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A Message from Studio Wildcard


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17 minutes ago, ClauXer said:

Why are people so negative. How do you release a game when half of your fanbase will not enjoy it. Y'all people really don't know the joy of a developer is seeing the new reactions of your clients...and in their many numbers. You gotta be empathetic sometimes

All of these ppl doesnt even play videos games


While crazy ppls destroy everything gamers like us play ark lol

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Ppl just want to complain, they complain when theres a delay on release, they complain when they release but is bugged, they complain about everything, they complain because they took days of work and now theres no release lol

why are people taking games to this level of serious to the point of taking some days of  work to play a game that they dont even know if is really going to get released on that exact day? and from what i read, most of you say: wildcard allways delay. but yet ppl still take days of work. whos fault is that? lol

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6 minutes ago, Vaiav said:

All of these ppl doesnt even play videos games


While crazy ppls destroy everything gamers like us play ark lol

It's not even about the rioters . It's the general mood in the world. I'm sure gamers are part of it but also people dont have the sense of security and calmness they need to. Even the gamers at home are probably not comfortable.  And if it's part of an excuse to postpone then fine and good. Let them polish it some more. A week never hurt anyone 

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im really sorry to say that, but after 5 years of Ark i sadly have to say "Typical Wildcard" or can you tell me one release you was bringing in time? and now you even use the riots as an excuse? really? i mean of course #blacklivesmatter like all lives do but tbh whats the use of all these riots? it only ruins more lives, black and white imo.

And is it not #positiveVibes what People need, especially in such hard Times?

you've always being late on releases and many times u blamed others.
every release was a facepalm for your community.
and this release is again one of the worst marketing i've ever seen.
im really looking forward already to what you will tell us when Genesis 2 is coming xD

i really like your Game even with more bugs then dinos even with crashes, dcs and servers that cant handle the Game even after 5 Years, i really do but i cant believe that your event and dlc was ready to release and to use this situation (worldwide) as excusion makes it even worse then to say sorry honestly. But maybe thats only my personel view.

#ifyoucantholdthepeople #JustReleaseArkforfree
#noobswillfloodtheservers #andbuydlc

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Wildcard gives us 2x because of the pandemic...none of them who are complaining now, are thankful because of that. Now they are crying up bs because of one week. Sony also postponed game release and ps5 event. All these things are truly not enjoyable for no one. But there's a real life out there. Some people seem to forget that, or even haven't had any real problems in their life.

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Sounds great and no worries! I think it’s amazing that as a company and community you can reflect that is happening around the world and take action in your own way. Some times this game is soooo irritating with lag or random glitches, but the fact that there’s a sense of morals behind the scenes and not just another money hungry organization makes me want to play even more! Thanks Wildcard. Congrats on the ark birthday.

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3 minutes ago, Carsten3 said:

To be honest, if ppl really want to play on that map, the map is there , if people really dont have nothing better to do, no family, no friends, then  take this time to go explore the map LOL

i just find funny , this happens on every game, not only ark.

Everyone is allways complaining about everything. there is no perfect game, but if someone think that they can create one, then PLEASE, show us what you can do

Being this mad all the time over a game... you will get old real fast with all the stress because the game didnt get released when you expected LOL



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Shame on you, for using a "global crisis" as an excuse for you not being done with an update, just be raptoring honest about it instead of this BS excuse, half of us already expected you guys not to be done with your update anyways, so its not like it would come as a surprise...
what did come as a surprise is how you announced it, using Covid instead of the truth...





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It's astonishing how entitled a lot of this player base seem to be. If Wildcard wanted to they could shut down Ark on a moments notice. I say this because of the comment I saw about giving them money. Just because you give them money does not mean they have to give you anything. Your not entitled to jack. 

As for the reasoning behind their delay, when you look at how many other companies are/have pushed things back due to the current situation around the world not just America, would not be a better thing to just take it at face value instead of b**ching them out every chance you get. What makes it worse is your complaining about a game a lot of you probably play every single day.

Get over it, it's how the world works. They've done what they and many others feel is right.

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it is shameful, and you should be ashamed .. You hide behind the problems in the world that have existed for weeks and months ... THE TRUTH is that you are not ready ANOTHER TIME! You could not say last week that you were postponing the release of the map ?? but no, just as it happened today that he had to go out you said, make me laugh! The same thing you did with Genesis part 1, you paid for the DLC and released it 6 months later !!! and you have not returned a single penny for these inconveniences that you have created, I have no more words for what you are doing, pass the desire to play ARK !!

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6 hours ago, norkalli said:

I stand in solidarity with black people. Ark players are primarily white and it's about time we experience some dissapointments, setbacks and letdowns so we can feel the pain experienced by African Americans. I support the event/new map being postponed until racial disparity is 100% solved in the US and abroad. Black Lives Matter

"Ark players are primarily white" what bullpoop source did you get that from? dont talk as if you know poop clearly you do not

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There's literally no reason for you guys to do this, I'm sorry but unless there was some hidden racist imagery in the update that this movement has now suddenly made you aware of to force you to remove it there is zero reason to postpone this.

This is a purely American issue and you're trying to make it global when it's not. All this is doing is raising tensions elsewhere - YOU ARE MAKING THE ISSUE WORSE.

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6 hours ago, anderking said:

u know saying black lives matter is kinda racist touching this to kids would make them think other races dont matter how about all lives matter

i dont understand anything about these stupid hashtags anymore...k pop saying whitelivesmatter and its just ok?? alllivesmatter is not ok as i heard?? here its okay? blacklivesmatter is rasist now? i dont get it...if its just for social media i dont even care..they cant even decide what is okay and what not and explain..you always just have to know from scratch on your own...if you dont and ask a friend, you're a weirdo that lives in a cave...billie eilish cursed the hashtag alllives matter as i understood her...i dont know anymore whats going on and i dont have time and the energy to deal with this hashtag poop...i play ark to get away from this chaos...so its just me and the dinos and fun and relaxation and people doing the same as me...i have never used a single hashtag for events of anysort and am not going to...anything ill post under any hashtag someone is ALWAYS going to be angry...

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