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Anyone else having issues with people using aim hacks and ddosing servers to the point it's unplayable? I'm on prim plus cluster 5 and there's a tribe of chinese guys that are glitching, aim hacking, and ddosing the server daily, multiple times a day and at times back to back. Tuesday night they crashed the entire cluster when have the cluster was on the way to try to get rid of them. They were wiping tribes on the island yesterday. They're base main is ragnarok. We've have 30-40 people submit tickets with video proof and everything and nothing is being done. I got on yesterday to try to clear some of their spam and it was unplayable.

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I often see posts like this talk about it being chinese players that are doing this. Now I'm sure it is sometimes assumed to be chinese when it isn't but I too have noticed a trend in chinese players often being offenders in these kinds of behaviors in my personal experiences. Disclaimer not all chinese players cheat, ( just wanna put that out there before people accuse me of labeling an entire group as dirty cheating scumbags. Only those who use cheats are scumbags no matter where they come from.

Makes you think however what it is about the cultural differences that may be at play which make one group feel less shameful or maybe more acceptance over this kind of underhanded gameplay. Now before anyone cries racism I dont imply that other nationalities don't cheat either, they for sure do and it is a problem that spans all borders, however there does seem to be an unusually high percentage of these reports claiming chinese players as the offenders, whether that is accurate or not I don't know but I have heard from players who play on asian servers that cheating there is often the norm. Whether that information is accurate again is up for debate I'm just going off my experience and what others have told me.

Either way cheaters are scum no matter where they come from, I really wish WildCard were better able to deal with this problem and restrict the ability of those seeking unfair advantage to compensate for their own lack of intellect or skill, sadly reducing exploits in ark has been a long and slow journey on which there still is no end in sight... Region lock might be a solution but if asian servers are filled with a "cheating is normal" attitude, then you end up trapping tons of none cheating asian players in a toxic and undesirable environment which may deter those players away from the game. Unfortunately the best solution is the hardest one to achieve, that being make it forever harder for players to cheat. If I had my way then banning cheaters would not be enough, terminating there ability to play ever would be the route I would take, zero tolerance. Let them buy new accounts if they want to play again and then if they cheat more then ban those indefinitely too. Obviously even this would have draw backs as you would have to be so sure that someone is guilty otherwise such a harsh punishment has harsher consequences if applied against the wrong people.


It's a tricky problem to solve. If only people had more capacity for self awareness and shame, I feel many cheaters probably justify their actions by assuming most other players who beat them are cheating and so by not cheating they are at a disadvantage, they forgive themselves of the very thing they hate others for... Perhaps one day there will be a more concrete solution, but for now report report and report until the offenders get banned is the best course of action. Well either that or stop playing.

That brings me to my final statement, that being how short sighted cheating is, they don't seem to grasp that their actions actively kill the games they are enjoying their cheats on by turning away players and shrinking the player base, in a vacuum situation a cheating culture creates an environment where all "legit" players leave and cheaters are left to play with the few other cheaters still around. There would be a touch of justice there as they would be forced to give each other a taste of their own medicine, maybe then they would realise just how bitter it tastes.

Rant over :) hope you have a lovely evening.

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Cheats are everywhere and have existed in any new game or show or whatever. The biggest problem is the company behind it. They sit back and put things on the long arm. 

The lag is just insane and makes things so clunky that I just have to turn the game off.   Now we get the dev team is human and they don’t have the tools to fix it bla bla bla. Corporate spin if you ask me, fix the thing you made instead of low balling the community until it dies itself. 

How much money needs to be made so we get proper tlc improvements. It’s always on to the next dlc because of money. Even tho money was made last time and people need fix’s to be able to enjoy what they bought. 

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