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Community Crunch 228: Summer Bash Extension, Patch Notes Roundup, and Summer Sale


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1 hour ago, GP said:

Give the command showmyadminmanager a go. This brings up a window on PC where you can select the cheats you want to use. Of course you still need to type that first one in but after that you can use the manager that appears.

I can't be certain whether it exists on console, but you could give it a try.

I've tried typing 'showmyadminmanager' on single player but not sure how to bring up cheat manager on that page and i can't scroll the server info

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Has anyone else had official servers disappear from the server list for hours at a time since the update? Official xbox extinction 1122 since the update seems to disappear from the list for hours at a time. Its missing for me now and i need to do an imprint on there. The thing is when you do manage to get on the server has clearly been running the whole time just not showing on the server list for some reason 

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it's good to have a news event... but when we have news color dino to have, we need to tame dino... without dino is difficult...
We have not OTTER and CASTEROID on the Genesis 1180 since the eggs event. should something please... we want a otter event.

why the tame of ferox is not multiplicate ?

PS: When arrive the wolf Saddle ? :)

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Are you guys going to fix the exploits with rock drake and blood stalker. Allowing them to line of sight turrets with tek saddle and destroying entire bases with. There are multiple people with videos showing this broken method. Please fix this 60$ game people put legit hours into the game for they base to be gone in 5min.

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This is not very "changed" Its still 10 prime meat jerky? Think about it, New players probably don't even have oil! What are they going to do. Now for the people that have stuff. Making prime meat jerky takes time , Other then that its used in kibble. If you ask me it shall be changed to cooked meat or even cooked prime meat. So it will be easier. Think about it , Last time u needed 5 cakes, And 1 party dodo was giving 8 cakes! Basicly if you killed 1 dodo you would be able to get 1 new chibi. And now? Its much harder.

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Its 50 cooked prime meat or prime meat jerky to craft anything for summer bash.....yet I can NOT  get prime meat back to my base since it expires in under 3 minutes....why does it expire so fast?  And why does it cost so much meat? Not fair to us new ark players.


Also why is my game so laggy all the time? I dont have any issues with my other games. It's been acting up ever since the update.


Sadly I was forced to remove my 2 week progress and start over from scratch so sadly I lost all my cake slices and all my games. :(

Edited by Princessl0llie
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I feel like your game find ways to purposely mess with its players. Example.  Running cave for artifact , get off tame to grab something get back on tame for ark to literally shove me and my tame into lava killing us both.  Like DILO.    Also I haven’t been able too I join any valguero or rag May enjoy since your updates.  It loads then stays in landscape sub level. Uninstall does not work

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On 7/3/2020 at 6:46 PM, Greatchawhee said:

PVE not able to pick up small Dino's? What is this garbage? You have a dilo chasing you. Easy to pick it up and fly it away and drop it. Now you gonna force me to kill it. Come on wildcard. I understand PVP limitations, even if it is only to appease the cry babies. But PVE?

WHY PLEASE INFORM US ON WHY a bird can't snatch up anything that could fit in it's claws. This shouldn't even be an issue. 

I can see why this may be an issue. Some Richard head picks up a bunch of Dilos/Raptors and drops them in someones base, Base owner is offline and thinks that his Passive dinos are all protected behind walls. Dilos whittle away at passive dinos because PVE doesn't have ORP.

Still, I dont like the idea of a forced setting.

Making this a option in settings is much preferred.

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 I haven’t been able too I join any valguero or rag May enjoy since your updates.  It loads then stays in landscape sub level. Uninstall does not work. I’m constantly having freezing issues when I open my bad or go to certain areas now.  Restarting and quiting  your game is slowing down the PS4.  What did you guys do with this last update?   There were no issues prior.  Imagine that

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