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Why do so many Ocean Biome creatures spawn UNDER the map?


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Why do so many Ocean Biome creatures spawn UNDER the map?

I've noticed whenever I look for mosas and tusos they tend to not be where the coordinates say they are. Low and behold when I ghost under the map they're down under it outside of the accessible area along with an absurd amount of other creatures. 9 times out of 10 the creature i'm looking for spawned under the map. Did no one think to look under the map to see if stuff was spawning down there for some reason?

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weeks ago, i ghost under the vulcano and was surprised how many magmasair falling through the map.

it was a never ending stream of magmasaur.

Some people complain about fast respawning magmasaur, maybe this is the reason.




Tested minutes ago on a fresh map (Singleplayer)


Nice Dlc BTW

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