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Character Lost - Mega Thread


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I just lost my lvl 124 character due to this stupid 007 error while transferring to extinction from my genesis server. This is complete garbage. I had just grinded for several weeks to have over 65 100% imprinted tames.... I could honestly care less about losing the levels and the boss fights I can get those again fairly easy but for me to lose several months worth of tames where I freaking stayed up several nights to get 100% imprint on all my Dinos just for them to no longer be imprinted to me. This game is so disgusting I barely started playing a few months ago and everything I worked for is now gone.. I know I’m supposed to make a ticket and I have, but from what I’ve read this game has the worst customer service of any game I’ve ever seen. Many people have said that they never even received a response to their tickets and others have said that the wait time to meet with a GM is over 3 months. This is complete garbage, the fact that you can lose everything due to a game error. I’m not going to be able to grind the way I have ever again as I have real life stuff coming up and I was content with the amount of Dinos that I had raised. The devs of this game must really be heartless just to let people lose their characters and do nothing to help them while just allowing cheating and duping all throughout their game. I played the game 100% legit with a small group of friends, no mega tribe just some friends. I’m literally depressed from losing all of my imprints literally days after finishing all of them. 

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I'll respond to this topic because the devs won't any time soon, i just lost my character I've worked on for over a year, i just transferred and it was gone,i put in tickets,i put a post here and put a message on Twitter. No responses. I had a friend who went through this and never even got a reply and never got his character back, he just restarted. I had another that was a tribe leader who never got his back and we had no leader of our tribe creating all kinds of problems. They even scheduled a meeting 3 months out with him and they never showed.

I just created a brand new tech base that my wife and i spent 2 months farming for that now has no leader, and i just lost quite a few imprints including a new giga line that took me months to bargain for so now i have to raise this one without an imprint so i can start another one. I have a job where i work 12-15 hours a day. I think the wild card devs just seem to be trying their best to wait everyone out in hopes everyone will just create a new character. I do know that I've lost a lot of tames one time in a transfer due to a game error and all the devs told me was "we'll try to not let that happen again" and "sorry we can't give you your stuff back".

If you're new here, this developer is completely and utterly trash from top to bottom, don't get your hopes up. I stupidly bought this game for 3 consoles and my PC as well as all the expansions. They need to do everyone a favor and sell to Blizzard or some other competent company that knows how to do this work. 

After years of playing I'll say this, they'll never tell you when their game is having problems until well after it happens and they've fixed it, so they let everyone think something's happening on their end of things forcing people to restart their Xbox, their network, try other consoles reload games, redownload files and everything they can think of because the players feel like if the company isn't reporting a problem then they don't know about it and it must just be them it's happening to. Literally right now you can go to their Twitter and all you see is Genesis 2 advertisements and new updates upcoming, nothing about the fact that tons of people have lost their characters due to their screw ups.

Good luck man

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Hey, I recently tried transferring from OC Valguero 1079 to OC Island 929 Thursday 1st October around 9:30pm AWST and when attempting to spawn in (boss rexes and my personal giga and wyvern in my inventory) it gave me the 007 character failed to transfer error my survivor is level 124 named ThievinSteven with survive implant ID sample #: 216310331 and Alpha Megapithecus, Alpha Dragon, Alpha Manticore aswell as Rockwell ascension done. My inventory had 16 boss rexes, 2 yuty and 1 Dawson with other assorted flak and weapons for defence in the boss fight... I’ve tried getting it back for over an hour and it’s well and truly gone so if any help could be provided from a GM that would be fantastic because that is so much work down the drain especially with imprints and everything. 

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I was transferring my main character from oc637 island to oc1053 ext with some stuff and transfer froze. I waited till I got dc and when attempting to get back got message that a player with same gt was already there so logged out and in and my character does not appear on transfer list. Nor the other one I have there is showing up.

every day a new surprise from ark....

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I lost my level 96 character just this morning 4am ish Pacific. I was transfering from the Island to Ragnorak. I got to spawn map on Rag with beds, chose spawn, and as soon as I hit respawn. Straight to character creation screen, and no sign of my character on either server or any other I've recently visited

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You read that right. I had transferred back into NA-PVE-XBOXOFFICIAL-Valguero1096. I had been on the server for around 10 minutes when this happened.

Hooped on Argy, picked up Anky, cruised to some metal spawns. Got some metal. Cruised to another metal spawn got that metal, then while walking to a spawn near that one with Anky game lagged out and I was disconnected from the server. Was unable to reconnect. Killed game and restarted Ark. Still unable to resolve address. Power cycled Xbox One. Bingo! Got in, but what's this? My character is gone. The game wants me to make a new character. Okay. Sure, I'll just download my survivor then, right? Nope. Never shows up. Went tot the Rag server I was on. Nope. Character's not there and doesn't show when I tell it to download character. I JUST hit lvl 100 like 2 hours before this and had placed my tech transmitter. So now I'm locked out of my buildings and tribes unless a tribe-mate comes and I decide to make a new character.



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A lot of us have lost characters in the past couple of weeks.  I lost my character and customer support was unable or unwilling to help me in time before all my bases, tames and gear disappeared as well.  I am sorry it has happened to you - this bug is just about as terrible as any game but that I have ever heard of: thousands of hours of game progress wiped out.

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What's so aggravating is they could if they'd take the time to go on the servers and look at previous saves and pull the last saved files for your character. There's 2 files they need. Would be uber simple to fix this.

From what some have told me, this has been happening quite a bit since the server side patch on Tuesday. Have y'all also noticed when you login that your base is only like half rendered?


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