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pvp Feralius Dragons RP-PVP | Gaia + Elemental | Rag | 3xH/15xT/25B/3x XP |


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Feralius Dragons RP-PVP | Gaia + Elemental | Rag | 3xH/15xT/25B/3x XP |

A brand new server featuring on Ragnarok with a unique twist. Always with a creative mind I wanted to bring a special difference compared to many ARK Servers out there. And with that I am ready to promote my playable WIP RP-PVP.

So first, the Mod list! http://prntscr.com/t6ob5k

This server features Three amazing dino overhauls;

Gaia - https://www.arkgaia.net/

Gaia Wyverns (dlc) - https://www.arkgaia.net/gaia-dlc/gaia-wyverns

Elemental Ark - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1576299694

This is balanced around Vanilla stats with no insane damages/HP with Difficulty Override at 6.67 (200 wild max.)

So what else makes this new server pretty cool? With a discord server I am prototyping and polishing up concepts for a lightweight RP class-tribe and reputation base system status on how YOU play your style. This form of play is *OPTIONAL* However encouraged and will be promoted to try as it will not require narrative RP or heavy based lore. It is merely considered RP with the creative concept of "Factions" based on your play-style and player based feedback/opinions of how they think of you in general. So even without partaking in it, you'll still generate a basic reputation of "Hostile/Neutral/Friendly" as a raw basis.

For those who may be interested in a more advanced form of creative fun such as the "Faction tribes", They are in early concept and solely community driven but form of "Founder" of a specialized faction such as the Mercenary and Outlaw. (Honorable vs Dishonorable class)

Mercenary + Outlaw concept details - https://prnt.sc/t6oa7a
As for how a founder tribe in rules work this is the concept here - https://prnt.sc/t6ogjk

In time I hope to have 3 types of factions; Honorable / Dishonorable / Neutral. Each player regardless of tribe will have a personal reputation built over time on how others percieve you. Do you just slaughter and kill being hostile? Are you friendly only to lure into a trap? Are you sincere and a protector of the weak? Are you passive and like to build and survive? All these things will affect how the server sees you and opens new doors to factions if deciding to partake.

So due to this, two major server rules are in effect; - http://prntscr.com/t6oice
So name changes and tribe name changing is uniquely a rule monitored.

Rest of the general rules - http://prntscr.com/t6oivq

So with all that aside! What about the server rates and information? Down below!

Server rates:

Max Player Level = 150 / Max EXP = 10400000 (No Ascensions) (With Ascensions = 45 + 5 chibi = 200 max)
Max Wild Dino Level = 200 (exclude Wyverns) + 100 lvls (100% efficacy ) + 200 Aftertame levels = 500 max (excluding Shinies; Max wild is 210 --> Max possible 515)
Max Dino level exp for 200 levels = 6500000

(So with the Experience table, it's NOT a quick easy level, but it's not impossible either. It's fun and progressive!)

Per Level Stat Modifers: 1.5 HP , 2.0 Stam, Weight, Craft, Fortitude. 1x default for Melee, Speed.

Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier = 0.09
Baby Food Consumption Speed Multiplier = 0.10
Baby Mature Speed Multiplier = 25
Craft XP Multiplier = 3
Crop Decay Speed Multiplier = 0.05
Crop Growth Speed Multiplier = 10
Day Cycle Speed Scale = 0.5 (Approx 56 minutes real time per 24 hours in-game.)
Day Time Speed Scale = 0.8
Egg Hatch Speed Multiplier = 25
Harvest Amount Multiplier = 3
Harvest Health Multiplier = 1.5 (Resources have 50% more health)
Harvest XP Multiplier = 3
Kill XP Multiplier = 3
Lay Egg Interval Multiplier = 0.75 (Dinos lay eggs 25% faster)
Mating Interval Multiplier = 0.20
Mating Speed Multiplier = 25
Night Time Speed Scale = 2.0 (twice as fast.)
Player Character Food Drain Multiplier = 0.5 (50% less hunger)
Player Character Water Drain Multiplier = 0.5 (50% less thirst)
Player Harvesting Damage Multiplier = 2
Tamed Dino Character Food Drain Multiplier = 0.4
Taming Speed Multiplier = 15
Wild Dino Torpor Drain Multiplier = 0.5 (50% slower topor drain wild dinos)
XP Multiplier = 3

So with that mod list, there is plenty of fun to work with. And oh, if players' are worried about the "Death Recovery Mod" on, don't worry. PvP respawn interval AND Multipler is on. So you'll have your minute + to get loot. It's more a Quality of Life if you die to the dinos. Which is likely.

With plenty to discover with Gaia and Elemental Ark both, theres' always something to do even with the whole custom RP setup which is **EXPERIMENTAL** (It MIGHT not even stay if it's not successful.)

I'm always trying to find creative intuitive ways to engage the players in a fun, fair and balanced way with no "Admin Abuse" or favorism. So if wanting to give a try...

Mod List is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2136553864

Discord is here: https://discord.gg/fvr5uba

Join server IP is here: steam://connect/

Battlemetrics here: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/7409493

And if all else fails, just Unofficial search in-game "Feralius".

Hope to meet some new players for creating this new adventure! Wouldn't be possible without a community.

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