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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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GenTwo966 has been crashing for 7 days now it crashes every 20 minutes and now I can't get my main character back on the server. It is basically unplayable in it's current state. I really don't want to lose all my progress to decay, The server is either being ddos or has some really back hardware issues going on. Can you please help resolve this issue. I have reached out for 7 days now until via server outage reports with no responses or fixes.




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For the love of all that is holy, our official server has been down since Tuesday..... We left babies we'd been raising for weeks out over night thinking we'd take advantage of this event, only to find out that we'd not be able to get back in for days. Not sure why or what the deal is with our Crystal Isles server not being up, but it's literally the only one that isn't from the cluster. 

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Hello :) Im not sure if You guys from WC are aware but Genesis1 944 is unplayable for more than a year? Server crashes every 20 min, everyope is stoped playing there becouse of that. And now the same is start to happend with Genesis2 946, we get crashes every 20/30 min and server is out for some 10 min then it comes back with rollback and or we lose everything we had on us or we lose dinos we was taming. It becomes very frustrating especially with shadowmanes, there is so much preparations to catch it and when You have finally him in cage, fishes are relase You get crash and rollback. It happend to me more than 10 times already. I talked with the guys who play also on other Legacy genesis1 and some confirm is the same on theirs servers. Can You please help us?

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Yes I can confirm server Crashes  on Legacy Server like 947 Gen 2  , aswell as Server are Offline for serveral Days after Event Patches or DLC Patches, like recently 940 offline for more than 4 Days  and many Players  sent an outage report already. I know You guys at WILDCARD are doing much work and your Ark Game is addicting many Players for more than 3-5 years. WE love this game and appreciate your  fast fixes to many bugs etc. just a lil more love  on Server stability would be awesome. If we can Help you  to get more or better infos you need to help it getting fixed , just shout out to the community. Thx for the Awesome Game ;)

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Poxy game, server Gen 2 1646 crashing every 20minutes filled with lags in between. Already lost two tames...vanished into thin air when I finally logged back in. Lost a poop tonne of materials. This game isn't fun to play anymore. We get enough stress in daily life. This is my escape. Will not be playing this game anymore. Disgruntled and fed up customer.

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