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Community Crunch 236: New Sponsored Mod, and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin

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Credit: Jacob

Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch.  This week we take a look at a new sponsored mod and great fan art from the community!

New Sponsored Mod

Simple Spawners


Simple Spawners is a popular utility mod that makes it easy to customize maps to suit the desires and needs of your server. Having expanded from creature spawners the mod adds useful tools like setting up no-build zones, no-fly zones, nests, harvestable resources, radiation zones, and loot crate/beacon points. With Simple Spawners you can get quite creative with how you customize your server map!

Check out Simple Spawners


EVO Event


There will be no EVO event this week.

Community Fan Art

Glowtail by Slimeyspore11


Glow Pug by chocodeamon


Photoshopping Some ARK by bluedragonark


ARK Aberration: The Spine by RobynTheDragon


A Fun Wonder by ARKLove9


Craft Station On Sea by SKRMT_


ARK PvP Event by MayaPatch


Argentavis magnificens by Vignar



That's it for this week!

Studio Wildcard 

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  • Administrator
11 minutes ago, mEgstad69420 said:

When will the bug that Crystal Isles is devoid of life be fixed?

We have taken a look at the Crystal Isle spawners and everything appears to be in order. The map is quite large compared to the others, so it might be that you just haven't encountered as many creatures when actively playing due to its sheer size.

Which platform and game mode do you play on? We'll take a deeper dive.

There's an argument that we could perhaps increase the spawn count so that more creatures are available, but it's a lever we have to be careful with as the map already carries a large performance requirement to its size, having more spawns would take this up another notch. If you're on an Unofficial Server or Single Player, you do have the option to increase the spawns yourself by adjusting the Dino Count config/slider which defaults to 1.0. 

10 minutes ago, ScuzzyUUK said:

Okay so when will there be an Evo event, you guys said you'd speak more about evos once the new rates came and so far we've only had "no Evo this week, try again next week"

The bonus rates that would have come from 'Evo Events' have been baked into the game now with the default being bumped up to 2x in the most recent major version. We will be hosting events again in the future of course, in particular around holidays & special occasions.


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6 minutes ago, Jatheish said:

We have taken a look at the Crystal Isle spawners and everything appears to be in order. The map is quite large compared to the others, so it might be that you just haven't encountered as many creatures when actively playing due to its sheer size.

Which platform and game mode do you play on? We'll take a deeper dive.

There's an argument that we could perhaps increase the spawn count so that more creatures are available, but it's a lever we have to be careful with as the map already carries a large performance requirement to its size, having more spawns would take this up another notch. If you're on an Unofficial Server or Single Player, you do have the option to increase the spawns yourself by adjusting the Dino Count config/slider which defaults to 1.0. 

The bonus rates that would have come from 'Evo Events' have been baked into the game now with the default being bumped up to 2x in the most recent major version. We will be hosting events again in the future of course, in particular around holidays & special occasions.


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!

Will it help the performance if every tribe was limited 250 dinos instead of the original 500? (And maybe decrease mating times 50%). Considering the large size of the map, as you said, it's a paradise for breeders throwing 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 dinosaurs out to mate them non stop. (An alliance focused on breeding only).

Decreasing the numbers of dinosaurs out should help improve that, right?

Edit: Typo.

Edited by StaceyMalibu
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  • Administrator
2 minutes ago, StaceyMalibu said:

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!

Will it help the performance if every tribe was limited 250 dinos instead of the original 500? (And maybe decrease mating times 50%). Considering the large size of the map, as you said, it's a paradise for breeders throwing 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 dinosaurs out to mate them non stop. (An alliance focused on breeding only).

Decreasing the numbers of dinosaurs out should help improve that, right?

Edit: Typo.

Sure, that would help but of the two options we prefer that players are able to have more tames and keep the wild creature count at a consistent level to other maps, but these are definitely settings you could tweak on your own server! As for decreasing in mating time, it might just result in more people mating :P 

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1 hour ago, Jatheish said:

We have taken a look at the Crystal Isle spawners and everything appears to be in order. The map is quite large compared to the others, so it might be that you just haven't encountered as many creatures when actively playing due to its sheer size.

Which platform and game mode do you play on? We'll take a deeper dive.

There's an argument that we could perhaps increase the spawn count so that more creatures are available, but it's a lever we have to be careful with as the map already carries a large performance requirement to its size, having more spawns would take this up another notch. If you're on an Unofficial Server or Single Player, you do have the option to increase the spawns yourself by adjusting the Dino Count config/slider which defaults to 1.0. 

The bonus rates that would have come from 'Evo Events' have been baked into the game now with the default being bumped up to 2x in the most recent major version. We will be hosting events again in the future of course, in particular around holidays & special occasions.


I believe the problem is that the spawns are so concentrated in specific points, and this can be seen in water where u travel long distances seeing no life then suddenly you see an spot of lets say 4x4x4 foundations in which there are concentrated 4 dunkleos, 10 piranhas, 8 eels, 10 cnidarias.

Same happen around the north part past the desert. There is a spot where u can often see a bunch of brontos all together.

For me its not really a big problem but its a fact that doing meat farm runs takes more time than usual on this map.

Edited by arkark
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@Jatheish can we fix fence foundations snapping?  Also fix the timer for cables and related components to something longer than wood timers?  That and up the timers for the oil pumps?  Or in the very least allow private servers to adjust those settings without having to adjust all the other things to be too long?  A couple of days for the oil pumps and not very many for the electric components is too short for us casual players.  LOL  That and I leave the oil pump unlocked for others to use but keep having to go to it to make sure it doesn't decay.  :/ 

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2 hours ago, Jatheish said:

We have taken a look at the Crystal Isle spawners and everything appears to be in order. The map is quite large compared to the others, so it might be that you just haven't encountered as many creatures when actively playing due to its sheer size.

Which platform and game mode do you play on? We'll take a deeper dive.

There's an argument that we could perhaps increase the spawn count so that more creatures are available, but it's a lever we have to be careful with as the map already carries a large performance requirement to its size, having more spawns would take this up another notch. If you're on an Unofficial Server or Single Player, you do have the option to increase the spawns yourself by adjusting the Dino Count config/slider which defaults to 1.0. 

The bonus rates that would have come from 'Evo Events' have been baked into the game now with the default being bumped up to 2x in the most recent major version. We will be hosting events again in the future of course, in particular around holidays & special occasions.


Hey there!

Any idea on whether or not there is a way to disable that infuriating 2 pressure plate limit without using mods? Ini configs?

Thanks, have a great day!

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2 hours ago, Jatheish said:

We have taken a look at the Crystal Isle spawners and everything appears to be in order. The map is quite large compared to the others, so it might be that you just haven't encountered as many creatures when actively playing due to its sheer size.

Which platform and game mode do you play on? We'll take a deeper dive.

There's an argument that we could perhaps increase the spawn count so that more creatures are available, but it's a lever we have to be careful with as the map already carries a large performance requirement to its size, having more spawns would take this up another notch. If you're on an Unofficial Server or Single Player, you do have the option to increase the spawns yourself by adjusting the Dino Count config/slider which defaults to 1.0. 

The bonus rates that would have come from 'Evo Events' have been baked into the game now with the default being bumped up to 2x in the most recent major version. We will be hosting events again in the future of course, in particular around holidays & special occasions.


So why keep bothering putting "no Evo event this weekend" in community crunch if you don't plan to go any higher than the new base rates, that's what I'm asking will there be Evo weekends on top of the new base rates or is this what we get, not asking about events, not asking about base rates, I'm asking if Evo weekends will continue at any point

Edited by ScuzzyUUK
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Could you please add in genesis part 2 a dragon that can be tamed, a dragon wyvern whatever is aquatic and they steal the eggs in the water and have an attack in the water a whirlpool that attracts enemies and a giant bat that  It can be mounted and has echolocation I would love to take it out or take it into account. 


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Yo jat seriously push for something to be done about the breeding in ark official man its aids for anyone with a life outside of the game, 2x breeding or some sort of tek item that feeds baby dinos, i dont have 28hrs to feed a baby giga when i have a new baby to apply my time to, love this game but things are getting easier in every area (farming, taming, xp) the only thing that is bad about the game is the baby feeding timer its too demanding for something so trivial. 

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10 minutes ago, jaywolf25 said:

Yo jat seriously push for something to be done about the breeding in ark official man its aids for anyone with a life outside of the game, 2x breeding or some sort of tek item that feeds baby dinos, i dont have 28hrs to feed a baby giga when i have a new baby to apply my time to, love this game but things are getting easier in every area (farming, taming, xp) the only thing that is bad about the game is the baby feeding timer its too demanding for something so trivial. 

last time i rasied a giga took me 4 months since since you know RL 

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Ehi devs this is really important we are playing on classic official on the new crystal isles servers, you guys posted different patch notes about the upcoming 4x coming on official, and for the first 2 days we had it, but right after the server falled back to 2x so what is your plan? Because we have no clue and you guys just didn't said anything about this fact and I would really like to receive an answer.. Also are you going to add 2 x on breeding? 

Edited by Alexciga
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