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Extra Life 2020! Livestream Reveals


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All this new base tek stuff (crop plots, incubator, security cameras) This is all going to be awesome because I feel we have too many offensive dinos and gear in the game that its hard to counter them especially if you just start up, manas for killing you and your tames, soakers for soaking you're towers, and if you're off for the night that's like 5-9 hours that they have free range to soak and raid you. So I'm really happy they are adding an ammo box where if you slot cap all your turrets there's still something to add more ammo when you're turrets run out. So thankyou wild card for considering more defensive items such as the ammo box and security cameras. 

(Also I know this isn't going to happen but I wish wildcard would make turrets do extra damage and structures take less damage when someone is offline raiding you, yes they have offline raid protection servers but its not the same feeling as regular official servers)

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but wheres the tek chem bench with 6 times crafting speed as a normal chem, tek indie forge with 120 ingots per smelt instead of 20, tek nanny for raising/imprinting dinos and making them raise quicker than normal time, and tek blueprint crafter (table used for crafting blueprints tek or regular for prices of material, crafting skill boosting the effectiveness of the damage, armour, and durability.)

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