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FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier - what does it affect specifically?


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FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier - what does it affect specifically?

I've been searching the question for all morning but there is little of easy to find info. The setting would greatly reduce grind for me as I play alone on 9 servers cluster using Tek Generators, Electrical Generators, Preserving Bins etc on several servers. I play irregularly and keep the cluster up almost every day while I'm awake.

My settings philosophy implies that if I have grinding disadvantage based on my low play time only the setting related to it should be set to x10. Such settings are Crop growing, Resource respawn, Battery discharge rate and similar. Currently I have no means to build Tek Forcefield protected bases in radiation zones, and zones exposed to meteorites, comets and volcanic projectiles as even one such base would require ungodly amount of grinding for fuel.

This setting might help with maintaining fuel consuming structures that use fuel when I'm offline.

Some old threads I read said there are unwanted consequences though. Jerky meat slows its production, wood barely burns to charcoal etc.

May I ask people who know how it works to list most of affected by FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier structures, items, creatures, anything else and some things that are not affected that are worth mentioning?

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