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A Message from Studio Wildcard


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7 hours ago, norkalli said:

I stand in solidarity with black people. Ark players are primarily white and it's about time we experience some dissapointments, setbacks and letdowns so we can feel the pain experienced by African Americans. I support the event/new map being postponed until racial disparity is 100% solved in the US and abroad. Black Lives Matter

We will be waiting a long time then 

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Pushing back the game's update for what is happening right now in the US is just an excuse.  If you're not ready with the update just say so, it is your norm anyways to not be on time.

Right now people are still locked up in their houses and need things to do other than going out to protest or riot/loot.  Yes, we in the US are going through tough times right now and change is needed.  But holding back the release of an update is not going to help or pay any respect to George Floyd's death or the deaths from COVID-19.

If you want to pay respect to his family or any families who have lost loved ones due to cops racial profiling or COVID-19; how about donating some cash to a charity or their families.  There are numerous way you could help that would actually do some good for someone.

I am pretty sure you are just using the situation to disguise that Crystal Isle is probably not ready.  Shame on you WC for using this situation to hide behind and for thinking we are all too stupid to see through it.  You didn't seem to care about pushing Genesis updates back when the entire world was going through COVID-19, which is still a huge issue and concern.  Shame... Shame... Shame...

Edited by Vanion
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Do you know how many people get killed daily all around the world? How many genocoides are happening right now on a scale that you can't even imagine. Do you know how many children are dieng of hunger this moment? How many people get oppressed, murdered or brainwashed in their own country? Do you know how much injustice is happening outside of the USA? The world is not a nice place and people are suffering and dieng on a scale that makes what happens in the USA dwarf in comparison.

Solitary is what is needed but you go about it the wrong way. Right now in this time what people need is to do something they love. And for many people this is ARK. Don't let injustice take control, waiting to release Crystal Isles will not change anything, it will not have any impact, it will only produce more anger and take something people truly enjoy in this time of needs. You cannot save the world just make your surroundings better. Don't postpone but send a sign. Don't be ruled by it. 

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@StudioWildcard @Cedric As I said so many times now: please announce delays in a fun way like "We did it again! Keep that running gag going!" or something. People wouldn't be as mad over this as they are over some shady(looking) announcements like the actual here. ? 

And for all of those writing #AllLivesMatter: please stop it! I'm a white guy not even living in the USA and even I knew not to say this - to be honest I didn't know why but at least I kept my mouth shut and my fingers away from the keyboard. To understand it, read this https://www.vox.com/2016/7/11/12136140/black-all-lives-matter and listen to this Body Count song: 


Edited by DomiDarko
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1 hour ago, KathrynVixenwolf said:

It's astonishing how entitled a lot of this player base seem to be. If Wildcard wanted to they could shut down Ark on a moments notice. I say this because of the comment I saw about giving them money. Just because you give them money does not mean they have to give you anything. Your not entitled to jack. 

As for the reasoning behind their delay, when you look at how many other companies are/have pushed things back due to the current situation around the world not just America, would not be a better thing to just take it at face value instead of b**ching them out every chance you get. What makes it worse is your complaining about a game a lot of you probably play every single day.

Get over it, it's how the world works. They've done what they and many others feel is right.

I somewhat agree with what you say but the last community crunch built up a huge amount of hype over the event had wildcard had the decency to tell the community BEFOREHAND then none would have woken up this morning to disappointment, Like I get it why its being done but considering the WORLD is recovering financially from a global epidemic is it really a good idea to be promoting  huge social gathering of people??? change needs to happen none argues with that but poop if infection rates spike and MORE medical staff have to work 12 hours shifts because of protests is a raptoring joke


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I understand why some people are angry and I understand why some people support WC reasoning for this choice

" We believe right now is the time to be respectful and hear the voices of others"

And I also understand that no matter what anyone says in the comments of this nothing is going to change their decision. We all know that WC are NEVER known for getting any kind of update out on time for whatever reasons they give you, and we don't know whether that reason is true or not, but I don't see anyone demanding them to ensure truth, I don't see anyone going to stop playing ARK because of it, all I see are veteran players complaining about something they were already aware of, and new players following suit. Regardless of whether the reason they've given is the real one or not, they've made their decision and what I am gonna do is wait and be patient, ARKs not the only game I play.

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12 minutes ago, Dominocore said:

I somewhat agree with what you say but the last community crunch built up a huge amount of hype over the event had wildcard had the decency to tell the community BEFOREHAND then none would have woken up this morning to disappointment, Like I get it why its being done but considering the WORLD is recovering financially from a global epidemic is it really a good idea to be promoting  huge social gathering of people??? change needs to happen none argues with that but poop if infection rates spike and MORE medical staff have to work 12 hours shifts because of protests is a raptoring joke


Oh please believe me when I say, I in no way condone the fact that violence is spreading especially when their is a global pandemic. I have family that work in the UK Health System and honestly it's a worry everyday for them to have to go to work, for them and us. I get that people want change in the world and fully support that need for change. Someone, somewhere said that "Protests were the voice of the unheard people" and it's a statement that is true in most circumstances, but violence does not beat violence half the time, so people sitting here taking a potshot at WC for delaying is not going to do anything to help, it's just adding more fuel to the anger that people already have. 

I also understand that waking up to the news of it being delayed was probably annoying and disappointing, I openly admit I am disappointed too but as this isn't the only game I play with events that have been pushed back due to the current state of things (let alone the youtubers I watch that have done the same) I'm not entirely surprised to be honest. Where or not their doing for the reasons they state is not for me to judge.

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8 hours ago, megaHammer said:

I am so disappointed by everyone. There are literally people being murdered. Abused. Sentenced to jail because we are trying to change our country for the betterment of a race. So what they're not prepared to handle an event and also the release of a new map. Yeah, i get it. they're not on time like always. But take a look around in the world. Please. Can you not put yourself into someone else's shoes and have a little bit of faith? I guarantee you a lot of people would be saying the complete opposite if these things were supposed to be released on time. "how dare they when innocent people are rioting and being beaten"
This is an American based game. Ced is fighting the long fight. We are all ready for change. Get your heads out of your butts for just enough time to see that they're trying to be considerate.
Everyone's lives matter right now. You guys should be angry, but this is not the time or place to be.


Look, nobody is denying the horrible things happening and pretty much any normal human being empathises with the suffering of others. But the world keeps on spinning through war and famine and if we're being realistic, a game with like 50K global audience, won't take the spotlight away from such events nor influence them in any way by releasing a patch. You could potentially argue that'd be the case for COD with 50m players (and by being an FPS game it makes some sense), but not ARK. I think it is just a virtue signalling PR move with some good intentions mixed in from the Devs, hoping they might have even a tiny positive impact on these events unfolding. You could also argue that providing something uplifting for people during these times could also be positive ( although I'm sure they'll be tons of OT negativity on release regardless...just the nature of the beast).

Honestly, a small delay won't make a difference in anyone's real life, so there is also absolutely no need for negative responses. If they believe this is what they need to do, that's alright, let them do what they need to do and no hate.

Edited by KingOfAshes
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8 hours ago, norkalli said:

I stand in solidarity with black people. Ark players are primarily white and it's about time we experience some dissapointments, setbacks and letdowns so we can feel the pain experienced by African Americans. I support the event/new map being postponed until racial disparity is 100% solved in the US and abroad. Black Lives Matter

This doesn't even begin to try and compare to any level of racial strife.

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So basically you didn't do the update on time then? Yes peoples lives matter but the rioting & looting goes beyond what happened in the US. I can give the names of many white guys & women who were all killed by police in America & around the world. In fact the same happened years ago but not only did they suffocate him by kneeling on him they were taking the pi** out of him too while he laid there dying! Nothing happened to the cops, they're still on duty! There were no riots then & no protests because he was a white, well off guy! Yes I don't deny that Black people have a rough ride just because of the colour of their skin...which is abhorrent but there are bad cops everywhere all over the world that kill people & not because of their colour!


I would've preferred wc to come out & say its not ready, we hold our hands up sorry guys & gals rather than jumping on & using the bandwagon of violence as a reason its not being released. The people looting & rioting are doing a disservice to a dead man's memory & family & for a game company to use it as an excuse to delay an update that probably wasn't ready anyway is laughable. 


Oh & before anyone thinks what I've said is rubbish please go & educate yourself about how many people of all colours are mistreated by police all over the world, it really is shocking. It took a mother from Dallas 3 years to get the horrific body cam footage of her son dying by suffocation because he was being knelt on after calling 911 for help ...where was the outrage then when it was shown they were mocking him & laughing at him while he laid there crying you're going to kill me as they kneeled on him? 

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@StudioWildcard @Cedric 
If you look back 5 years, it is not embarrassing or unpleasant for you to see

that you have not brought a dlc or bigger patch on time

You must understand the frustration of the players who have been with them for 5 years

and in the meantime, if I am really honest, I expect nothing but unpunctuality from your company

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I understand the current situation in the usa I just do not understand why shops have to be looted cars to be set on fire and destroyed ........ i have no understanding for this sorry....... how many innocent people have to suffer because of this ..... People who lose their only vehicle .... perhaps losing their job will be jeopardized and yet another Ark has now become a political platform? I just want to be able to switch off and have fun for a few hours and put aside all the rubbish that happens every day in this world in which country....... I have confessed to the injustice in the usa and other countries but please demonstrate peacefully

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8 hours ago, megaHammer said:

I am so disappointed by everyone. There are literally people being murdered. Abused. Sentenced to jail because we are trying to change our country for the betterment of a race. So what they're not prepared to handle an event and also the release of a new map. Yeah, i get it. they're not on time like always. But take a look around in the world. Please. Can you not put yourself into someone else's shoes and have a little bit of faith? I guarantee you a lot of people would be saying the complete opposite if these things were supposed to be released on time. "how dare they when innocent people are rioting and being beaten"
This is an American based game. Ced is fighting the long fight. We are all ready for change. Get your heads out of your butts for just enough time to see that they're trying to be considerate.
Everyone's lives matter right now. You guys should be angry, but this is not the time or place to be.


"innocent people are rioting"
Your mental disconnect is so disturbing on so many levels that I can't even begin to understand let alone relate, but I am certain where you dock your head 24/7

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