make a expansion variant? one for crystal isles and valguero. basically, if there was a dino that would ruin the map it was based on, why not make a varient SIMILAR (not completely, has to have unique abilities that are almost unique, and a mix of original) so that way we can have all aberration dinos in the free maps. anyone agree?

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1 hour ago, Magmasaur103 said:

why not make a varient SIMILAR (not completely, has to have unique abilities that are almost unique, and a mix of original) so that way we can have all aberration dinos in the free maps. anyone agree?

That doesn't make them money. That would be poor business.

SE is the prime example of that. Everything was put on Rag, people stopped paying for the map even when they tried to make the map an easier experience. 

Drakes and Reapers still make Ab a viable purchase.

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