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[Question] Remove or replace Blood splatter/overlays completely on PC version


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[Question] Remove or replace Blood splatter/overlays completely on PC version

Hi, I am new to the forums and have tried for a few hours to remove all traces of blood from appearing in the game. I come here as a last resort (I know some people are jerks for no reason to people that want to remove blood, and I don't want to be the target of that).

Here's the story:
I have some younger siblings that would like to watch while I play and my parents have deemed the blood to be too graphic for them. I have looked up ways to remove it and every solution I have seen only removes it half the time or just doesn't succeed at all in removing it. If someone knows a way to completely remove the blood splatter and overlays that works with the current version, I would appreciate it if you could help me with this. I personally am okay with playing the game with the blood overlays. The main reason I want to know how to remove it is so that I can spend a little time with my younger siblings while I play.

For the players that may come in to bully me for not wanting to use blood because they feel offended by the idea that some people don't want to have blood in their game, keep playing your own game the way you like it and leave me to play it the way I want to. The way a person chooses to play a game shouldn't be cause to attack or bully someone - they don't hurt you or anything by playing it without blood, so why should you care? Everyone's life would be easier, your own included, if you just ignored questions like these - if you like blood in your games, there's nothing wrong with that. If someone wants to play without blood, there's nothing wrong with that. I will warn you now, if you come in to trash talk me for wanting to make the game more suitable for my siblings, I will ignore you.

I play a non dedicated with my brother, so I can use mods - I don't play on official servers.

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