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The sheer negligence of the developers should be accounted for but never will. What astounds me is after messing up as bad as they have in the preceding 48 hours and isolating around 45% of their total player base, they display extreme levels of arrogance and adamance when confronted with their follies. No replies on any social media platforms, innocent players being outright banned on discord for requesting responses, you name it. In all of my life I have never seen such lacklustre behaviour and high-handedness being displayed by any studio, EA included (and that should say a lot). 


People who spend money on this game and have consistently for a period of more than 3 months should band together with receipts and deliver them a taste of their own medicine....please infer what I mean since I may get banned by salty, mishap-prone dev bois for writing more on this LOL. Basically they care about your pockets and not your satisfaction, and this has been proven time and again by their actions, or lack of it. 


I think its quite symbolic that all of this had to happen over imaginary toilet paper, but alas there will certainly not be enough of it to clean up the hot pile of excreta that has come out of their offices this time. I hope they're getting a real chuckle this time. BUT, don't worry guys, they'll probably reimburse you with 10 amber and a mediocre blueprint for 1000's of hours of lost time and god knows how much money when they finally are able to fix this in another three or four days at least. Hey, but google's the one to blame, right? Too effin bad Jordan here can't ban google LOL. (I suggest find a different game to play during this quarantine period)


Oh and if any of you dev bois are reading this, at least have the common decency and courtesy and a spine to respond to the droves of people reaching out to you on various platforms. Their money is in your pockets and you probably don't care and that's fine, but you can never return all the lost time. It will come back to you one day, mark my words. 

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I know the devs have to work from home now, and I appreciate them still working at all, but like the previous comments have stated, progress and IRL money is being lost and wasted, all for an item that is clearly stated as having no purpose. I, as well as many other players, have dinos to feed, eggs to hatch, babies to imprint, and bases to secure, as well as purchases to make from the store. Today my Primal Pass Account Auto-renewed, but for what? That is $4 wasted for nothing. I know it’s difficult to be a game developer with only the equipment at your home, and the devs are appreciated for updating at all in these times, but at least make the updates playable for all your players who have nothing else to do. If anything, you should be more concerned about keeping the game running during quarantine, as bored players might be tempted to purchase more items from the store. If any devs even read this, please do something to fix this as soon as possible. Also, for what it’s worth, Jordan, I enjoy the new-content / tutorial videos you post. Stay safe devs and everyone reading this!

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So yesterday my server notified me it was dying... aurora overlook asia. Has over 2k logins over 24hours more then all other servers i can view... closing because low pop? I have started a free xfer but where am i ment to go? It was hard enough finding somewhere to build with 40k structure build let alone 95k-100k (max) what am i ment to do? I was soo into this damn game too

Cos mobile keyboard is gay
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