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[XBOX] Leveling Flyer Speed on Nitrado Servers, when?

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@Jeremy Stieglitz When will we be able to level up our flyer's speed on Xbox and our Nitrado servers?


Tried adding the code everyone is talking about, but it's not working.


Do you have an update on when we'll be able to do it on Xbox?


Also, can we expect any further improvements to the horrible server browser and bug fixes for it and other aspects in-game before ARK 2?

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  • 4 months later...

I have had this problem as well it has been a little frustrating ive been testing new settings on my nitrado server since gen 2 came out and every time i go to tweak some settings i see the code for 'bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=True' in the game.ini settings but ive read some places that its suppose to be in gameusersettings.ini or that the code will work if it is just 'AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=True' but i have tried everything and nothing is working and it has been frustrating i mean i know its not 100% necissary but the fact that is working on other platforms is a little frustrating and with gen 2 out it is such a big map that it would make life so much easier to be able to upgrade flyer speed especially for the voidwyrms in the space biome it takes so long to get place to place does anyone know when this code may be fixed in the nitrado servers for xbox it would be very nice thank you.

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