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Mossa is easy mode for squid 🐙 tames. Just let it grab you, dismount and swim to mouth , feed pearls. Keep squid on passive. After you feed squid swim up and whistle the mossa to follow . Once the squid let's go it will come to you.

By far the easiest way to tame squid.  50 pearls at a time. ALWAYS use flippers to get to the squid beak quickly. 

Set a timer  ( " Alexa set a 8 min squid timer ") and repeat . 

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Last time I used a Megalodon leveled up only in health. It is quick enough and small enough to maneuver safely. As said above, once grabbed and fed pearls, swim up and whistle follow on the passive megalodon. Repeat until tamed (every 6min if I am not mistaken). Turtle is too slow for my taste and you also have to watch oxygen.

If you have a raft above, you can land a snow owl and heal between feeding, so you don't actually need so much HP.

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