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Community Crunch 228: Summer Bash Extension, Patch Notes Roundup, and Summer Sale


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  • Wildcard Admin

Summer Bash Extension


We realize some players were unable to take part in the beginning of Summer Bash and have extended our Summer Bash event an extra week.  You have until July 21st to kick back and relax in the summer sun. Thank you for your patience as we worked through launch issues. 


Patch Notes Roundup


It's been a few months since we've done the last patch notes round-up and much has been added.  From the launch of Crystal Isles on PC to the introduction of ARK to the Epic Games Store, there's been much going on.  With hundreds of additions, changes, or fixes, we figured it'd be good to kick off an ARK summer with a recap of the past few months.

Significant Milestones

 - Launched Crystal Isles as a free expansion on PC
 - Launched ARK on the Epic Games Store
 - EGS Clients can now use the favourite server feature
 - Whisper (ALT+B) and Yell voice (Shift+B) chat have been added
 - New command line arg: -PublicIPForEpic=<IPAddress> 
If this command line arg is used, this is the public IP that EGS clients will attempt to connect to.
If this command line is missing and -Multihome is specified, then EGS clients will attempt to connect to the Multihome IP
Note that if you're using Multihome and specify a non-public IP address, then players will not be able to connect to your server using EGS. Make sure to set a public IP address (e.g WAN or external)

Crystal Wyverns

 - Crystal Wyverns can now be cryopoded
 - Crystal Wyverns can now be transferred between maps


 - Queen Bee will no longer spawn bees when encumbered
 - Queen Bee will take 3% of health as damage when a bee of hers is killed
 - Queen Bee will stop spawning bees when at 10% HP


 - Reduced MEK pistol damage to players by 85%
 - Reduced MEK Pistol range by 25%
 - Prevented MEKS from being able to be stacked inside each other


 - TEK Shield now has a limited number of crafts (like other TEK blueprints)
 - Fixed an issue with TEK durability that prevented stat capping
 - Made some UI improvements to the TEK Grenade Launcher and the Giant Turtle's Breath Attack

Creatures (General)

 - Scout can no longer pushed tamed dinos
 - Increased Ovis corpse harvesting scaling by 4x
 - Reduced the Giant Turtle's bubble-blowing attack on when above ground
 - Valguero Ice wyvern class switched to Ragnarok Ice Wyvern
 - Adjusted (reduced) the Thyla cost for cloning
 - Argents can no longer pick up smaller wild aggressive creatures in PvE


 - Introduced an increase incoming damage multiplier from the cryopod-release debuff


 - Additional protection added to glitches on Genesis
 - Titans cannot be transferred into Genesis
 - Managarmr cannot be ridden on regular Genesis servers (can be ridden on flyer-allowed servers)
 - Lava Lizard can now be spayed or neutered
 - Ferox breeding/mutation movement speed has been corrected to be consistent between small and large Ferox.
 - X-Dinos will now receive the Active Event Colour Override


 - Improved listing for Unofficial Servers on EGS clients
 - Re-implemented Multihome server functionality
 - Loot crates will now automatically open when purchased if you are flying or swimming
 - Created a cheat command to grant unlimited weight for admins (Cheat deeppockets or cheat infiniteweight)
 - Fertilized Eggs now have a warning when a player attempts to consume them
 - Mindwipe Tonic now warns players before being consumed
 - Corrupted Dinos can no longer be teleported
 - Set ORP activation timer to 10 seconds on Official PVE servers
 - Reduced scaling factor of sheep harvesting health to reduce stalls
 - Added additional protection to character downloads in invalid cases
 - Added additional logging on Official Servers to identify connection and listing issues.
 - Primal Crystal is now transferable
 - Genesis Geysers no longer restore the food stat
 - Jump Pad enemy foundation prevention removed
 - Limited the public teleport setting specifically for Official PvP
 - Disabled bRawSockets as they no longer function with the new game networking code
 - Added additional server-side transfer logging
 - Fixed some cases where the login lock could be bypassed


 - Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and more.
 - Fixed Dino Leash breaking on restart
 - Fixed a crash related to crafting items with the gamepad
 - Fixed a bug which would cause dinos to get stuck when using the Arctic NE teleport
 - Fixed players being unable to use the bunny-hop dance
 - Fixed a bug where using the rocket launcher could propel you backwards
 - Fixed a bug where some Crystal Wyverns could not be tamed properly
 - Fixed Tropical Wyvern from regaining health passively
 - Fixed Legacy Servers not showing up when transferring.
 - Fixed the 'Kicked by BattlEye' disconnection error
 - Fixed certain server map names not showing on the session filter
 - Fixed eggs and babies being teleported to 0,0 when in stasis
 - Fixed voice connection remnants after transferring to a different server
 - Fixed Linux servers not starting up
 - Fixed a client side crash when accessing inventories
 - Fixed Crystal Isles Map showing in all filters
 - Fixed a mating range bug
 - Fixed multiple server stalls
 - Fixed some missing icon related to holiday emotes
 - Fixed a bug which could have caused characters to fail to download
 - Retroactive fix for Valguero Ice Wyverns which were stuck as "Raptors" in cryopods. (Note: you'll still see the raptor icon until you deploy the cryopod)
 - Fixed a bug with Cruise Missiles which caused them to detonate on the player firing
 - Fixed a bug which prevented MEKs from attacking structures
 - Fixed an exploit with the Rock Drake
 - Fixed a bug that could cause items to transfer back to your own inventory when transferring from personal to remote with the T key.
 - Fixed a bug with the grenade launcher where it sometimes wouldn't use all its ammo
 - Fixed some bugs where XP was not being awarded properly when collecting Glitches
 - Fixed a crash that resulted when trying to craft an item from the hotbar
 - Fixed a bug where releasing from a cryopod using EnableCryopodNerf would cause them to take 10x damage for the time set.
 - Resolved some connection and start up issues with EGS clients
 - Fixed multiple start up crashes affecting some EGS clients
 - Fixed language overrides on EGS
 - Fixed EGS clients not being able to connect to password protected servers


 - Fixed some exploits related to ranged weapons and guns.
 - Fixed an exploit which allowed players to transfer items into non-downloadable servers
 - Fixed multiple undermesh exploits
 - Added some additional exploit protection to the transfer system
 - Added additional protection to GCM, Explorer Notes, and Glitches to address potential exploits
 - Improved anti mesh detection logic
 - Improved climbing pick logic to fix some meshing exploits
 - Fixed multiple exploits that allowed you to stack creatures on top of each other
 - Fixed several exploits with Magmasaur
 - Fixed a bug with certain creatures attacking through structure walls
 - Fixed an exploit that allowed mission creatures to be used in unintended ways
 - Fixed an exploit which allowed certain creatures to attack structures through walls
 - Adjusted several creatures for the prevention of mesh biting
 - Fixed an exploit with turrets and ziplines
 - Fixed an exploit with meshing and the cruise missile


ARK Summer Sale

Summer_Sale (1).jpg

Kick back enjoy a great start to your summer with the ARK Summer Sale.  For a limited time, ARK will be up to 80% off!

ARK on Steam

ARK on Epic Games Store


Playstation Network Free Multiplayer Weekend


Sony is celebrating PlayStation Plus’ big 10th anniversary this week. If you aren't a subscriber but want to check out the ARK Official Network, you’ll be able to from 12:01AM 4th July in your local timezone through 11:59PM 5th July.

EVO Event


While Summer Bash is active from June 25th to July 14th, there will be no special EVO event rates.

Summer Bash Rates

  • 3X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation)
  • 4X Player XP
  • 4X Harvesting
  • 4X Taming


Community Fan Art

Event Gachas by @nova_fox13


Valguero Rainbow by @welshwilco


Building With TEK by @sugarmodark


Exogenesis by @jeffrichey


Family by @Schillaa2


Shadow of Death by @grammar_gamer


Addicts Drawing by @wyvernadas


See you next week!

Studio Wildcard 

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

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There's been some good bugfixes lately but Ember Wyvern spawns are broken on all crystal isles official PC servers (no idea about console) ever since the Summer Bash update last thursday. There used to be dozens up at the time, now there is 1-3 up at any given time. Their spawn points have been changed too (used to spawn under the floating isles as well as the fire forest, now only spawns in very specific locations in the fire forest in VERY limited numbers). It's been 8 days since they were broken, it'd be nice if it was fixed before event ends :)

Also PLEASE let us rebind whisper and yell.

Edited by Hakush
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Will yall ever fix the tek bridge 

It still wont snap to anything and drops in 12hrs

Could you atleast extend the decay timer they are useless now because of snap being removed


For info

My system: Ark on xbox 1 all expansion packs owned official pve server

Edited by Stonecoldkiller
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I vote for Tek Bridges and Tek Trikes issues above. Tek Bridges would be a nice addition to Tek Jumppads and Tek Sensors. Transfer issues are top priority in my personal subjective list of importance. Maybe the team would reconsider non-transferable status of Chalk Golems too. Also transferable trophies and element - you can craft everything on Extinction and just use dust to make fuel anyway. Trophies are called so for a reason - fighting and defeating a stronger creature is rewarded with a trophy. If the trophy was deserved is there really any difference what map you got it on?

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PVE not able to pick up small Dino's? What is this garbage? You have a dilo chasing you. Easy to pick it up and fly it away and drop it. Now you gonna force me to kill it. Come on wildcard. I understand PVP limitations, even if it is only to appease the cry babies. But PVE?

WHY PLEASE INFORM US ON WHY a bird can't snatch up anything that could fit in it's claws. This shouldn't even be an issue. 

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More Like Thanks For Breaking The Game Last Update Now Ooh Look Let's Mess Up A Bunch More, Cant Wait For More My Dinos N Bases To Randomly Disappear Or Auto Decay For No Reason. Super Job With The Event Havent Even Playd It. Lost All Patience N Respect For This Game And Its Staff

Edited by Cameron1401
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i'm not sure where to ask this but i am wondering if it is possible if the devs could add a cheat menu to single player with every cheat possible so that we don't need to look them up online and constantly keep typing them in.

It would be nice to be able to craft event skins even though an event is not on, surely some new clothes can be added for defeating a boss?

I believe chibis should be made available without events too, as this would make the game more fun

We need a structure saver, which has custom builds

Some new furniture would be nice?

An egg incubator would be cool, something that imprints and cryopods a dino after it hatches but at the cost of a certain amount of ele. This would be a great idea and help people who stay up all night losing sleep

A recipe book instead of pages? ..maybe have a book with missing pages which gets filled in as you collect pages?

The Upgrade Station mod should eventually be added into the game as it is a great idea and a realistic one. It would be nice to be able to upgrade items at a reasonable cost of resources and also make blueprints for a certain amount of element?

It would be cool if Helena told us how to tame instead of having to use dododex

A mindwipe for dinos? A mindwipe that resets manually added levels

Tether distance should be optional if inviting a friend from another console for non dedicated, i totally understand tether distance being restricted if two people are on one console. There should be an option to adjust the distance with a warning saying not to go over a tether distance with two people on one console.

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6 hours ago, SnyperJim said:

i'm not sure where to ask this but i am wondering if it is possible if the devs could add a cheat menu to single player with every cheat possible so that we don't need to look them up online and constantly keep typing them in.

It would be nice to be able to craft event skins even though an event is not on, surely some new clothes can be added for defeating a boss?

I believe chibis should be made available without events too, as this would make the game more fun

We need a structure saver, which has custom builds

Some new furniture would be nice?

An egg incubator would be cool, something that imprints and cryopods a dino after it hatches but at the cost of a certain amount of ele. This would be a great idea and help people who stay up all night losing sleep

A recipe book instead of pages? ..maybe have a book with missing pages which gets filled in as you collect pages?

The Upgrade Station mod should eventually be added into the game as it is a great idea and a realistic one. It would be nice to be able to upgrade items at a reasonable cost of resources and also make blueprints for a certain amount of element?

It would be cool if Helena told us how to tame instead of having to use dododex

A mindwipe for dinos? A mindwipe that resets manually added levels

Tether distance should be optional if inviting a friend from another console for non dedicated, i totally understand tether distance being restricted if two people are on one console. There should be an option to adjust the distance with a warning saying not to go over a tether distance with two people on one console.

Thats why there are mods of single player, unofficial severs and Non dedicated server.  Everything your asking for them  would make the official servers BORING.  I like the thrill of taming my own dinos NOT CHEATING everything in. Mindwipe for dinos? are you serious right now? Lord have mercy this is just plain laziness. 

There are mods that have a good share of everything you asked for.... Why bother playing when your basically asking for the game to play itself and you do nothing... New Furniture go play Prim+   

Edited by ShellB916
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33 minutes ago, ShellB916 said:

Thats why there are mods of single player, unofficial severs and Non dedicated server.  Everything your asking for them  would make the official servers BORING.  I like the thrill of taming my own dinos NOT CHEATING everything in. Mindwipe for dinos? are you serious right now? Lord have mercy this is just plain laziness. 

There are mods that have a good share of everything you asked for.... Why bother playing when your basically asking for the game to play itself and you do nothing... New Furniture go play Prim+   

I'm on console, i'm guessing you are on pc.

The cheat menu on single player is already there, it's an option for those wanting to do so and all i am asking for is that players can click rather than typing a whole bunch of cheats in a text box and searching for them on the web.

I like to play pve official but i like testing things in creative mode on single player and also just building.

Some people like to breed for mutations, an egg hatcher and cryo station would be a great idea.

The Upgrade station could be an item that is unlocked after defeating a boss.

Yes a mindwipe for dinos, but not resetting to lvl 1 but the level before you leveled it up after taming or hatching.

Tbh, it sounds like you are trying to have a go and get a reaction. Do you live in your mothers basement with no job? I could grind a bigger base than you could any day.

I've played both pvp and pve, and Ark Survival never gets boring, especially when you love dinosaurs.

My ideas can improve the game.

Why do we have to use dododex when there could be in game calculations? ..we need an in-game dododex.

Why do we need to look up cheats on the web? ..we need a better cheat menu.

A structure saver could be an end game item after completing a boss.

A recipe book would be cool.

I've seen alot of people asking for the tether option to be brought back, i'm trying to bring change for all who want it.

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17 minutes ago, SnyperJim said:

I'm on console, i'm guessing you are on pc.

The cheat menu on single player is already there, it's an option for those wanting to do so and all i am asking for is that players can click rather than typing a whole bunch of cheats in a text box and searching for them on the web.

Give the command showmyadminmanager a go. This brings up a window on PC where you can select the cheats you want to use. Of course you still need to type that first one in but after that you can use the manager that appears.

I can't be certain whether it exists on console, but you could give it a try.

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