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ARK API: Capturable Bases v0.1


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ARK API: Capturable Bases v0.1

Hey all. 


I hope I'm in the right spot here. I'm developing a server-side plugin for ARK. You might be familiar with ARK: Shops, Currency & Kits or "No More Undermeshing". This is a similar thing, but does something very different. I will say off the bat here that I am looking for testers and volunteers. 

The API is called "Capturable Bases" and does EXACTLY what you think it does. With this installed on your server, you will not only be able to steal your enemies' dinosaurs, materials and blueprints, but now you can steal the literal base. Yes, that means the walls, foundations, crafting stations, vaults and fridges will be come yours. Literally.

The API is designed so a server admin can build a structure or flag an existing structure as a "Base". Each "Base" has a "Sphere of Influence" around it and within this sphere are a series of configurable rules, "Base Components" and a "Base Core". The system was designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for a wide variety of gameplay options.

Feature List:
Capturable Bases - Take an unused/underused area of the map and build a base. Put that Sphere of influence over it and see people fight to be the king of the hill. 
Tribe Logging for Base Captures/Losses - know who took your base and when. 
Fully configurable list of Base Components - you can include or exclude any structure from any mod as a component.
Fully configurable Base Core - want the core to be a transmitter? Done. Taxidermy base? Okay. Cooking pot? Sure. 


How does it work?
Well, the "Sphere of Influence" is defined by using a point and a radius. I use the ARK API to interrupt the damage function calls and added some of my own logic. If a structure is defined as a "base component", the API will return to the ARK server that simply no damage was done at all. Additionally, anything defined as a "base component" cannot be demolished or removed. They are permanent structures.

 If a structure is defined as the "Base Core", it will allow you to damage the structure all the way down to zero health - at which point the API stops you from doing any further damage and converts the entire base to your tribe's ownership. 

How do we use it? 
You can use this several different ways. The way I am using it, I have built some fortresses that have limited entrances and exits to the bases. It forces attackers to use the doors and creates critical chokepoints throughout the base. Based on your configuration, the defenders might be able to place their own structures to reinforce or re-configure the base to better suit their needs - but it will never totally prohibit the attackers from getting to the "Base Core" and capturing. Only slow them down.

Where do I download it? 
Right now, this is unfortunately not available for download. I have the core functionality complete and I am in the process of testing all the functions of the API. I want to ensure that this is truly ready to release before I allow server/cluster owners to download the files. Nothing would cause you a bigger headache and make me look dumber than if this API accidentally converted the whole map or caused world-ending lag on a base flip.

All this being said, if you're interested in testing the API with me, I do need testers. I've built several bases, flagged them for capture, and now need a couple tribes to try conquering and holding them. I'll be taking in feedback from the testers and adding features to the API to really change ARK PvP. If you're interested, hit me up in the DM's, because I don't think I'm actually allowed to put discord/server links here. 

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