ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 55 minutes ago, TinyHippo said: I'd argue the part about that being the obelisks' main purpose... Their main purpose is to maintain an environment. Teleporting is more of a secondary feature, at least for the ones on Earth. It's possible that on the Arks they're primarily for teleportation and the giant overseer deck maintains the environment, we don't know a whole lot about that. Keep in mind though that even the city terminals can teleport things and they are much, much smaller than obelisks, so if the primary purpose of obelisks was to teleport stuff, I think we could expect to see much smaller things, and then we also have the player craftable teleporters too. I think the implication is that all the humans were teleported to Arat Prime (or some other similar locations, but we only know of one) and sent out to the colony ship (or multiple colony ships?) before Arat Prime was locked down. Arat Prime could even have launched the colony ships. The unconfirmed launch we saw messages about in Extinction could either be referring to a second colony ship that didn't launch, or could even just be that the launch was unconfirmed because AP wasn't sending data out anymore since it locked down. 1. The overseer is meant to maintain any said environment, yet the OBs are meant to hold up the ARK's forcefield. The overseer, more specifically, maintains what dinosaurs spawn where, what humans spawn where, what lootcrates spawn where, what they contain (usually medium crop plots) and in the overseer chamber there was a supposed terminal displaying different ARKs, and it would teleport you to them (According to the survivors). Fun fact: Mei Yin defeated the Alpha Overseer solo with just a sword. About the city terminals, and even the lootcrate terminals- I dunno, maybe we exploit them in order to craft items within them via hacking. Hacking seems to be a pretty present thing in ARK, and I doubt our survivor should be underestimated. About the teleporters, as we know, the tek WE craft is more offbrand than official according to Diana, and I'd assume the teleporter is just the same. 2. In my honest opinion I was just spitballing there. HLNA used her sensors during a discovery to detect human life while we were on Earth, but there was none. I dunno if this includes the survivors or not- and if it did that would be very very very interesting. Of course, game lore and gameplay are constantly stabbing at eachother, so even in a pvp server playing with others, it may very well be canon that we are alone- though gameplay tells otherwise. Remember- LORE FIRST! She DID however detect something along the lines of UNSTABLE LIFE DETECTED in ascension code in the same discovery. Can't remember where I saw that, but I think that it was from one of you guys. Maybe there ARE humans on Earth- but they got corrupted? Maybe the unstable life is the monster we saw in the P2 Teaser. Maybe Extinction IS after AB crashed, and the unstable life is Rockwell's army. The DLC does appear right after The Island on the main screen. About Arat Prime, we really don't have much info on that besides the fact that HELENA lead Mei and Diana there before we even got to Extinction- which I find incredibly interesting. We also know that it's tied to the simulation. Weather or not it's tied to the Space Colony is unknown- yet probable. Anything past that, is just a bit of a blur. Good theories all around. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 22 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: I also think that we might still be going back to Earth. In one of HLNAs final notes, Rockwell mentions how we are just but a weed to him, and we need picking. HLNA quips back at him saying that weeds "always come back. Always." What's interesting about this is that there is a picture of the (now destroyed) city, intact, surrounded by tons of different ARKs. Alot more than just a desert and snow dome. Also, during the finale, Rockwell mentions wanting to make a new world (presumably from Earth). It would make sense that we were going to Earth after life spread back to the planet and there were all sorts of crazy biomes and whatnot- that would definitely be something we'd need to prepare for. What doesn't make sense about that theory is the LUNAR biome. I doubt that Gen Part 2 is going to be the end of our journey. There's just SO MANY loose ends and dead-end plots and hints and.. and... and...! If Gen 2 is the end, than it's going to be GIGANTIC. 60 gigs at least lmao. Maybe we go to space, then go back to Earth? It wouldn't make sense to leave us off on a foreign planet in the middle of the galaxy or other-dimension (hey, it's possible) so it would be a safe bet to say that we'd make a full circle from The Island to Scorched to AB to Earth to the GenSim to an alien planet to Earth again. Wouldn't it? It's my opinion that the Arks were the colony ship that was supposed to return to Earth. They held a massive population by way of cloning and were capable of removing the element, there's no need to have a second colony ship return to Earth, so I theorize that the colony ship we're on is a backup plan in case the Arks don't/can't cleans the Earth properly and thus is headed to some other unknown (to us) destination. Further, the name 'colony ship' kinda implies that it's not supposed to be at home. Unrelated to that, but... I can't stop thinking about how Rockwell, upon being defeated in the Genesis Simulation, says "Defeat me here, and you doom youself Survivor, wait till I find you... In the world beyond" Now, at first glance he just seems to be threatening us, but... I think this could also be a more serious warning. Why do I say this? Well, he says 'wait till I find you'... The 'wait' implies that he isn't going to instantly be there like what grabbed us. Next... I want you to take a close look at the tentacle in the end cutscene and compare it to Rockwell's tentacles. Take a close look. Take a closer look. They are 0% similar. Their only comparison is that they're both tentacles. Now sure, Rockwell could have designed some completely new tentacles for some strange reason, but don't you think he'd use something similar? Rockwell's tentacles had a clear pattern in their design, while the one that grabs us is much more random and has no pattern at all... Similar to normal Corruption... I don't think I need to say it outright, but I think that we were attacked the same Corruption that hit Earth, NOT Rockwell. Now, the Corruption followed us out of the Simulation. We can reasonably assume then, that if it only left when we did, it had to wait for us to leave for it to. In other words, the Corruption was trapped in the Simulation with us and Rockwell. In other words, so long as no one left, we had all the time we needed to destroy the Corruption in the Sim. Rockwell could have been exterminating all traces of Corruption as we were surviving (or dying) in the Sim, however, one particular part of the Simulation chose to hide itself from Rockwell, and that left a pocket for the Corruption to survive: In the code of the Moeder. By leaving when we did, we allowed the Corruption to follow us out before Rockwell could finish exterminating it. Rockwell is also building an army in the Simulation built to survive absurd levels of hazards, why would he need such an army if it's just him and the colony ship and his minions? He wouldn't. He would just take over everyone and call it a day if that was his plan. He would leave the Sim and evolve his humans while he takes over the ship, not wait, he wouldn't wait for no reason. Meanwhile, Rockwell still has business in the GenSim, so he'll still be doing work in there while we're out and about. That doesn't necessarily mean that he won't also be working around outside of the Simulation as well though. This theory has its basis in two main aspects: 1) The tentacle that grabs us follows a visual theme closer to Corruption than Rockwell 2) Rockwell needs an army prepared for extreme circumstances before leaving the sim Now then, why did he say 'wait till I find you' if it wasn't a threat? The Corruption is clearly a threat to him, and he wants it gone. We also want the Corruption gone. He could very well have been hinting that he plans on finding us so we could, as a '''team,''' fight the Corruption off. Now, this is mostly speculation, and hinges largely on the fact that what grabs us does not at all look like Rockwell, who, as we know, can change his appearance, but regardless, the fact that he needs an army before leaving the sim implies that there is some dangerous enemy that will attack him if he gets in the colony ship so this explains both parts, but it could also be very wrong, so I'm not going 100% on this theory (yet.) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 I'm also still interested in whatever the heck Helena put inside of her implant to make herself... You know, get all weak and philosophical and whatnot leading up into her ascension. "When I said that things got "fuzzy" when I touched the artifact, that's not really the whole truth. I remember bits and pieces of it - images, flipping across my vision in rapid succession. At first they were hard to distinguish, but now that Mei-Yin has allowed me to study the prism at a distance, they're gradually becoming clearer. A man made of light, monsters roaring, a sky on fire...they didn't seem like memories. At least not mine. If the prism put those images in my head, well that's a little frightening, honestly. Mei-Yin's right. I need to tread carefully here. As much as I want to know the prism's secrets, if I delve for them too deeply, I could lose myself to it. We both saw where that could lead, back in that violet pit. I should apologize for pushing the matter..." There's WAY too much to go into with the prism, and I'll do it another day, but almost half of Helena's notes on extinction revolve around it. It's safe to say that it's importa- Wait. Wait. Wait. No. Wait. No. What? No. I just remembered how we lost our implant at the end of extinction. Where did it go? For a moment that's hat I thought the prism was. But it literally can't be. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 People seem to think that the tentacle is one of the survivor we see get corrupted. I guess this could make sense, as if it was really Rockwell, HLNA would react more like: "Who the f**k is that?" instead of "Well f**k". She seems to have already known what to expect. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 Also does anyone have any tips on how to make early game ARK more... Fun? Interesting? Anything? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 4 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: People seem to think that the tentacle is one of the survivor we see get corrupted. I guess this could make sense, as if it was really Rockwell, HLNA would react more like: "Who the f**k is that?" instead of "Well f**k". She seems to have already known what to expect. @TinyHippo It would make sense too: The survivor probably passed Rockwell's tests and he did to HER what he did with the bulbdog!! It all makes sense now!! Why didn't I see it before?! SHE is working for Rockwell! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 But wait... It took Rockwell a while before he became what he did... Did he ramp up the process? Also I doubt Rockwell would ant to work with us seeing as we haven't exactly been the best of chums before... It would be interesting to see it happen though... That it would... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 8 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: 1. The overseer is meant to maintain any said environment, yet the OBs are meant to hold up the ARK's forcefield. The overseer, more specifically, maintains what dinosaurs spawn where, what humans spawn where, what lootcrates spawn where, what they contain (usually medium crop plots) and in the overseer chamber there was a supposed terminal displaying different ARKs, and it would teleport you to them (According to the survivors). Fun fact: Mei Yin defeated the Alpha Overseer solo with just a sword. About the city terminals, and even the lootcrate terminals- I dunno, maybe we exploit them in order to craft items within them via hacking. Hacking seems to be a pretty present thing in ARK, and I doubt our survivor should be underestimated. About the teleporters, as we know, the tek WE craft is more offbrand than official according to Diana, and I'd assume the teleporter is just the same. 2. In my honest opinion I was just spitballing there. HLNA used her sensors during a discovery to detect human life while we were on Earth, but there was none. I dunno if this includes the survivors or not- and if it did that would be very very very interesting. Of course, game lore and gameplay are constantly stabbing at eachother, so even in a pvp server playing with others, it may very well be canon that we are alone- though gameplay tells otherwise. Remember- LORE FIRST! She DID however detect something along the lines of UNSTABLE LIFE DETECTED in ascension code in the same discovery. Can't remember where I saw that, but I think that it was from one of you guys. Maybe there ARE humans on Earth- but they got corrupted? Maybe the unstable life is the monster we saw in the P2 Teaser. Maybe Extinction IS after AB crashed, and the unstable life is Rockwell's army. The DLC does appear right after The Island on the main screen. About Arat Prime, we really don't have much info on that besides the fact that HELENA lead Mei and Diana there before we even got to Extinction- which I find incredibly interesting. We also know that it's tied to the simulation. Weather or not it's tied to the Space Colony is unknown- yet probable. Anything past that, is just a bit of a blur. Good theories all around. 1) The Overseer is the AI that maintains the entire system of any given Ark, and how it all works together. I think it would be more correct to say that the Observation Deck is what holds up the forcefield. When Diana and friends bombed the Deck, the forcefield went with it, which allowed the sun to destroy the surface after. Meanwhile, we can see that on Earth, the obelisks hold the task of both maintaining the environment and stopping the Corruption (lore wise) from getting in. Quite frankly, I'd wager that the obelisks are much more versatile than just one single purpose, I'd guess that they served as a sort of central point of a given city or so (like the Sanctuary) and were also used as a way to maintain an environment in an area and many other purposes, and teleporting is just one of many. They create a network between eachother and have all the uses that come with it. Helena Deus describes the Obelisks as a 'source of power.' I think it's most correct to say that their main purpose is to be a central point of an area. 2) We know that AP is connected to the CS (colony ship) because AP is connected to the GenSim (Helena Deus had to go to Arat Prime to access the GenSim) which is connected to the CS, so at the very least, AP is indirectly connected to the CS and if you want to get to the CS then AP is where you need to go. As for the unstable life, I'd guess that refers just generally to the element-adapted and Corruption that exists on the planet, or maybe even us, but definitely not to normal humans. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 AGH!! My typing hand aches and aches! But I can't stop lol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 2 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: But wait... It took Rockwell a while before he became what he did... Did he ramp up the process? Also I doubt Rockwell would ant to work with us seeing as we haven't exactly been the best of chums before... It would be interesting to see it happen though... That it would... Yea, it would be an uneasy alliance to say the least, but the cat's out of the bag and he obviously didn't want to leave the Sim yet so he might just go for it 6 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: @TinyHippo It would make sense too: The survivor probably passed Rockwell's tests and he did to HER what he did with the bulbdog!! It all makes sense now!! Why didn't I see it before?! SHE is working for Rockwell! That's something I hadn't considered. Rockwell could have corrupted someone else and that's why it looks so different. That would make sense. However, I get the feeling that it would still follow a general pattern with Rockwell, like how all Corrupted things on Earth followed a general visually similar appearance. 19 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: I'm also still interested in whatever the heck Helena put inside of her implant to make herself... You know, get all weak and philosophical and whatnot leading up into her ascension. "When I said that things got "fuzzy" when I touched the artifact, that's not really the whole truth. I remember bits and pieces of it - images, flipping across my vision in rapid succession. At first they were hard to distinguish, but now that Mei-Yin has allowed me to study the prism at a distance, they're gradually becoming clearer. A man made of light, monsters roaring, a sky on fire...they didn't seem like memories. At least not mine. If the prism put those images in my head, well that's a little frightening, honestly. Mei-Yin's right. I need to tread carefully here. As much as I want to know the prism's secrets, if I delve for them too deeply, I could lose myself to it. We both saw where that could lead, back in that violet pit. I should apologize for pushing the matter..." There's WAY too much to go into with the prism, and I'll do it another day, but almost half of Helena's notes on extinction revolve around it. It's safe to say that it's importa- Wait. Wait. Wait. No. Wait. No. What? No. I just remembered how we lost our implant at the end of extinction. Where did it go? For a moment that's hat I thought the prism was. But it literally can't be. Yea, that prism... Well, I'm not really sure what to make of it. It glowed like the sun according to the notes, so I'd expect a bright orange color or similar, but we haven't seen anything like that besides the normal artifacts which obviously are not the same thing. Its purpose seems to clearly be to prep someone for ascension to Deus, but that's really all we know. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 26 minutes ago, TinyHippo said: Yea, it would be an uneasy alliance to say the least, but the cat's out of the bag and he obviously didn't want to leave the Sim yet so he might just go for it That's something I hadn't considered. Rockwell could have corrupted someone else and that's why it looks so different. That would make sense. However, I get the feeling that it would still follow a general pattern with Rockwell, like how all Corrupted things on Earth followed a general visually similar appearance. Yea, that prism... Well, I'm not really sure what to make of it. It glowed like the sun according to the notes, so I'd expect a bright orange color or similar, but we haven't seen anything like that besides the normal artifacts which obviously are not the same thing. Its purpose seems to clearly be to prep someone for ascension to Deus, but that's really all we know. Maybe it's prep- but it was specifically designed for an implant. I wonder if it was meant specifically for survivors, or survivor more to the point. Maybe the Tek-Era humans had implants too, who knows? People in Sweden are already getting their hands microchipped as we speak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 2 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: Maybe it's prep- but it was specifically designed for an implant. I wonder if it was meant specifically for survivors, or survivor more to the point. Maybe the Tek-Era humans had implants too, who knows? People in Sweden are already getting their hands microchipped as we speak. I'd wager the implant was probably step 1 for ascending. Chances are good that the implant was used as a common tool among humans in the tek era, for all the good and bad that a device that like can do. Either that, or it was only used by a few people and was just made standard for the Ark Survivor program. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 Alright, I think it's a sign of farewell when every conceivable bone in both your hands are broken from typing and you start to feel like you're sitting on sand paper. Ouch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castlerock Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 Fun fact: Mei Yin defeated the Alpha Overseer solo with just a sword. Im more curious as to where u got this from. Based on the island explorer notes, it was Nerva who defeated the overseer but he lost his men and beasts to defeat it, then Mei Yin shows up for her revenge. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 3 hours ago, Castlerock said: Im more curious as to where u got this from. Based on the island explorer notes, it was Nerva who defeated the overseer but he lost his men and beasts to defeat it, then Mei Yin shows up for her revenge. Probably because Mei went alone after them and in gameplay the cave would've closed behind Nerva and Mei would've had to go through it over again. This is a time where gameplay and story don't 100% match, Mei definitely didn't fight the Overseer or anything 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 (edited) Here's it is @Castlerock and @TinyHippo "I suspect Nerva knew that he would not fare well in battle. After taking a couple blows from my sword, he dashed off into the darkness. However, I know he was deeply wounded. His blood cannot lie. I suspect this command center was created by something with technology far beyond most normal comprehension. In the distance I can see several worlds, one that is clearly a place I've been. I am now sure that there are more of these worlds. That scoundrel Nerva must have escaped before he could meet his death. Little does he know, I won't give up that easily, I will find him in whatever realm he travels to. There is a terminal that sits upon a platform near the end of the command center. Surely, through some combination of codes, that must unlock travel to other worlds. But it does not. It only adds another foe to be slain by the Beast Queen." We also know that the survivors take on the Alpha variants of bosses, as Rockwell in Scorched Earth mentions back on The Island you needed 8 artifacts to summon a boss, but he only needed 3 for access to the manticore. (Definitely gamma manticore then.) I have all the notes on ARK except for the HLNA and mobile ones printed out in a gigantic sheet that I read ritually- I'd recommend you guys do the same, as that's how I get all of my little details for theorizing. There's some good stuffs in there! Edited September 1, 2020 by ArkTheoryApprentice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castlerock Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 Here's it is [mention=1298574]Castlerock[/mention] and [mention=926688]TinyHippo[/mention] "I suspect Nerva knew that he would not fare well in battle. After taking a couple blows from my sword, he dashed off into the darkness. However, I know he was deeply wounded. His blood cannot lie. I suspect this command center was created by something with technology far beyond most normal comprehension. In the distance I can see several worlds, one that is clearly a place I've been. I am now sure that there are more of these worlds. That scoundrel Nerva must have escaped before he could meet his death. Little does he know, I won't give up that easily, I will find him in whatever realm he travels to.There is a terminal that sits upon a platform near the end of the command center. Surely, through some combination of codes, that must unlock travel to other worlds. But it does not. It only adds another foe to be slain by the Beast Queen." We also know that the survivors take on the Alpha variants of bosses, as Rockwell in Scorched Earth mentions back on The Island you needed 8 artifacts to summon a boss, but he only needed 3 for access to the manticore. (Definitely gamma manticore then.) I have all the notes on ARK except for the HLNA and mobile ones printed out in a gigantic sheet that I read ritually- I'd recommend you guys do the same, as that's how I get all of my little details for theorizing. There's some good stuffs in there!Yes i read have read that before. It clearly says it is after Nerva lost his men and beasts to kill the overseer before Mei Yin got to him, otherwise she would have to fight his army as well. Mei Yin only fought Nerva, not the overseer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 4 hours ago, Castlerock said: 6 hours ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: Here's it is [mention=1298574]Castlerock[/mention] and [mention=926688]TinyHippo[/mention] "I suspect Nerva knew that he would not fare well in battle. After taking a couple blows from my sword, he dashed off into the darkness. However, I know he was deeply wounded. His blood cannot lie. I suspect this command center was created by something with technology far beyond most normal comprehension. In the distance I can see several worlds, one that is clearly a place I've been. I am now sure that there are more of these worlds. That scoundrel Nerva must have escaped before he could meet his death. Little does he know, I won't give up that easily, I will find him in whatever realm he travels to.There is a terminal that sits upon a platform near the end of the command center. Surely, through some combination of codes, that must unlock travel to other worlds. But it does not. It only adds another foe to be slain by the Beast Queen." We also know that the survivors take on the Alpha variants of bosses, as Rockwell in Scorched Earth mentions back on The Island you needed 8 artifacts to summon a boss, but he only needed 3 for access to the manticore. (Definitely gamma manticore then.) I have all the notes on ARK except for the HLNA and mobile ones printed out in a gigantic sheet that I read ritually- I'd recommend you guys do the same, as that's how I get all of my little details for theorizing. There's some good stuffs in there! Yes i read have read that before. It clearly says it is after Nerva lost his men and beasts to kill the overseer before Mei Yin got to him, otherwise she would have to fight his army as well. Mei Yin only fought Nerva, not the overseer. I don't get it. Then what's the new foe that has been introduced by interacting with the terminal? It would make sense to me that it would be the overseer. Also T.H is right about lore not matching gameplay, because Nerva accessed the cave by using the 3 ALPHA "keys" (Trophies/Boss heads) to get in. Can the alpha trophies be used for gamma access? Then Nerva/Mei would have defeated the gamma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted September 1, 2020 Share Posted September 1, 2020 7 hours ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: There is a terminal that sits upon a platform near the end of the command center. Surely, through some combination of codes, that must unlock travel to other worlds. But it does not. It only adds another foe to be slain by the Beast Queen." Very interesting, I hadn't noticed that. I guess I was wrong then, it seems she did fight the Overseer. Nerva had already left which means he already finished the Overseer fight, there are no enemies there for her other than the Overseer again, which makes sense as it was supposed to test each team that went through. Then again though, Mei must've snuck in before the door closed which would've meant she was with Nerva's group and the completion should've included her too. I'd suggest she might've meant it metaphorically as in the challenge of using the console was her new foe but it just doesn't seem very metaphorical when reading it. I don't think we can guess whether they did alpha or gamma or what though, there are too many discrepancies. No obelisk on the Island needs 8 artifacts to activate. To answer your question though, you can use alpha trophies for gamma (or beta) access, and you can use beta trophies for gamma access. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 17 hours ago, TinyHippo said: Very interesting, I hadn't noticed that. I guess I was wrong then, it seems she did fight the Overseer. Nerva had already left which means he already finished the Overseer fight, there are no enemies there for her other than the Overseer again, which makes sense as it was supposed to test each team that went through. Then again though, Mei must've snuck in before the door closed which would've meant she was with Nerva's group and the completion should've included her too. I'd suggest she might've meant it metaphorically as in the challenge of using the console was her new foe but it just doesn't seem very metaphorical when reading it. I don't think we can guess whether they did alpha or gamma or what though, there are too many discrepancies. No obelisk on the Island needs 8 artifacts to activate. To answer your question though, you can use alpha trophies for gamma (or beta) access, and you can use beta trophies for gamma access. By 8 artifacts, I mean the 3 cave ones and then the dino trophies aswell. Speaking of which, I always seem to be low on Titanboa venom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 22 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: By 8 artifacts, I mean the 3 cave ones and then the dino trophies aswell. Speaking of which, I always seem to be low on Titanboa venom. That may be what you were thinking, but here's the full quote from Rockwell: The obelisk is reacting to the presence of the artifacts with even more intensity than I expected. Each obelisk on the Island required eight artifacts to generate that sort of response, not three. In other words, I may not need to do any spelunking before summoning whatever terrifying beast this ARK has in store for me. Rockwell is clearly referring to artifacts themselves when he says this, not to just general tributes. The Island's obelisks required 3, 3, and 4 artifacts to summon a boss, 10 in total for all of them, but according to Rockwell you'd need 8 each, 24 in total. Also, if he was including tributes, he still couldn't reach 8 total items because each tribute (with exceptions) needs 5 for even beta so the number would be way past 8 Point is, it's inconsistent with the gameplay, and we therefore can't make any conclusions based on this. We can't even say for sure if the 3 difficulties exist story-wise instead of just being one boss. Sure the Sanctuary says something about gamma level personnel so the gamma/beta/alpha tier dynamic exists but that doesn't really mean anything about bosses on Arks. So I think we should just go with 'they beat the bosses' and not try to figure out any difficulties or anything. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 29 minutes ago, TinyHippo said: That may be what you were thinking, but here's the full quote from Rockwell: The obelisk is reacting to the presence of the artifacts with even more intensity than I expected. Each obelisk on the Island required eight artifacts to generate that sort of response, not three. In other words, I may not need to do any spelunking before summoning whatever terrifying beast this ARK has in store for me. Rockwell is clearly referring to artifacts themselves when he says this, not to just general tributes. The Island's obelisks required 3, 3, and 4 artifacts to summon a boss, 10 in total for all of them, but according to Rockwell you'd need 8 each, 24 in total. Also, if he was including tributes, he still couldn't reach 8 total items because each tribute (with exceptions) needs 5 for even beta so the number would be way past 8 Point is, it's inconsistent with the gameplay, and we therefore can't make any conclusions based on this. We can't even say for sure if the 3 difficulties exist story-wise instead of just being one boss. Sure the Sanctuary says something about gamma level personnel so the gamma/beta/alpha tier dynamic exists but that doesn't really mean anything about bosses on Arks. So I think we should just go with 'they beat the bosses' and not try to figure out any difficulties or anything. Fair enough, you have a point there. Still irked about that venom though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 1 minute ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: Fair enough, you have a point there. Still irked about that venom though. >kill a snake >get 0 venom >repeat to infinity SNAKES WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArkTheoryApprentice Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 Just now, TinyHippo said: >kill a snake >get 0 venom >repeat to infinity SNAKES WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME I swear at one point in time it was a guaranteed drop to get 2 per kill, and I'd have oodles of em. Eh, I restarted my data again and I'd have no use for them anyways. Very discouraged with my progression in all of my playthroughs. Can't even beat the first boss- The caves intimidate me and I never wan't to go for artifacts lmao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyHippo Posted September 2, 2020 Share Posted September 2, 2020 2 minutes ago, ArkTheoryApprentice said: I swear at one point in time it was a guaranteed drop to get 2 per kill, and I'd have oodles of em. Eh, I restarted my data again and I'd have no use for them anyways. Very discouraged with my progression in all of my playthroughs. Can't even beat the first boss- The caves intimidate me and I never wan't to go for artifacts lmao The gamma monkey is so stupidly easy to kill you can do it with trikes and worse. Hyeanas will kill that weak as hell ape. The hardest part is getting the artifacts. The artifacts are a bit tricky but once you know what you're doing or if you bring a high level bary with a decent saddle you'll be fine for the surface caves. The underwater cave for the monkey is a joke. Just go for them when you have spare stuff, even a failure is just information to help you next time. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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