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Character Lost - Mega Thread


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Hello Thursday 12/31/2020 at 1:50 p.m. I transferred with my survivor SKUDDD (human) 105 from the server eu.ps4.official.pve.extinction991 to eu.ps4.offical.pve. aberration614 I reappeared on the bed then the game blocked for 2 minutes then m kicked out of the server I reconnect and I no longer have my survivor I can not download it it does not appear and I saw at the bottom used current survivor seen that I had already reappeared what I did but nothing no bed to reappear and my survivor is not on extinction either. I don't understand how to get my survivor back how can I get him back?     Ps I'm not an English speaker sorry for the spelling mistakes. 

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I was in 843 the island NA and I transferred to aberration server 796 NA and we just beat Rockwell on gamma but when I tried to spawn in it kicked me from the game and said lost connection so I was like okay cool I’ll just reaload and I’ll be fine but when I reloaded my character was gone! And I tried to go to 843 and it wasn’t there to be downloaded either. Please somebody help me and I don’t know my specimen implant number either 😖I tried reinstalling ark on my ps5 and nothing happened still the same problem. 

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On the unoffical server that I have been playing on every single time that  transfer between the server clusters I lose my character. this started the other day where I lost my lvl 115 character and my lvl 147 rockdrake when transferring from abberation to extinction but now every single time I try to switch maps I lose my character. Is there any way to fix this as if i CAN Not I will no longer chose to play and that sucks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lost my character on roughly level 65-70 if I’m not mistaken a couple days ago and just now I lost another character on level 30-40 and I don’t have any screenshots of either one as it is a random thing to do and never crossed my mind before. This is so agitating as I have had to start from scratch TWO times now and have had my base blown to shreds because of lack of level, lack of stats,  lack of equipment and lack of Dino tames. Please help. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to get off Abberation, and it took me about 5 hours, by the time I got off I was super tired. I figured that I could just plop on a server and it would glow when I got on the next day, I was wrong and now I have searched about 150 rag servers, found characters I lost a long time ago, but not the one I am looking for, My Character was level 98 and I will be super sad If I cant find him.  Is there any faster way to find him?

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13 minutes ago, Tmanminer1 said:

I was trying to get off Abberation, and it took me about 5 hours, by the time I got off I was super tired. I figured that I could just plop on a server and it would glow when I got on the next day, I was wrong and now I have searched about 150 rag servers, found characters I lost a long time ago, but not the one I am looking for, My Character was level 98 and I will be super sad If I cant find him.  Is there any faster way to find him?

If you're on Steam, you can try using Battlemetrics to see which servers your character has been to recently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good night, I had a character that I sometimes left in the cloud, there was an update that ended up deleting the characters in the cloud.
I already accepted that she was gone, but she was the owner of my tribe in Genesis 662 - "Mandalorianos". the character's name is "Amorozza" I would like the base to be for my main character "Fogozza". Thanks. 😊

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  • 3 weeks later...

I transfers my character yesterday and down loaded it on crystal isle in official and i logged of logged back in and it was go my lvl 102 with all ten engrams was gone vanished went to the server I transfers off of and wasn’t there either it’s gone WILDCARD FIX UR poop this is my second character thts disappears and I opend a support ticket and all I got from y’all was a middle finger I WANT MY CHARACTER BACK on Xbox did I mention I had a full kit on me with 3 top stat manas n gigs and 11 heavy turrets pls fix this 

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I got on today and had access to all my characters, then the server started to lag real bad so I transferred out and got some error code like login locked or something like that.. tried to rejoin server I couldn't. I then proceeded to close the game then reopened it and tried to join a different server. I was able to then when i choose to download a different character they were all gone.. Please anyone have good news for me? Is it possible that the game is just glitched? Or are they gone for good? IF SO CAN I GET A F IN THE CHAT???

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On 10/12/2019 at 5:17 PM, Ancalagon said:

I lost my character

How is possible that during transfer from ragnarok to valguero, valguero server crashed and I lost my character, I tried go in ragnarok and nothing, go in valguero and nothing... Can I get pls an answer... 


!!! IF !!! You lose your character on Valguero, you !! DO NOT !! log back on into Ragnarok... (or any other server) Why would you go back to Ragnarok if you had your character on Valguero. You did the one thing you SHOULD NOT do... Sorry to say, faults on your side mostly, dont make such dumb decisions...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was doing missions with my main character on 120 genesis to get a mindwipe for my second character. Once I got one I teleported to volcanic E and died. I downloaded my second character into 120 with my main still on there I took the mindwipe out of my mains body and used it, then I went to scorched 54 for swamp fever when I came back to 120 I pressed “respawn existing survivor” I was stuck on the “respawning existing survivor” screen for 10 mins so I closed ark and  re opened it. When I was on 120 I accidentally created a new lv 1 character. Now I cannot respawn my existing survivor since the game thinks it’s already downloaded. I’ve been to previous servers and checked my uploaded survivors and it’s not there. Weirdly I have the same item upload on whatever character I use and my main characters name is highlighted when I look at mission leaderboards. This is all on PS4 Small tribes is there anything I can do?

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1 hour ago, Bossboy said:

I was doing missions with my main character on 120 genesis to get a mindwipe for my second character. Once I got one I teleported to volcanic E and died. I downloaded my second character into 120 with my main still on there I took the mindwipe out of my mains body and used it, then I went to scorched 54 for swamp fever when I came back to 120 I pressed “respawn existing survivor” I was stuck on the “respawning existing survivor” screen for 10 mins so I closed ark and  re opened it. When I was on 120 I accidentally created a new lv 1 character. Now I cannot respawn my existing survivor since the game thinks it’s already downloaded. I’ve been to previous servers and checked my uploaded survivors and it’s not there. Weirdly I have the same item upload on whatever character I use and my main characters name is highlighted when I look at mission leaderboards. This is all on PS4 Small tribes is there anything I can do?

My character was erased!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone 
 i lost my  char  (was erased form the island )

i was trying to tranfer my char from the island to Valgueiro Map  on red obelisk , but is gone 

can i get it back ?  ou  at least get my dinos back 

i was playing in Host/solo ( epic games ) and  i cant  join to my tribe with  another  character 
i need some help  please 

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