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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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Bad devs,bad forums bad support.

Your forums and support are literally designed to discourage submitting any kind of tickets or complaints. The so called devs haven't even noticed one of the official servers being dropped every 15 seconds for the last 6 hours. This forum literally offers no way to communicate or relay any messages to anyone that will help. I'm having to make a general topic post to try and get anyones attention on the matter.i know any tames I may have lost due to this issue won't be fixed so at the very least could a Dev of some kind take a look at smalltribes eu server 87....LITERALLY being dropped every 15 seconds for 6+ hours. 

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Server 1056 down for a whole day now

The server  has been down for a full day now I can't get on to move my character off of to another server just to be able to play because you can't login as soon as you do it kicks you been that way for over 18 hours now can somebody do something is this truly a finished game I started playing it 2015 it seems it's still the same thank you Ark

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It pays to have small bases across multiple maps and servers unfortunately. On official you follow this pattern: 

1. move to quiet server with small active playerbase.
2. build base, get setup.
3. wait a month and box tribes move in
4. server performance tanks, becomes unstable.
5. rinse and repeat.

On the plus side I've never had so many bases across so many servers. On the downside half of those servers are down during events because everyone thinks they're special.

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Server crashes & mass dissconnects

please dont merge this post with the server instabillity post


im just curious are wildcard looking at the crash logs and the problems with mass dissconnects during these events and are they planning on trying to fix server stabillity is there a team currently working on this stuff? because this is effecting the future of ark having a horrible time during any official ark event would prefer if it just stayed 1x had alot less problems these back to back events during korona has just made the game alot less unstable 90% of servers crashing alot of players loseing characters


just wondering what is being done about this?

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Action needs to be taken Wildcard.

Duping is literally holding the players hostage on these servers, it's gotten so out of control that the offending parties don't even care if you see them doing it or not.  While I don't doubt there are different nationalities involved in this venture, on our server we've got box tribes going HAM because Wildcard isn't doing anything to stop them.  The game is unplayable  during certain hours of the night and morning/early afternoon, the pattern is clear as it only happens at those times and our server community has nailed down who is logging on during these times via Battlemetrics.

I find it highly unfair that these online dino sellers aren't being taken care of or that the legal team isn't shutting down these sites.  I find it ironic that in this example, "The Chinese Government" is willing to sue over region locks but refuses to shut down these sellers and honor the CoC / ToS.  One hand should be washing the other and as it stands, they get a free pass to ruin this game for everyone.   This is exactly why I choose to give away dinos to people who need or want them while playing, I'd rather ruin their business model and combat their greedy, selfish and unacceptable business practices.   

Personally, I'd give my team a directive to at the very least stop the duping and start plugging those holes, get that sorted and then instead of trying to combat the Chinese or any other country's clearly abusive and manipulative stance by allowing everyone to sell dinos if they so choose. We need to kill their economic foothold in Ark.

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