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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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21 minutes ago, Platipus said:

but if the servers don't stay up you're not getting what you paid for.

You didn't actually pay for servers, you paid for the game. Maybe if WC added a subscription to support better servers and customer service.


Or even outsource the running of the official servers to another company.

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I agree with all of you, this is not fair, I, with my tribe, transfer from a insland map to an valguero map, leaving our base becouse we where going only to tame a few creatures and get back, now we are stuck on this server, we cant transfer us to any other server or go back to our base, and if this continues, our dinos and structures will decay, and with this, lose hundreads of hours that we put on this game, when make it work, will only take a few hours from you, or you can take other mesures to contrarest this, is not difficult to backup up all characters of frequently users to a main server, so the users  are not deleted by a issue on a single server. Or if, like on our case, if a user don't login in to a sever where trasfers off for a long time, before his things decay, notifys him, and if no anwers is recibe, then decay.
Or simply, fix this!.

We are stuck on valguero549 pve.

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1 hour ago, Aylana314159 said:

You didn't actually pay for servers, you paid for the game. Maybe if WC added a subscription to support better servers and customer service.


Or even outsource the running of the official servers to another company.

Mature Content, specifically violence, can occur against other players or creatures within the fantasy setting of our game at any time and is not gated. This would primarily be demonstrated when players use their fists, melee weapons, ranged weapons, or tamed creatures against other players and/or other creatures. Violence may also be demonstrated when wild npc creatures choose to attack player characters and/or other wild or tamed creatures within the game world. Depictions of and reactions to violence (by targeted player character or creature) are not realistically portrayed and the level of blood associated with these acts is mild and limited.

The highlighted part. Sounds to me they want people to play together. Wether this is official or not.

This thread happens to be for the ongoing instability of official servers. Wich are provided by Wildcard. Thusfor are they the ones who can clarify alot, or just keep on ignoring the fact that each and every event servers are being narco'd the crap into endless torpidity. 

The absolute ticketstorm they are creating, will not get less by just ignoring the facts; players who are getting fed up big time. But also, those thousands of players paid for this game, their DLCs and even a new seasonpass. With paying for all of the above, we wanted to embark on missions. Build, tame, meet other people and exchange knowledge. Make friendships wich go beyond this game and resulted into Discordgroups and other communities. 

Players hate to see that go, along with hundreds and maybe like in my case thousands of hours of work.

We know we can loose stuff due to griefing, duping, being kited. And just for me and the PvE part of the game. This game is so damn good and versatile, it may also be it's downfall. In the end, we all want the same and that's a playable official server.

For now, the majority of us want to see an event for once without constant ping above 220, rubberbanding and those outages.

I left legacy and started allover and that hurt. Alot. Someone told me that the sooner I ripped the bandage, the sooner it healed again and he/she was right. Alot of people I met in the past where allready on officials and helped me out alot. People reached out, because that's what this game does to people. 

And that's what is counting the most, especially in these times, 


Read this thread, you see people actually want to help out. Sometimes their emotions can get the upperhand, but don't you think that the majority here has a bit more credit then to stop "whining" and take it for what it is?

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Rag 917 has been down this week more than it has been up. I was in Saturday morning, but the server crashed and was down for the rest of the day. When I finally got in this morning, it said I died and I lost all gear and cryopods on me, losing a wyvern and spino. I was in the process of podding up as many other dinos as I could and transfer servers for now, and server crashes again. Am I going to lose a dozen more dinos thanks to being Wildcarded? They need to fix the servers before any more events or maps. Boosted weekends are lost if you can't get into the game.

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PvE Center 396 is again down for more then 4 hours ....

yesterday evening it was also down for 6+ hours (dont know exactly, i went to bed after a while)

if the server is running it has ~ 5 to 10 crashes a day (not counting in the hours im not online, so you can at least double that number i think), all of them with 15 to 20 minutes downtime, followed by a ~ 15 minute rollback ...

on tickets i get the respond that the support is not the right instance to contact, i should fill out an outage report...

from this report form you get no reply, and it has zero effect on when the server restarts..

i hope i get someone from WC to eat in my restaurant, will let them pay first and get them served warm beer and cold food from a deaf and mute waiter after a few hours waiting...

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Beginning End Duration
04/12/2020 7:14 PM Ongoing 03:56


That's 1 of 3 servers, wich means waking up in 6 hours will result in yet another failed event for all of us.

Can't we get a time out when servers crash untill the parent of the newborn loggs in? A notification saying: " Due to a recent servercrash, your non adult dinos have been in stases untill you forcefeed 1 item of food" or some sort?

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28 minutes ago, redbtc said:

Wild Card is not interested in fixing lag problems, or server crashes, answer me ... how long have we been experiencing these lag problems ?? and until today this has not been corrected!
They put their efforts into building maps, and cute and colorful dinosaurs!

As long as we keep buying expansions they have no reason to fix the issues.

Wildcard: https://youtu.be/SrDSqODtEFM

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