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Eggs production for Kibble


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Eggs production for Kibble

Hi everyone. I play on Cristal Isles 862 official server. I have tamed some PULMONOSCORPIUS (1 male and 4 female) to lay eggs. I also tamed Oviraptor to speed everything up. The problem is that they don't lay eggs !!! Now I have Tamed CARBONEMYS (1 Male and 4 Female) SAME problem. They don't lay eggs. Can you help me. It is the first time that something like this has happened to me .... on all the other servers I have never had these problems. I asked other guys on the server and they tell me they make eggs. I really don't understand.

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Turtles have always been tight with their eggs. Scorpions goes through phases where they are low for awhile and then do a bunch. 

Do you also have dodo's? Too many eggs in an area can stop egg production and dodo's are really bad for messing with that number. 

Try moving them a good distance away and see if that improves it.

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I don't know if this is a thing, but when my critters seem to slow down in egg drops or don't produce at all... I move them.  If they are standing on sand, for instance,  and not producing, I will move them to rocks or grass or forest or onto a foundation... anything different.  Sometimes it works.  I don't know why.  Coincidence? 

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If mine aren't laying many I'll build something big around my base, like  a wall or a new structure. For whatever reason (probably has to do with me doing stuff always in render range) they'll usually start producing.

This is of course on top of the usual stuff -- having several females near a male and an Oviraptor loaded with stone and set to wander.

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