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Community Crunch 225: Crystal Isles, Anniversary Event, Epic Games Store, and more!


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Can we not have crossplay with epic games on the existing official servers?|
We all know the only people who use epic are fortnite kids who are just going to cry and beg for free stuff, and the steam servers are already crowded enough, why even think of adding more people, on free accounts when the current players (who paid for Ark) don't even have stable servers to play on? 

I bet thousands of fake accounts will be made for dupers and hackers to get and hide their ill gotten gains as well


also; 2x breeding.. we already have that.. 4x harvest is useless, I have gacha, I rarely harvest anymore.

not even event coloured dinos.. this is lame.. Cannot believe I stayed up until 1am for this.

Edited by Sausagedog85
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Underwhelming event, especially for a fifth anniversary - it'd be one thing if they were releasing the DLC to both console and PC at least. That would make it hype enough. But without that, a new dino and no breeding boost just doesn't cut it. You gotta pull out all the stops for a birthday. Noone wraps presents in brown paper. 

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Happy 5th Birthday Studio Wildcard with players. Get you primal instint ready and soften up your soul time to eat cake and have fun!


Psssst, would be nice to have faster breeding aswell, some players do have a work, a job, school. Please consider! 5th anniversary is a big thing!

Edited by misterwidescreen
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After waiting after a delay and everyone's anticipation and every event in the past has better breeding rates than this and you announce this big 5 year anniversary event to give us no increase as to where it is now !?!? I understand your servers are struggling with the game to begin with but ... wow what a let down to a huge upset of your community that was expecting breeding boost like the previous events.... what a shame

Edited by Ladywombatkombat
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3 minutes ago, Killzone2006868 said:

Why only 2x raising the rest of the rates are 4x I was looking forward for the event to raise my overseer army come on ark

Breeding puts a massive strain on our servers. If you can remember all the complaints about things chugging along during Extra Life, which was only for a day or so, then you can picture how bad things could be for the duration of the event.

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Honestly, disappointed and haven't even loaded in the game yet. New map - looks great, should be fun (but a reminder - it was originally a mod map which means WC didn't even come up with it) New dino, okay cool. Still have yet to buy Genesis and get those 'new' dinos too: and probably wont for quite some time. 4X experience (nearly max level characters on 3 diff servers, so... smh)… 4X harvesting (vaults and dedicated storage filled with poly, crystal, ingots and more. Unlimited 'free' resources from gacha so... again smh) 4X taming (we've all been have taming 150 normal and 180 tek animals for weeks pre and post Easter event so, yep... smfh) 2x Breeding rates... 2X b r e e d I n g r a t e s... really. The one thing many of your community have been actually looking forward to as much or more than almost any other part of this event. We FINALLY could get a break from the wait times working with our already favorite high level family of creatures and you... you... 2X.. Wow... Soooo...

Give YOUR head a shake, in my opinion.

Happy anniversary/bday/whateves.


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