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Why is it after this recent update on PS4 that our cave is now a Mission Area and no longer able to build?? Is this a bug and why are we not getting any dialogue from you guys on this? I’ve seen people get messages in their tribe log telling them to leave cave but we haven’t gotten that message and would like to know what’s going on. Why change your mind on an area over a month into its release? Would love a response from a developer on this 

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No it doesn’t specify. I’ve seen them talk about mission area caves that were buildable but not supposed to be, also updates that made caves mission areas with no missions anywhere near that Dollie said was a bug. No clarification at all on their part. I’m waiting on community crunch. They sent out messages in tribe log to ppl who are in the caves you’re thinking of but us who are in the big cave East haven’t gotten any messages so I’m making this topic in hopes one of the Devs sees and can clarify. Also seen someone post a ticket response from genie45 saying that the caves were to remain buildable. 

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We knew caves were being made unbuild able areas. Guessed defo lunar would be one biome as there are only 3 caves and even though we had one . We understood as 3 caves = 3 tribes and no one else has a chance so fair enough . Wasn’t sure about ocean but no change there as there are quite a few. I understand the decision . Lame that they let you build then say you can’t. Where did we find this information ? Crunch . Forums . Twitter . Yes we were told . We weren’t surprised when update came . There are glitches in these caves and some tribes block all access so I say fair enough wildcard , just next time don’t change your mind with oversight after releasing a new map when clearly as I can see . There’s no way in hell genesis was tested before release with what was broke lol

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