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Ark ps4 BTN server

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Ark ps4 BTN server

hello guys! Our cluster is looking for new active players that want a new pvp server with a active community. please check us out!!!

(PS4) Beyond Terra Nova 10X - modded drops - stackmod - discord - SEASON 3

1- JOIN DISCORD SERVER : https://discord.gg/efvBg83

2- take a look at the settings below:

*server name: BTN 10x Season 3-Discord-Shop-stackmod-moddedDrops

*beginner server name: BTN 10x Season 3 Beginnersmap

•    ⁠Harvesting 10x (6x on beginnersmap 15x donatormaps)
•    ⁠Instant Taming
•    ⁠Faster breeding rates (2 hours for a wyvern)
•    ⁠Turret Damage 10x
•    ⁠Stack mod on most items
•    Starterpacks for discordmembers
•  ⁠  Auto-engram except tek
•    ⁠Tribelimit: 8 players
•    ⁠Modded Drops
•    ⁠weekly events
•    ⁠clustered with the Island, Abberation, the Centre, Extinction, Valg and Genesis to come!
•    There is also a beginners map on the island with lower harvest and no breeding, but minimun structure damage and instant orp, this map is used for starting up and preparing a base before going to a full pvp map

3 - More questions related to the server settings can be asked to one of the admins.

Friendly admins, there is no toxic behaviour on this server. Anyone being a sausage is banned, no questions asked!

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