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Studio Wild Card @WC  you made a beautiful game with masterpiece gameplay but , it's CHANGED NOW , please understand this .unbalancing and unfair stuff happened in PVP servers and its the most annoying problem ever we comprehended . 

we already knew if the server population reach to full that would make game to real hell and so much problems and lags . just imagination you can't even join back to your server because of full population  . so the question is how to prevent servers from high population ? the quick and right answer is : ALPHA TRIBES . 

the ALPHA TRIBES will make server empty and clean and we all knew it. just some player in Alpha tribes and a few mid size tribe as allies will count as 15~23 players . its pretty good way to enjoy the game . but it's like a 2 side of a coin . undefeatable ALPHA turned to (RMT) REAL MONEY TRADERS and they brings weekend's beach boob grifers to servers.

so how we can solve this problem's ? with removing creepy alphas and bringing the balance back to the game :

1 . make all caves unbuildable . having access to making a massive base with big safe area for structures and stuff and dino's in caves with just one or two entrance with easy defend and hard to attack . because every time other tribes attack them after so many fight at the end the alpha just lose an 6 or more big turret towers and tek defensive structures and  dino's and its easy to fix because they have backup and allies to help them to cover and rise and the main point is their main base is completely safe . i hate it

there is NO base in open area can defend and survive from one or two big fight's and if their main base hurt so they will lose power for a few days or weeks . if you are experienced ark player you saw this so many times and you understand what i'm saying . so  if WC makes caves unbuildable it will force all tribes to build on open area so the alpha's will defeat time by time and all tribes can have same chance to win .and most important NO  tribe  can't being alpha forever because unlimited power will cause corruption and will drag alpha to real money trader . who do you think selling good dinos? beach bobs or stone bases or mid size tribes???? otherwise the new tribe's they never can have chance to rise up so they will go to buy best dino's from alpha real money trader's because they have to .they need it . also other problem is weekend's beach bob's grifers who just come online to spend 100 dollars to buy managrmr whit 1000+ mele and titans and mek's to start ruining servers and hit good people and legal players who spending so many hours to make and rise their bases . they just drain turrets empty with dinos  they bought 20 min ago . 

2. Remove the managarme ability to breed and remove its saddle . this is the disaster . before devil managarme people used fighter petranodon and griffins and wyverns , gigas , trizilo .reaper anything to defend and fight back but now look at us . a 11 years old kid who just as weekends beach bob used devil managarmer who his brother bought from (ARMT) will kill best giga you have and you spend how long long time with fighting and cryo xp to upgraded .this is sadness .and then they will type most creepy trash talking in public chat against you . because they dont care and they have managramer. 

managarme destroyed game play, destroyed the benefits of all other dinos . i dont know how hard it is to understand ?  the beauty of ARK was ability to using so many different dino for war .

of course this is the game and if you want better stuff you have to buy all DLC . its great and challenging but buying best dino from moron RMT is completely different . 

we need , we want balance in PVP . this 2 request is our wish to see ARK fair again. 

we want survey . studio WILD CARD please add online survey and let us to choice what changes we really like to see in ARK ?







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