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Items: Pliers


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hello fellow survior scrub lords, today i wana share my opinions on the item and how it should be used


At it's current state it is just bad, the devs clearly did not know what they were doing, the items to repair said thing is expensive, heck even without the increase cost


what i would do: Frist what i would do is get rid of the amount of mate it takes to repair said item, the Pliers was clearly intended to repair gear and what not on the field


balance: to prevent it from being too op, the Pliers weight should be almost nothing and maybe judge the item based on quality, but mainly dura, repairs take slightly longer and depending on item and what i mentioned already the amount of Pliers needed to repair


Also unlike normal repairs, the item repairs over time with a max being 30 seconds


What do you guys think, tell me your opinion!

And as always stay safe out there...

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