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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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Ya i think it is due to what was happening on saturday evening.  We couldnt log in for like 2 to 3 hrs.  It would just time out.  When we finally got in, had these new ppl there who we never seen before.  I rhink they were constantly duping on the server crashing it.  Hopefully wc can fix what ever they did come monday.  

Submit a repprt ticket about the server.  We put in 3 and i pmed the other guys on the server to do the same about a server outage n duping.  Hopefully they can fix it

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Server EU-PVE-XBoxOfficial-Ragnarock956 Is having Daily (sometimes multiple) 15 to 30 minute roll-backs. the server will disconnect all players and disappear from the list of servers for 5 to 10 minutes. When the server does become available again I often have to restart my system to gain access. Once I get back in I find out that the last 15-30min of gameplay NEVER happened. I have lost tames equipment and resources due to rollback while transferring. I have worked to hard on what I have and don't want to lose all the things that I can't transfer to another server. Please fix this issue.

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I was just about to start a boss fight on the Valguero server I connect to, I thought it would be a smart thing to do by restarting the game first. When I try to start the game, it did an auto update to 325.6, but after I look for the server, it's only showing servers that are 325.6, the one I connect to is not listed! Does that mean I can't play the game again until the server has been patched? I'm standing at the Obelisk with 16 Deino on "attack target", I imagine when I eventually get back online they are all gone!!!


The server just showed up in the list, version 325.6.  I guess it just got upgraded.

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At this point after 5 or 6 years everyone understands you’ll never fix this problem but at least acknowledge that it is a problem. You hide behind several layers of insulation Twitter, official forums, trouble tickets. But it’s gotten to the point now you won’t even reply to any of these. This post alone has over 150 posts attached with no official response from anyone saying they understand. You don’t comprehend that it’s more than buying a subpar functioning game it’s the time players have invested in this and let me tell a lot of players have sunk serious hours into playing. I’m asking that you quit turning a blind eye to the problem and acknowledge what players lose when they lose tames, gear, or characters while transferring to another server. I submitted a trouble ticket over a week ago with no response, I’ve posted on Twitter with no response, posted on your official forum with no response. Your deploying ark 2 soon... maybe don’t forget ark 1 we the player base made that possible.

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I've been trying since last night to find a decent server with absolutely zero luck. Every server I've visited is boosted as HECK to the point where there's no gameplay value whatsoever. Whats the fun in playing ARK: Survival Evolved when you spawn for the first time and gain 200 levels in 2 minutes and you get 100 resources in one hit? It seems ridiculous to me, it's like whats the point in even playing when it's that easy? especially on PVP, it's just a complete trash experience. Boosted aspects aside alot of these unofficial servers have stupid settings like 2 PEOPLE MAX tribes, custom engrams, like DILO? Iit's just annoying how 80% of the servers are like this, and the ones that aren't always have 0 people playing them or are trash for other reasons.

I wish I could just find a good vanilla server on Primitive Plus. On solo it's such a good gameplay experience and I think online PVP would amplify that it 1000. But I haven't seen it done right, or very good at all. Even the official servers for it are kind of lack luster. Dead with silent chats, and generally unfriendly to newcomers. Not to mention there are little to no NA servers, all I see is EU with terrible ping.

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