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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes


Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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7 hours ago, JackpotMonkey said:

Gehen Sie einfach zu einem leeren Server, laden Sie sie herunter und laden Sie sie erneut hoch, um den 24-Stunden-Timer zu aktualisieren. Ich würde nicht erwarten, dass 165 bald verfügbar sein wird, da er sich auf derselben Box befindet wie ein Feind der Gang-Gang.

Who is Gang Gang? I was kitet on Extinction Xbox pve from a player in tek suit with a Snow Owl Tribe Name Gang Gang! Are u playing Xbox?

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Just gonna post on the forums. No support tickets are being handled.

(PS4) NA smalltribes58 has been getting ddosed every single day for the last week or more. They weren’t a constant DDOS attack and usually lasted an hour or two. Doesn’t take away the fact that it’s really annoying. However, some lowlife script-kiddie has been DDOSing the server cause he claims to have been scammed by a tribe here. Now, the rest of us are “just” collateral damage. Wildcard doesn’t seem to do anything about it, and it’s getting proper frustrating. I’m already playing smalltribes cause I can’t commit to playing normal server, due to work and actually wanting a social life (raptor me right?). Now imagine trying to play with 255 ping constantly. Already lost dino’s (babies) and eggs to this - end of the world? Nope.. but really really frustrating. Sat here, literally waiting for something to be done.. but I’m afraid nothing will be done. 

The person responsible for the DDOS (got his PSN ID and a screenshot) has already said, sarcastically, that we’re definitely going to enjoy x5 events etc. And that he’ll keep this up for at least a week. 

Will Wildcard, or anyone (Whose capable) do anything about this? Or will this post just be falling on deaf ears?

Edited by Volperic
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I agree with you 100%. I don’t work hard to have my time and money spent to go to a game that is a total piece of poop. Every server has ddos every day and nothing is done about it. Well I’m done investing time and more importantly money to a game that does nothing to help those that finance their games, rather than the cheaters that ruin it for everyone, especially those who are new to the game. And don’t have a chance. This is not a game that should be recommended to anyone. The game is broken and devs don’t fix. People cheat and devs wipe all stuff like meks. I never duped a mek in my life but lost all mine because everyone else does!!! Those who grind lose, those that cheat, dupe more and ddos to keep others from enjoying the game. Kid logged on Small tribes 13 yesterday with the name “mana or 255.” Nobody would give him a mana so he 255 the server. Wildcard does nothing to stop any of this, or at least not enough. Peace out! poopty game!

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So where the H

Do I report a server thy keeps lagging out, 4 Times in the period of an hour. 
mug that can’t be resolved then who do I need to talk to about getting reimbursed the money I spent on this game because I will NOT pay for promises service. Devs are cancer, they concern themselves with rolling out new maps, making new Dinos, then disable scaling on mutton because they can’t maintenance the servers to keep up. Dude either remove the problematic servers or refund people’s money for joining your crap service. 

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9 hours ago, Rovingmale said:

How about you don’t put something online that doesn’t work. That’s sounds about F-in right.

Fair enough.  What kind of solution would you suggest? 

A team of people to sink thousands of hours into making everything work perfectly?  Gonna cost money.  You prepared to start paying a monthly sub fee?  May as well run your own server if you have to pay, right?

The only other option would be to offline the servers.  The thunder from the players would echo through these corridors like the gusts of a thousand winds.

Seems like the option that doesn't cost the players any money and doesn't cost the company a bunch of customers is the option we have now. Almost like a compromise, isn't it?



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FYI it is likely GANG GANG will likely repeat this for the anniversary event so rag 163 164 island 165 and genone 610 will probably be down for its entirety. Filling in outage reports won't help because the person responsible for crashing the server's watches to ensure they stay down. Even when they are restarted he will just crash them again. 

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Official servers crashing

So whats the status on getting those constant 30 min+ downtimes on official servers fixed? its happening 3 - 4 times a day now.

Mainly writing this in frustration, its a lot of work and a lot of time wasted since the downtime is so long and the constant rollbacks ruins and attempt at timing anything in the game, and progress is reversed. 

Games are not supposed to be added stress lol, its supposed to be recreation :D

Atleast give som regular updates on whats being done to fix this, because there seems to be an idea in the community, that it is not being adressed at all, give us the updates in the Steam client or something, it is impossible to find anything in this place. :)

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3 hours ago, Lobsterbrains said:

Official servers crashing

So whats the status on getting those constant 30 min+ downtimes on official servers fixed? its happening 3 - 4 times a day now.

Mainly writing this in frustration, its a lot of work and a lot of time wasted since the downtime is so long and the constant rollbacks ruins and attempt at timing anything in the game, and progress is reversed. 

Games are not supposed to be added stress lol, its supposed to be recreation :D

Atleast give som regular updates on whats being done to fix this, because there seems to be an idea in the community, that it is not being adressed at all, give us the updates in the Steam client or something, it is impossible to find anything in this place. :)

LOL bumped in to the oblivion of a 71 page long thread. :(


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