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Would any experienced players be willing to run me through master controller?


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Would any experienced players be willing to run me through master controller?

So I'm a semi new player, well, actually new as I only got the game recently. I got it while it was free on epic and to my surprise, this game is more fun than I expected. I was having so much fun on Crystal Isles that I decided to get the Genesis DLC as it has some pretty cool stuff. I'm at the point where I have most engrams unlocked that is available to me, the only ones I'm really missing/want and need are the Tek ones. If anyone has the master controller boss unlocked, would you be willing to run me through it? I've seen some videos and ran through it once though the game crashed on everyone right as we were about to deal the final blow. I have a discord so if need be, I can join your server and or ark server to do so. I'd like to do it on the highest difficulty so I can get the most amount of stuff. If anyone is willing to take me through a run or more, I'd be really appreciative. 

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