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item and Structure TLC



item and Structure TLC

i Know its Kinda Odd but i was think of somethings that could be better. and if you have any ideas, feel free to discuses it


Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak

Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   

Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)

Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword

Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.

Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"

Simple bed: a slight new look or at least the ability to Change the look 

Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)

Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram

Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel

Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  

Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way

Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better

Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield

Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break

Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points

Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 

Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  

trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall

Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. Able to catch some other animals like manta rays, Trilobites and leechs 

Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!

Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP

Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 

leasers antidote: Able to gain a Immunity to nearly every sickness/poison, quickly lowers torpor, and gives resistance to Air born Gases (like spores , Gas bombs , Wyvern gas etc)

Toilet: gives better buff, Gives a wellness Buff, that boost crafting skill , and reduces food and water consumption  

Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good

Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB and Ext

Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!

Simple pistol: Better hand model animation, and better Range.

Longneck: able to put scope on it with Darts!, Can add a Mod where you can have a "strip clip" where it has 4 extra shots but its not as strong and has EVEN longer loading!

Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring

Chitin armor: Need to craft it on the Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! so its more useful and it could be used more. 

Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots, able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle, longer barrel, and can have a scope (i mean if the pump shotgun can then this can too)

Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST

Scope: able to put on a Crossbow , Fab sniper , AR , Shotgun, 

Beer barrel: Able to make "organic substitute" of some items like polly and sap,  and able to make beer but it does better stuff (kinda like in atlas)

 Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 

IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine

Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)

Radio: (should be replaced with a new item, like a lantern that acts like the one from atlas) so. Lantern: Able to hold on your bar and can light up the whole area around you, can be dyed ,  Can work underwater, and can scare away troodons! needs Angler gel , Electronics , metal , and oil

Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram , and can have a Wall or ceiling light

Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range

Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)

Fab pistol: a slight better look or maybe it can be a Mix of a SMG and a pistol so it shoots fast, but has low damage.

electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 

Chainsaw: reduced wight on items (like the drill) and can uses underwater on kelp or coral for wood, (and can uses drill underwater)

Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump, Gas pump and well. some times you can have a drought. 

AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 

Miner helmet: able to repair with just metal , Polly and Angler gel, can shut off light.

AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame

Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!

Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 

Auto Turret: able to put Pistol rounds in it. (it will make shots faster but lower damage and less AP damage) or AR rounds (able to do more damage and has a slight AP damage.

Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos

Elevators rail: if one rail is powered then they are all powered

Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope

Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheaper (in terms of engrams)

Tek gravity grenade: Able to Deal damage and last longer, its blast does as much damage as a grenade when it drags stuff in.

Scuba gear: Tank: Protects you from cold, Leggings: Better protection. Boost: if you wear the full set (mins gloves) you gain a Speed, resistance , Shock Resistance and a Super Cold protection. however its only in water!

Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 

electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage

Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175) and Gives boost resistance agents stuns (like micro raptors), and much better Damage Resistance to guns.

Heavy turret, able to Shoot AR rounds , Pistol rounds, Sniper rounds (only shoots 2 at once but does super high AP damage) and only 5 grenades (will shoot once out of ammo like a Grenade launcher) 



Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each) and A boost agents, Stuns, bullets, Shocks , and Gases (only when powered)

Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90, 

Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun

Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate

Tek mek Rockets: homing, Much Better Jump , Can ether just use two swords, or a sword and pistols 

Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage

Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element)


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I noticed your post a few days ago and liked it. I read over it from my phone and for the most part, I like the idea and thought put behind the different items. Now that I am at a computer, I wanted to further comment on it. I have copied your lines down and put them to bullets in once color while my comments are in another. 

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword
    • I am trying to imagine how this would be constructed. Are you suggesting your player pick up a large rock and carry it around or are you thinking they are tying rocks to the already existing club to give it some added damage markers? And if so, how does this effect the durability of the item? 
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.
    • Personally I am all for leaving thatch as it is and adding a separate tier for bamboo. We have a lot of bushes in game that look like it and it would be nice to have another building tier to play with. We haven't gotten one in ages. As for it's durability... it could fall between thatch and wood or be the same as one or the other. 
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"
    • Dying the smoke could be a fun way to do events or games. Giving the smoke bombs unique abilities based on unique recipes could be a way to generate more usage from them. 
  • Simple bed: a slight new look
    • This is another item where I kinda prefer the simple bed where it is at, however, I would like to have an upgraded version of it. It seems odd to me that we go from a simple bed, to a bunk bed, to a tek pod. It seems as though we missed some steps in between. 
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)
    • A way to measure skills. I am good with that. 
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel
    • I had been hoping with Genesis and their Ocean Biome we would be getting more for the underwater building options, but low and behold... building once again takes a back seat. Had they done so we may have some lighting options for the underwater territories... but that was not meant to be. As such, I would have to agree that your torch method is a decent idea. Plus it gives another use for Angler gel. Another was one I spoke on another post where adding it to colors before applying them could change them to a fluorescent variety to match to colors of aberration. 
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  
    • I have used it before, and honestly, would be happy to simply have the thing hold more line items. Adding the items you listed however, would make sense as those are items you may normally placed in a compost bin to a degree so it makes sense. 
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way
    • Personally I think the entire "cooking" and "farming' of Ark needs to be revisited. It is all very basic and rather sad. We can teleport and transmit... but can't cook anything beyond a basic cooked meat... Yes I know you can build your own recipe's, but they too have limitations and honestly it seems as though Ark had taken the easy way out after seeing what Primitive Plus and Atlas have. 
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better
    • This is another where I would say leave Wood as it is, but add new types. Such as: Lumber (primitive plus), Log (as in a log cabin), or Paneling. They would take extra steps to create and have their own durability. It would give us more to work and play around with. 
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
    • Like it. 
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 
    • Agreed. If not as better storage from the start, that they need to have additional upgrades available. I am all about to cutting lag, but if you can't build near water the shear number of tanks you need can be exasperating on some maps/areas. 
  • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  
    • There is another post on this and I completely agree. Troughs, like tek generators, should have an option to show the range. I know there is a foundation spread, and that does work for now, but it seems like a simple QOL adjustment to me. 
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
  • Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP
    • They are AWESOME in Atlas. No more doors for walls or incredible lag from the wall it takes to cover a distance. There is another post on this subject that goes into tall walls, larger ceilings and foundations etc, all of which would assist with the decrease in lag for large bases.
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinderblock, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB 
    • Agreed. 
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!
    • Agreed
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring
    • Agreed
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go!
    • Personally, I am more of the frame of mind that we already do too much in our own inventories. I can see throwing together a thatch build with what you can find, but even wood should require more that what you can carry on you. Yes, I realize that this statement probably isn't agreeable to many as it would require the use of building stations earlier in the game - however it is simply my opinion. It would a bit more fantasy realism to the game if we had a few more steps to make things works. And this goes for craftables. 
    • To make it seem a bit more "on the go" for nomadic players. I would suggest that a smithy saddle addition be available for most creatures. It wouldn't mean that creatures would all get a smithy like the Argy or Beaver, but that more saddles could have the smithy addition. Limitations would apply however. It would have a separate inventory from the creatures, the creatures could not be ridden while the smithy is placed on the saddle, and it would have a weight limit tied into the creature. 
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST
    • If grouped together as with some of your other suggestions, I would say that yes, the cost should be lowered. However through trial and error I have found that only ceiling tiles are needed to get the effect so as is, the cost is not that high for the one piece. 
    • I would also suggest adding an upgraded tier, possibly "Obsidian Glass" as the rock is typically glass like and it could provide a shadowing effect in bright areas. 
  •  Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 
    • Better Quality yes, Spear bolts no. 
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned. 
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range
    • Agreed. I LOVE the grappling hook in Atlas. I use it more than anything else. 
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options. 
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 
    • Agreed. As long is it is required that they are powered and become visible when not or you might forget they are there. 
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 
    • I am okay with that. 
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame
    • Agreed. I would also like to put in for an upgraded version, perhaps a tek AC that covers more area? 
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!
    • Not sure about the rock into sand... but the auto grind PLEASE!
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 
    • I would prefer an upgrade to the current transponder. Perhaps a collar of sorts? or something you can add to a saddle? 
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos
    • I would hope the do something for it some day. Honestly the reload is faster on my crossbow... so I have never really used the spear bolt. 
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope
    • If you can upgrade it as such irl, then I would say you should be able to do so in game. 
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper
    • Agreed
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 
    • N/A for my gameplay
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage
    • Could be interesting. 
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)   
    • If they do not fix the riot baseline, they should at least add something between Riot and Tek. 


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are bad. 


All in all there were a lot of things I liked and a few that I would change. Either way I love discussion on the possibilities out there and what others think and how they play the game as opposed to how I and those on my cluster play. I hope some of them make it into the game someday. 

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1 hour ago, SapphireSam7 said:

I noticed your post a few days ago and liked it. I read over it from my phone and for the most part, I like the idea and thought put behind the different items. Now that I am at a computer, I wanted to further comment on it. I have copied your lines down and put them to bullets in once color while my comments are in another. 


ill try to do the same with your Commits. i do agree with nearly all of them. but the others i could explain better

i tryed my hardest to not add "new items" because its tlc and other new items is a whole other can of worms 

(your chat will stay the same but my Commits are Green)

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but waterskins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword
    • I am trying to imagine how this would be constructed. Are you suggesting your player pick up a large rock and carry it around or are you thinking they are tying rocks to the already existing club to give it some added damage markers? And if so, how does this effect the durability of the item? 
    • tbh i don't know. but i was thinking, maybe as a Tier for a early one player would be a Warclub, just like a Rock in a Thick piece of wood as a "sword" for early players but then the club would have no uses. 
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.
    • Personally I am all for leaving thatch as it is and adding a separate tier for bamboo. We have a lot of bushes in game that look like it and it would be nice to have another building tier to play with. We haven't gotten one in ages. As for it's durability... it could fall between thatch and wood or be the same as one or the other.
    • this is just kinda a nit pick cuz "realistically" that would be hard to stand one without you falling through it like a Carton! 
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"
    • Dying the smoke could be a fun way to do events or games. Giving the smoke bombs unique abilities based on unique recipes could be a way to generate more usage from them. 
    • thank you! and plus you could scare people with green gas lol
  • Simple bed: a slight new look
    • This is another item where I kinda prefer the simple bed where it is at, however, I would like to have an upgraded version of it. It seems odd to me that we go from a simple bed, to a bunk bed, to a tek pod. It seems as though we missed some steps in between. 
    • another nit pick cuz LOOK AT IT! that would suck to sleep on! the sleeping bag looks Conferrable, the simple bed looks like wood!  
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)
    • A way to measure skills. I am good with that. 
    • No opinion 
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel
    • I had been hoping with Genesis and their Ocean Biome we would be getting more for the underwater building options, but low and behold... building once again takes a back seat. Had they done so we may have some lighting options for the underwater territories... but that was not meant to be. As such, I would have to agree that your torch method is a decent idea. Plus it gives another use for Angler gel. Another was one I spoke on another post where adding it to colors before applying them could change them to a fluorescent variety to match to colors of aberration. 
    • yes. Ark needs some more things for those that wan't to live at sea! like a Food chain to balance out the animals so its just not ENDLESS SHARKS!, or something 
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  
    • I have used it before, and honestly, would be happy to simply have the thing hold more line items. Adding the items you listed however, would make sense as those are items you may normally placed in a compost bin to a degree so it makes sense. 
    • i had this idea sense iv been using a Composer in real life. and also maybe "rarely" rare mushrooms would grow on it.
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way
    • Personally I think the entire "cooking" and "farming' of Ark needs to be revisited. It is all very basic and rather sad. We can teleport and transmit... but can't cook anything beyond a basic cooked meat... Yes I know you can build your own recipe's, but they too have limitations and honestly it seems as though Ark had taken the easy way out after seeing what Primitive Plus and Atlas have. 
    • yes agree 100% and maybe you could get wellness buffs for cooking and eating better food. like extra Stamina 
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better
    • This is another where I would say leave Wood as it is, but add new types. Such as: Lumber (primitive plus), Log (as in a log cabin), or Paneling. They would take extra steps to create and have their own durability. It would give us more to work and play around with. 
    • i agree with you on this and i had a Idea about it called the "BMK" Building, Maintenance , Kit! and you uses it to repair buildings better and upgrade them. so ill list the tiers that could be in the Kit.  Lumber: Better HP , more resistance agent the cold , and Reinforced wood that looks kinda like the "reinforced wooden parts" on a Stone build. for the Stone buildings its the same but with the Reinforced wooden walls, are slightly better then stone, due to it protecting you better from the elements and has equal HP to stone. or on AB you can get Fungle wood buildings that very slowly "regrow HP" however they are not as good as Stone but better then wood!
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
    • Like it. 
    • this was listed in the Google doc Ark does and i saw it!
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 
    • Agreed. If not as better storage from the start, that they need to have additional upgrades available. I am all about to cutting lag, but if you can't build near water the shear number of tanks you need can be exasperating on some maps/areas.
    • agree
    • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  
      • There is another post on this and I completely agree. Troughs, like tek generators, should have an option to show the range. I know there is a foundation spread, and that does work for now, but it seems like a simple QOL adjustment to me. 
      • i feel the same for anything that has a AOE effect, and nearly everyone has this idea
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
  • Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP
    • They are AWESOME in Atlas. No more doors for walls or incredible lag from the wall it takes to cover a distance. There is another post on this subject that goes into tall walls, larger ceilings and foundations etc, all of which would assist with the decrease in lag for large bases.
    • YES
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinderblock, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast resistance 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB 
    • Agreed. 
    • agree
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!
    • Agreed 
    • agree LOL
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring
    • Agreed
    • you get the idea!
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go!
    • Personally, I am more of the frame of mind that we already do too much in our own inventories. I can see throwing together a thatch build with what you can find, but even wood should require more that what you can carry on you. Yes, I realize that this statement probably isn't agreeable to many as it would require the use of building stations earlier in the game - however it is simply my opinion. It would a bit more fantasy realism to the game if we had a few more steps to make things works. And this goes for craftables. 
    • To make it seem a bit more "on the go" for nomadic players. I would suggest that a smithy saddle addition be available for most creatures. It wouldn't mean that creatures would all get a smithy like the Argy or Beaver, but that more saddles could have the smithy addition. Limitations would apply however. It would have a separate inventory from the creatures, the creatures could not be ridden while the smithy is placed on the saddle, and it would have a weight limit tied into the creature. 
    • yes agree with this with mods to saddles ( i may do something like this as a Request) but its just to give chitin more of a uses because i rarely see anyone with it. 
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST
    • If grouped together as with some of your other suggestions, I would say that yes, the cost should be lowered. However through trial and error I have found that only ceiling tiles are needed to get the effect so as is, the cost is not that high for the one piece. 
    • I would also suggest adding an upgraded tier, possibly "Obsidian Glass" as the rock is typically glass like and it could provide a shadowing effect in bright areas. 
    • my problem with greenhouse buildings is "for what they are worth" they are not worth those points, i would rather uses those points on a Saddle or another building part! and yes with the BMK i would like to see that
  •  Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 
    • Better Quality yes, Spear bolts no. 
    • agree
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range
    • Agreed. I LOVE the grappling hook in Atlas. I use it more than anything else. 
    • agree
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 
    • Agreed. As long is it is required that they are powered and become visible when not or you might forget they are there. 
    • agree
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 
    • I am okay with that. 
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame
    • Agreed. I would also like to put in for an upgraded version, perhaps a tek AC that covers more area? 
    • yes maybe a Tek Humidifier that is better and you don't need 500 ACs , Able to change the Temp of the area around you! too but cost element and has sizes 
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!
    • Not sure about the rock into sand... but the auto grind PLEASE! 
    • they put this on PC (i think it said it in the patch notes) about the Auto grind everything
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 
    • I would prefer an upgrade to the current transponder. Perhaps a collar of sorts? or something you can add to a saddle? 
    • agree but that what the transponder should be. place it on your dino , you can name it and if you lose the dino, find him!
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos
    • I would hope the do something for it some day. Honestly the reload is faster on my crossbow... so I have never really used the spear bolt. 
    • agree 100%
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope
    • If you can upgrade it as such irl, then I would say you should be able to do so in game. 
    • yes and it makes no sense cuz you need cristal to make a Scope but for a Fab sniper you don't need it....
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper
    • Agreed
    • yes
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 
    • N/A for my gameplay
    • i was reading the Jurassic park book and this idea came to mind (worth a read BTW) but one of the characters (Robert Muldoon) had a Special Rocket launcher like item but instead of rockets . it shot Rocket Tranqs, and he used it one the rex. so it would need a Shock dart and a Rocket with a LOT MORE DRUGS and maybe Ammonit bile to make a Super Tranq!  
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage
    • Could be interesting. 
    • yes cuz why is it just one hit? i want to have a Stun rod to beat dinos to death with!
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)   
    • If they do not fix the riot baseline, they should at least add something between Riot and Tek. 
    • yes


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are bad. 



agree with this and i think their could be ways to make it better. what idk yet.




Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!

Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!

Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 




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Well here I’ll update the list!

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but waterskins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
      well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
    • I don’t know what the difference is but I like the slingshot, I think flint for damage is a great idea. Maybe there can be a sling and a slingshot.
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword
    • I am trying to imagine how this would be constructed. Are you suggesting your player pick up a large rock and carry it around or are you thinking they are tying rocks to the already existing club to give it some added damage markers? And if so, how does this effect the durability of the item? 
    • tbh i don't know. but i was thinking, maybe as a Tier for a early one player would be a Warclub, just like a Rock in a Thick piece of wood as a "sword" for early players but then the club would have no uses. 
      I say make a metal club that does double the damage as reg but triple the torpor, the recipe would be wood metal and fiber. Maybe a ten club too.
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.
    • Personally I am all for leaving thatch as it is and adding a separate tier for bamboo. We have a lot of bushes in game that look like it and it would be nice to have another building tier to play with. We haven't gotten one in ages. As for it's durability... it could fall between thatch and wood or be the same as one or the other.
    • this is just kinda a nit pick cuz "realistically" that would be hard to stand one without you falling through it like a Carton! 
      New bamboo sounds good and most thatch looks terabal but i think it’s supposed too.
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"
    • Dying the smoke could be a fun way to do events or games. Giving the smoke bombs unique abilities based on unique recipes could be a way to generate more usage from them. 
    • thank you! and plus you could scare people with green gas lol
    • YES SO COOL THROW 50 AND YOU WILL TRIGGER HALLOWEEN, or at least It’ll look like it.
  • Simple bed: a slight new look
    • This is another item where I kinda prefer the simple bed where it is at, however, I would like to have an upgraded version of it. It seems odd to me that we go from a simple bed, to a bunk bed, to a tek pod. It seems as though we missed some steps in between. 
    • another nit pick cuz LOOK AT IT! that would suck to sleep on! the sleeping bag looks Conferrable, the simple bed looks like wood!  
      Maybe a mattress would be nice. But blue, there is not much more too add in between them, res pawn destroy bed, 5 respawn 2.5 respawn  And tek. Maybe an insta respawn but not much else.
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)
    • A way to measure skills. I am good with that. 
    • No opinion 
    • Not that I use them but I like this idea, also maybe a way too track history of attacks.
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
      Aren’t flags just decor, no purpose? Anyway, maybe unlock flag the have a painting station where you put in stuff and it uses half the paint and can paint everything.
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel
    • I had been hoping with Genesis and their Ocean Biome we would be getting more for the underwater building options, but low and behold... building once again takes a back seat. Had they done so we may have some lighting options for the underwater territories... but that was not meant to be. As such, I would have to agree that your torch method is a decent idea. Plus it gives another use for Angler gel. Another was one I spoke on another post where adding it to colors before applying them could change them to a fluorescent variety to match to colors of aberration. 
    • yes. Ark needs some more things for those that wan't to live at sea! like a Food chain to balance out the animals so its just not ENDLESS SHARKS!, or something 
    • No more Excessive sharks! Also more lighting, maybe anglers rarely drop angler bulbs to make an aqua lamp that’s blue/white
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  
    • I have used it before, and honestly, would be happy to simply have the thing hold more line items. Adding the items you listed however, would make sense as those are items you may normally placed in a compost bin to a degree so it makes sense. 
    • i had this idea sense iv been using a Composer in real life. and also maybe "rarely" rare mushrooms would grow on it.
    • I never really use it I find it easier just to get a dung Bette or just use a phiomia but rare mushroom good idea 
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way
    • Personally I think the entire "cooking" and "farming' of Ark needs to be revisited. It is all very basic and rather sad. We can teleport and transmit... but can't cook anything beyond a basic cooked meat... Yes I know you can build your own recipe's, but they too have limitations and honestly it seems as though Ark had taken the easy way out after seeing what Primitive Plus and Atlas have. 
    • yes agree 100% and maybe you could get wellness buffs for cooking and eating better food. like extra Stamina 
      Yes advanced farming and advanced cooking would be cool. And more custom food variation ad tools, maybe you could enter the perks you want and it tells you possible combinations to make it.
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better
    • This is another where I would say leave Wood as it is, but add new types. Such as: Lumber (primitive plus), Log (as in a log cabin), or Paneling. They would take extra steps to create and have their own durability. It would give us more to work and play around with. 
    • i agree with you on this and i had a Idea about it called the "BMK" Building, Maintenance , Kit! and you uses it to repair buildings better and upgrade them. so ill list the tiers that could be in the Kit.  Lumber: Better HP , more resistance agent the cold , and Reinforced wood that looks kinda like the "reinforced wooden parts" on a Stone build. for the Stone buildings its the same but with the Reinforced wooden walls, are slightly better then stone, due to it protecting you better from the elements and has equal HP to stone. or on AB you can get Fungle wood buildings that very slowly "regrow HP" however they are not as good as Stone but better then wood!
    • BMK upvote!
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
    • Like it. 
    • this was listed in the Google doc Ark does and i saw it!
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
      No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe sparkpowder. Something
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 
    • Agreed. If not as better storage from the start, that they need to have additional upgrades available. I am all about to cutting lag, but if you can't build near water the shear number of tanks you need can be exasperating on some maps/areas.
    • agree
      Never had this problem.
    • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  
      • There is another post on this and I completely agree. Troughs, like tek generators, should have an option to show the range. I know there is a foundation spread, and that does work for now, but it seems like a simple QOL adjustment to me. 
      • i feel the same for anything that has a AOE effect, and nearly everyone has this idea
      • yes please range!
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
      Yes also weapon stand, Display case, the armor dummy... ect.
      maybe a little more customizable so you can adjust head angle, pose, ect.
  • Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP
    • They are AWESOME in Atlas. No more doors for walls or incredible lag from the wall it takes to cover a distance. There is another post on this subject that goes into tall walls, larger ceilings and foundations etc, all of which would assist with the decrease in lag for large bases.
    • YES
      Noting wrong with less lag, DO IT GAME.
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinderblock, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
      so like lay on the ground with it pointed up? No opinion I prefer sword except this one lance that does 101 damage so I kill dodos and say dodo killing 101
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB 
    • Agreed. 
    • agree
      There is no reason to disagree unless your a lazy developer, AGREE
    • (ark devs are not lazy don’t. Ban me)
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!
    • Agreed 
    • agree LOL
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring
    • Agreed
    • you get the idea!
      Yes always able to disable and able range things
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go!
    • Personally, I am more of the frame of mind that we already do too much in our own inventories. I can see throwing together a thatch build with what you can find, but even wood should require more that what you can carry on you. Yes, I realize that this statement probably isn't agreeable to many as it would require the use of building stations earlier in the game - however it is simply my opinion. It would a bit more fantasy realism to the game if we had a few more steps to make things works. And this goes for craftables. 
    • To make it seem a bit more "on the go" for nomadic players. I would suggest that a smithy saddle addition be available for most creatures. It wouldn't mean that creatures would all get a smithy like the Argy or Beaver, but that more saddles could have the smithy addition. Limitations would apply however. It would have a separate inventory from the creatures, the creatures could not be ridden while the smithy is placed on the saddle, and it would have a weight limit tied into the creature. 
    • yes agree with this with mods to saddles ( i may do something like this as a Request) but its just to give chitin more of a uses because i rarely see anyone with it. 
      Yes with the original idea
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST
    • If grouped together as with some of your other suggestions, I would say that yes, the cost should be lowered. However through trial and error I have found that only ceiling tiles are needed to get the effect so as is, the cost is not that high for the one piece. 
    • I would also suggest adding an upgraded tier, possibly "Obsidian Glass" as the rock is typically glass like and it could provide a shadowing effect in bright areas. 
    • my problem with greenhouse buildings is "for what they are worth" they are not worth those points, i would rather uses those points on a Saddle or another building part! and yes with the BMK i would like to see that
    • Keep it it’s fine also obi glass is cool
  •  Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 
    • Better Quality yes, Spear bolts no. 
    • agree
    • Fully agree
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
    • I think it should be cheep for such an decorative things
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range
    • Agreed. I LOVE the grappling hook in Atlas. I use it more than anything else. 
    • agree
    • Sure That would be fun
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
      I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 
    • Agreed. As long is it is required that they are powered and become visible when not or you might forget they are there. 
    • agree
      Hide wires and pipes
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
      Nah just use a beaver
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 
    • I am okay with that. 
      sounds cool but what’s ar auto riffle?
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame
    • Agreed. I would also like to put in for an upgraded version, perhaps a tek AC that covers more area? 
    • yes maybe a Tek Humidifier that is better and you don't need 500 ACs , Able to change the Temp of the area around you! too but cost element and has sizes 
      Agree with all
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!
    • Not sure about the rock into sand... but the auto grind PLEASE! 
    • they put this on PC (i think it said it in the patch notes) about the Auto grind everything
    • agree with rock and auto, sand would be an Engram though so you can’t get SE stuff on the other maps
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 
    • I would prefer an upgrade to the current transponder. Perhaps a collar of sorts? or something you can add to a saddle? 
    • agree but that what the transponder should be. place it on your dino , you can name it and if you lose the dino, find him!
    • Agree
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos
    • I would hope the do something for it some day. Honestly the reload is faster on my crossbow... so I have never really used the spear bolt. 
    • agree 100%
    • 2x I say
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope
    • If you can upgrade it as such irl, then I would say you should be able to do so in game. 
    • yes and it makes no sense cuz you need cristal to make a Scope but for a Fab sniper you don't need it....
    • Iron sights automatically and add scope or holo
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper
    • Agreed
    • yes
    • Yes
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 
    • N/A for my gameplay
    • i was reading the Jurassic park book and this idea came to mind (worth a read BTW) but one of the characters (Robert Muldoon) had a Special Rocket launcher like item but instead of rockets . it shot Rocket Tranqs, and he used it one the rex. so it would need a Shock dart and a Rocket with a LOT MORE DRUGS and maybe Ammonit bile to make a Super Tranq!  
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage
    • Could be interesting. 
    • yes cuz why is it just one hit? i want to have a Stun rod to beat dinos to death with!
    • Yes
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)   
    • If they do not fix the riot baseline, they should at least add something between Riot and Tek. 
    • yes
    • Riot gear is underpowered


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are
  • agree tek is hard to use especially on console where your controls are limited



agree with this and i think their could be ways to make it better. what idk yet.




Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!

yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods

Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!


Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 

great ideas


small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!


diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good


support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger


something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 


storage: gargantuan storage chest, 

maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing ex:





stone(flint metal)






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I was going to just mention a few, but the conversation is fun, so here I go -

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
    • I don’t know what the difference is but I like the slingshot, I think flint for damage is a great idea. Maybe there can be a sling and a slingshot.
    • I would imagine that having both would be better than one of the other. I don't use the Slingshot, but for those that do, removing something they are used to could do more harm than good. Having options though to try new things is not a bad option though. It allows players to build that preference and choose what works best for them. 
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword
    • I am trying to imagine how this would be constructed. Are you suggesting your player pick up a large rock and carry it around or are you thinking they are tying rocks to the already existing club to give it some added damage markers? And if so, how does this effect the durability of the item? 
    • tbh i don't know. but i was thinking, maybe as a Tier for a early one player would be a Warclub, just like a Rock in a Thick piece of wood as a "sword" for early players but then the club would have no uses. 
    • I say make a metal club that does double the damage as reg but triple the torpor, the recipe would be wood metal and fiber. Maybe a ten club too.
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.
    • Personally I am all for leaving thatch as it is and adding a separate tier for bamboo. We have a lot of bushes in game that look like it and it would be nice to have another building tier to play with. We haven't gotten one in ages. As for it's durability... it could fall between thatch and wood or be the same as one or the other.
    • this is just kinda a nit pick cuz "realistically" that would be hard to stand one without you falling through it like a Carton! 
    • New bamboo sounds good and most thatch looks terabal but i think it’s supposed too.
    • Well, thatch is a pretty basic product. Not meant for long term survival. At least not in my mind. So if it looks horrid, all the more reason to move by. That is not to say if they decided a a Structure TLC that it couldn't use one. 
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"
    • Dying the smoke could be a fun way to do events or games. Giving the smoke bombs unique abilities based on unique recipes could be a way to generate more usage from them. 
    • thank you! and plus you could scare people with green gas lol
    • YES SO COOL THROW 50 AND YOU WILL TRIGGER HALLOWEEN, or at least It’ll look like it.
  • Simple bed: a slight new look
    • This is another item where I kinda prefer the simple bed where it is at, however, I would like to have an upgraded version of it. It seems odd to me that we go from a simple bed, to a bunk bed, to a tek pod. It seems as though we missed some steps in between. 
    • another nit pick cuz LOOK AT IT! that would suck to sleep on! the sleeping bag looks Conferrable, the simple bed looks like wood!  
    • Maybe a mattress would be nice. But blue, there is not much more too add in between them, res pawn destroy bed, 5 respawn 2.5 respawn  And tek. Maybe an insta respawn but not much else.
    • I was thinking from more a decorative and progression standpoint than what each bed will do for you. There could be a double bed, or a feather down bed (another use for feathers in Primitive Plus), etc... Additional benefits could be healing while sleeping, healing while laying down on the bed (not sleeping but a way to gain health while inactive), or frankly, just for some personality. 
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)
    • A way to measure skills. I am good with that. 
    • No opinion 
    • Not that I use them but I like this idea, also maybe a way too track history of attacks.
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
    • Aren’t flags just decor, no purpose? Anyway, maybe unlock flag the have a painting station where you put in stuff and it uses half the paint and can paint everything.
    • That could be a method you could use to keep all the engrams linked under one. A flag station where you choose the looks, colors, and can paint the flag. If the goal is to limit a "flag" for decorative/tribal marking purposes to a single engram to learn rather than to require you to spend your hard earned engram points on a variety of items. 
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel
    • I had been hoping with Genesis and their Ocean Biome we would be getting more for the underwater building options, but low and behold... building once again takes a back seat. Had they done so we may have some lighting options for the underwater territories... but that was not meant to be. As such, I would have to agree that your torch method is a decent idea. Plus it gives another use for Angler gel. Another was one I spoke on another post where adding it to colors before applying them could change them to a fluorescent variety to match to colors of aberration. 
    • yes. Ark needs some more things for those that wan't to live at sea! like a Food chain to balance out the animals so its just not ENDLESS SHARKS!, or something 
    • No more Excessive sharks! Also more lighting, maybe anglers rarely drop angler bulbs to make an aqua lamp that’s blue/white
    • A little off the initial topic on this one, but I agree, no more sharks! There are more than that in the ocean today and I am pretty sure the same remained true once upon a time. Even it you don't go for realism, there are always fantasy creatures. There needs to be a bit more variety. 
    • And the angler bulb is a unique idea. Can't say I have seen that one here in the forums. Could be interesting to use or create a light with it. 
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  
    • I have used it before, and honestly, would be happy to simply have the thing hold more line items. Adding the items you listed however, would make sense as those are items you may normally placed in a compost bin to a degree so it makes sense. 
    • i had this idea sense iv been using a Composer in real life. and also maybe "rarely" rare mushrooms would grow on it.
    • I never really use it I find it easier just to get a dung Bette or just use a phiomia but rare mushroom good idea 
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way
    • Personally I think the entire "cooking" and "farming' of Ark needs to be revisited. It is all very basic and rather sad. We can teleport and transmit... but can't cook anything beyond a basic cooked meat... Yes I know you can build your own recipe's, but they too have limitations and honestly it seems as though Ark had taken the easy way out after seeing what Primitive Plus and Atlas have
    • yes agree 100% and maybe you could get wellness buffs for cooking and eating better food. like extra Stamina 
    • Yes advanced farming and advanced cooking would be cool. And more custom food variation ad tools, maybe you could enter the perks you want and it tells you possible combinations to make it.
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better
    • This is another where I would say leave Wood as it is, but add new types. Such as: Lumber (primitive plus), Log (as in a log cabin), or Paneling. They would take extra steps to create and have their own durability. It would give us more to work and play around with. 
    • i agree with you on this and i had a Idea about it called the "BMK" Building, Maintenance , Kit! and you uses it to repair buildings better and upgrade them. so ill list the tiers that could be in the Kit.  Lumber: Better HP , more resistance agent the cold , and Reinforced wood that looks kinda like the "reinforced wooden parts" on a Stone build. for the Stone buildings its the same but with the Reinforced wooden walls, are slightly better then stone, due to it protecting you better from the elements and has equal HP to stone. or on AB you can get Fungle wood buildings that very slowly "regrow HP" however they are not as good as Stone but better then wood!
    • BMK upvote!
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
    • Like it. 
    • this was listed in the Google doc Ark does and i saw it!
    • ...netral
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe sparkpowder. Something
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 
    • Agreed. If not as better storage from the start, that they need to have additional upgrades available. I am all about to cutting lag, but if you can't build near water the shear number of tanks you need can be exasperating on some maps/areas.
    • agree
    • Never had this problem.
  • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  
    • There is another post on this and I completely agree. Troughs, like tek generators, should have an option to show the range. I know there is a foundation spread, and that does work for now, but it seems like a simple QOL adjustment to me. 
    • i feel the same for anything that has a AOE effect, and nearly everyone has this idea
    • yes please range!
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
    • Yes also weapon stand, Display case, the armor dummy... ect.
    • maybe a little more customizable so you can adjust head angle, pose, ect.
    • Agreed. Perhaps unnecessary to game play, but it would allow you to decorate and personalize your space. Primitive plus has a few items and if they added to those and perhaps created some updated versions to move primitive plus items into a modern set - it would be a nice way to play around with your space (and a way to store items of certain types rather than relying on storage boxes and vaults all the time for the non-resource set)
  • Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP
    • They are AWESOME in Atlas. No more doors for walls or incredible lag from the wall it takes to cover a distance. There is another post on this subject that goes into tall walls, larger ceilings and foundations etc, all of which would assist with the decrease in lag for large bases.
    • YES
    • Noting wrong with less lag, DO IT GAME.
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
    • so like lay on the ground with it pointed up? No opinion I prefer sword except this one lance that does 101 damage so I kill dodos and say dodo killing 101
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB 
    • Agreed. 
    • agree
    • There is no reason to disagree unless your a lazy developer, AGREE
    • (ark devs are not lazy don’t. Ban me)
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!
    • Agreed 
    • agree LOL
    • Sure
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring
    • Agreed
    • you get the idea!
    • Yes always able to disable and able range things
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go!
    • Personally, I am more of the frame of mind that we already do too much in our own inventories. I can see throwing together a thatch build with what you can find, but even wood should require more that what you can carry on you. Yes, I realize that this statement probably isn't agreeable to many as it would require the use of building stations earlier in the game - however it is simply my opinion. It would a bit more fantasy realism to the game if we had a few more steps to make things works. And this goes for craftables. 
    • To make it seem a bit more "on the go" for nomadic players. I would suggest that a smithy saddle addition be available for most creatures. It wouldn't mean that creatures would all get a smithy like the Argy or Beaver, but that more saddles could have the smithy addition. Limitations would apply however. It would have a separate inventory from the creatures, the creatures could not be ridden while the smithy is placed on the saddle, and it would have a weight limit tied into the creature. 
    • yes agree with this with mods to saddles ( i may do something like this as a Request) but its just to give chitin more of a uses because i rarely see anyone with it. 
    • Yes with the original idea
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST
    • If grouped together as with some of your other suggestions, I would say that yes, the cost should be lowered. However through trial and error I have found that only ceiling tiles are needed to get the effect so as is, the cost is not that high for the one piece. 
    • I would also suggest adding an upgraded tier, possibly "Obsidian Glass" as the rock is typically glass like and it could provide a shadowing effect in bright areas. 
    • my problem with greenhouse buildings is "for what they are worth" they are not worth those points, i would rather uses those points on a Saddle or another building part! and yes with the BMK i would like to see that
    • Keep it it’s fine also obi glass is cool
  • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 
    • Better Quality yes, Spear bolts no. 
    • agree
    • Fully agree
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
    • I think it should be cheep for such an decorative things
    • Items without an official use could be termed as straight "decorative" and have a far cheaper cost. If they aren't willing to group things together by type, that would be a method that would allow you use use more of them without straining your engram too badly. 
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range
    • Agreed. I LOVE the grappling hook in Atlas. I use it more than anything else. 
    • agree
    • Sure That would be fun
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 
    • Agreed. As long is it is required that they are powered and become visible when not or you might forget they are there. 
    • agree
    • Hide wires and pipes
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 
    • I am okay with that. 
    • sounds cool but what’s ar auto riffle?
    • yep
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame
    • Agreed. I would also like to put in for an upgraded version, perhaps a tek AC that covers more area? 
    • yes maybe a Tek Humidifier that is better and you don't need 500 ACs , Able to change the Temp of the area around you! too but cost element and has sizes 
    • Agree with all
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!
    • Not sure about the rock into sand... but the auto grind PLEASE! 
    • they put this on PC (i think it said it in the patch notes) about the Auto grind everything
    • agree with rock and auto, sand would be an Engram though so you can’t get SE stuff on the other maps
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 
    • I would prefer an upgrade to the current transponder. Perhaps a collar of sorts? or something you can add to a saddle? 
    • agree but that what the transponder should be. place it on your dino , you can name it and if you lose the dino, find him!
    • Agree
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos
    • I would hope the do something for it some day. Honestly the reload is faster on my crossbow... so I have never really used the spear bolt. 
    • agree 100%
    • 2x I say
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope
    • If you can upgrade it as such irl, then I would say you should be able to do so in game. 
    • yes and it makes no sense cuz you need cristal to make a Scope but for a Fab sniper you don't need it....
    • Iron sights automatically and add scope or holo
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper
    • Agreed
    • yes
    • Yes
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 
    • N/A for my gameplay
    • i was reading the Jurassic park book and this idea came to mind (worth a read BTW) but one of the characters (Robert Muldoon) had a Special Rocket launcher like item but instead of rockets . it shot Rocket Tranqs, and he used it one the rex. so it would need a Shock dart and a Rocket with a LOT MORE DRUGS and maybe Ammonit bile to make a Super Tranq!  
    • Yes
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage
    • Could be interesting. 
    • yes cuz why is it just one hit? i want to have a Stun rod to beat dinos to death with!
    • Yes
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)   
    • If they do not fix the riot baseline, they should at least add something between Riot and Tek. 
    • yes
    • Riot gear is underpowered


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are
  • agree tek is hard to use especially on console where your controls are limited
  • agree with this and i think their could be ways to make it better. what idk yet.


Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Altas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an autosnap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing ex:
    • wood
    • thatch
    • meat  
    • buildings
    • stone(flint metal)
    • fiber
    • berries
      • Are you referring to a downgraded version of the dedicated storage or item type storage as somewhat outlined above? 
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  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
      I would want it for when my waters at 10 and my skin has emptied in a cave
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
      This would make it so there’s less spark powder, maybe you have to re sparkpowder it after every use because well dur
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
    • I don’t know what the difference is but I like the slingshot, I think flint for damage is a great idea. Maybe there can be a sling and a slingshot.
    • I would imagine that having both would be better than one of the other. I don't use the Slingshot, but for those that do, removing something they are used to could do more harm than good. Having options though to try new things is not a bad option though. It allows players to build that preference and choose what works best for them. 
      But getting both weighs on the engrams
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword
    • I am trying to imagine how this would be constructed. Are you suggesting your player pick up a large rock and carry it around or are you thinking they are tying rocks to the already existing club to give it some added damage markers? And if so, how does this effect the durability of the item? 
    • tbh i don't know. but i was thinking, maybe as a Tier for a early one player would be a Warclub, just like a Rock in a Thick piece of wood as a "sword" for early players but then the club would have no uses. 
    • I say make a metal club that does double the damage as reg but triple the torpor, the recipe would be wood metal and fiber. Maybe a ten club too.
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crapy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same.
    • Personally I am all for leaving thatch as it is and adding a separate tier for bamboo. We have a lot of bushes in game that look like it and it would be nice to have another building tier to play with. We haven't gotten one in ages. As for it's durability... it could fall between thatch and wood or be the same as one or the other.
    • this is just kinda a nit pick cuz "realistically" that would be hard to stand one without you falling through it like a Carton! 
    • New bamboo sounds good and most thatch looks terabal but i think it’s supposed too.
    • Well, thatch is a pretty basic product. Not meant for long term survival. At least not in my mind. So if it looks horrid, all the more reason to move by. That is not to say if they decided a a Structure TLC that it couldn't use one. 
      Yes only for Decorative roofs or scaffolding 
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you"
    • Dying the smoke could be a fun way to do events or games. Giving the smoke bombs unique abilities based on unique recipes could be a way to generate more usage from them. 
    • thank you! and plus you could scare people with green gas lol
    • YES SO COOL THROW 50 AND YOU WILL TRIGGER HALLOWEEN, or at least It’ll look like it.
  • Simple bed: a slight new look
    • This is another item where I kinda prefer the simple bed where it is at, however, I would like to have an upgraded version of it. It seems odd to me that we go from a simple bed, to a bunk bed, to a tek pod. It seems as though we missed some steps in between. 
    • another nit pick cuz LOOK AT IT! that would suck to sleep on! the sleeping bag looks Conferrable, the simple bed looks like wood!  
    • Maybe a mattress would be nice. But blue, there is not much more too add in between them, res pawn destroy bed, 5 respawn 2.5 respawn  And tek. Maybe an insta respawn but not much else.
    • I was thinking from more a decorative and progression standpoint than what each bed will do for you. There could be a double bed, or a feather down bed (another use for feathers in Primitive Plus), etc... Additional benefits could be healing while sleeping, healing while laying down on the bed (not sleeping but a way to gain health while inactive), or frankly, just for some personality. 
      Oh well ok maybe. Maybe rapid stam and slowed food/water
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc)
    • A way to measure skills. I am good with that. 
    • No opinion 
    • Not that I use them but I like this idea, also maybe a way too track history of attacks.
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
    • Aren’t flags just decor, no purpose? Anyway, maybe unlock flag the have a painting station where you put in stuff and it uses half the paint and can paint everything.
    • That could be a method you could use to keep all the engrams linked under one. A flag station where you choose the looks, colors, and can paint the flag. If the goal is to limit a "flag" for decorative/tribal marking purposes to a single engram to learn rather than to require you to spend your hard earned engram points on a variety of items. 
      so it’s only two items I think this could be a more common theme so you unlock one thing and customize it using stations to save engrams including pipes and lighting as mentioned below
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel
    • I had been hoping with Genesis and their Ocean Biome we would be getting more for the underwater building options, but low and behold... building once again takes a back seat. Had they done so we may have some lighting options for the underwater territories... but that was not meant to be. As such, I would have to agree that your torch method is a decent idea. Plus it gives another use for Angler gel. Another was one I spoke on another post where adding it to colors before applying them could change them to a fluorescent variety to match to colors of aberration. 
    • yes. Ark needs some more things for those that wan't to live at sea! like a Food chain to balance out the animals so its just not ENDLESS SHARKS!, or something 
    • No more Excessive sharks! Also more lighting, maybe anglers rarely drop angler bulbs to make an aqua lamp that’s blue/white
    • A little off the initial topic on this one, but I agree, no more sharks! There are more than that in the ocean today and I am pretty sure the same remained true once upon a time. Even it you don't go for realism, there are always fantasy creatures. There needs to be a bit more variety. 
    • And the angler bulb is a unique idea. Can't say I have seen that one here in the forums. Could be interesting to use or create a light with it. 
      thanks I think more creative lighting like this would work
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  
    • I have used it before, and honestly, would be happy to simply have the thing hold more line items. Adding the items you listed however, would make sense as those are items you may normally placed in a compost bin to a degree so it makes sense. 
    • i had this idea sense iv been using a Composer in real life. and also maybe "rarely" rare mushrooms would grow on it.
    • I never really use it I find it easier just to get a dung Bette or just use a phiomia but rare mushroom good idea 
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way
    • Personally I think the entire "cooking" and "farming' of Ark needs to be revisited. It is all very basic and rather sad. We can teleport and transmit... but can't cook anything beyond a basic cooked meat... Yes I know you can build your own recipe's, but they too have limitations and honestly it seems as though Ark had taken the easy way out after seeing what Primitive Plus and Atlas have
    • yes agree 100% and maybe you could get wellness buffs for cooking and eating better food. like extra Stamina 
    • Yes advanced farming and advanced cooking would be cool. And more custom food variation ad tools, maybe you could enter the perks you want and it tells you possible combinations to make it.
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better
    • This is another where I would say leave Wood as it is, but add new types. Such as: Lumber (primitive plus), Log (as in a log cabin), or Paneling. They would take extra steps to create and have their own durability. It would give us more to work and play around with. 
    • i agree with you on this and i had a Idea about it called the "BMK" Building, Maintenance , Kit! and you uses it to repair buildings better and upgrade them. so ill list the tiers that could be in the Kit.  Lumber: Better HP , more resistance agent the cold , and Reinforced wood that looks kinda like the "reinforced wooden parts" on a Stone build. for the Stone buildings its the same but with theReinforced wooden walls, are slightly better then stone, due to it protecting you better from the elements and has equal HP to stone. or on AB you can get Fungle wood buildings that very slowly "regrow HP" however they are not as good as Stone but better then wood!
    • BMK upvote!
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
    • Like it. 
    • this was listed in the Google doc Ark does and i saw it!
    • ...netral
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe sparkpowder. Something
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 
    • Agreed. If not as better storage from the start, that they need to have additional upgrades available. I am all about to cutting lag, but if you can't build near water the shear number of tanks you need can be exasperating on some maps/areas.
    • agree
    • Never had this problem.
  • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range,  
    • There is another post on this and I completely agree. Troughs, like tek generators, should have an option to show the range. I know there is a foundation spread, and that does work for now, but it seems like a simple QOL adjustment to me. 
    • i feel the same for anything that has a AOE effect, and nearly everyone has this idea
    • yes please range!
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
    • Yes also weapon stand, Display case, the armor dummy... ect.
    • maybe a little more customizable so you can adjust head angle, pose, ect.
    • Agreed. Perhaps unnecessary to game play, but it would allow you to decorate and personalize your space. Primitive plus has a few items and if they added to those and perhaps created some updated versions to move primitive plus items into a modern set - it would be a nice way to play around with your space (and a way to store items of certain types rather than relying on storage boxes and vaults all the time for the non-resource set)
    • Yeah I was just thinking displays but storage works too.
  • Behmoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP
    • They are AWESOME in Atlas. No more doors for walls or incredible lag from the wall it takes to cover a distance. There is another post on this subject that goes into tall walls, larger ceilings and foundations etc, all of which would assist with the decrease in lag for large bases.
    • YES
    • Noting wrong with less lag, DO IT GAME.
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
    • so like lay on the ground with it pointed up? No opinion I prefer sword except this one lance that does 101 damage so I kill dodos and say dodo killing 101
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB 
    • Agreed. 
    • agree
    • There is no reason to disagree unless your a lazy developer, AGREE
    • (ark devs are not lazy don’t. Ban me)
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it!
    • Agreed 
    • agree LOL
    • Sure
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring
    • Agreed
    • you get the idea!
    • Yes always able to disable and able range things
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go!
    • Personally, I am more of the frame of mind that we already do too much in our own inventories. I can see throwing together a thatch build with what you can find, but even wood should require more that what you can carry on you. Yes, I realize that this statement probably isn't agreeable to many as it would require the use of building stations earlier in the game - however it is simply my opinion. It would a bit more fantasy realism to the game if we had a few more steps to make things works. And this goes for craftables. 
    • To make it seem a bit more "on the go" for nomadic players. I would suggest that a smithy saddle addition be available for most creatures. It wouldn't mean that creatures would all get a smithy like the Argy or Beaver, but that more saddles could have the smithy addition. Limitations would apply however. It would have a separate inventory from the creatures, the creatures could not be ridden while the smithy is placed on the saddle, and it would have a weight limit tied into the creature. 
    • yes agree with this with mods to saddles ( i may do something like this as a Request) but its just to give chitin more of a uses because i rarely see anyone with it. 
    • Yes with the original idea
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST
    • If grouped together as with some of your other suggestions, I would say that yes, the cost should be lowered. However through trial and error I have found that only ceiling tiles are needed to get the effect so as is, the cost is not that high for the one piece. 
    • I would also suggest adding an upgraded tier, possibly "Obsidian Glass" as the rock is typically glass like and it could provide a shadowing effect in bright areas. 
    • my problem with greenhouse buildings is "for what they are worth" they are not worth those points, i would rather uses those points on a Saddle or another building part! and yes with the BMK i would like to see that
    • Keep it it’s fine also obi glass is cool
  • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found 
    • Better Quality yes, Spear bolts no. 
    • agree
    • Fully agree
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
    • I think it should be cheep for such an decorative things
    • Items without an official use could be termed as straight "decorative" and have a far cheaper cost. If they aren't willing to group things together by type, that would be a method that would allow you use use more of them without straining your engram too badly. 
      I think maybe a light station like fabricator but small and no need to unlock the engrams
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range
    • Agreed. I LOVE the grappling hook in Atlas. I use it more than anything else. 
    • agree
    • Sure That would be fun
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires 
    • Agreed. As long is it is required that they are powered and become visible when not or you might forget they are there. 
    • agree
    • Hide wires and pipes
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target 
    • I am okay with that. 
    • sounds cool but what’s ar auto riffle?
    • yep
    • Thanks
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame
    • Agreed. I would also like to put in for an upgraded version, perhaps a tek AC that covers more area? 
    • yes maybe a Tek Humidifier that is better and you don't need 500 ACs , Able to change the Temp of the area around you! too but cost element and has sizes 
    • Agree with all
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything!
    • Not sure about the rock into sand... but the auto grind PLEASE! 
    • they put this on PC (i think it said it in the patch notes) about the Auto grind everything
    • agree with rock and auto, sand would be an Engram though so you can’t get SE stuff on the other maps
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint 
    • I would prefer an upgrade to the current transponder. Perhaps a collar of sorts? or something you can add to a saddle? 
    • agree but that what the transponder should be. place it on your dino , you can name it and if you lose the dino, find him!
    • Agree
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos
    • I would hope the do something for it some day. Honestly the reload is faster on my crossbow... so I have never really used the spear bolt. 
    • agree 100%
    • 2x I say
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope
    • If you can upgrade it as such irl, then I would say you should be able to do so in game. 
    • yes and it makes no sense cuz you need cristal to make a Scope but for a Fab sniper you don't need it....
    • Iron sights automatically and add scope or holo
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper
    • Agreed
    • yes
    • Yes
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq 
    • N/A for my gameplay
    • i was reading the Jurassic park book and this idea came to mind (worth a read BTW) but one of the characters (Robert Muldoon) had a Special Rocket launcher like item but instead of rockets . it shot Rocket Tranqs, and he used it one the rex. so it would need a Shock dart and a Rocket with a LOT MORE DRUGS and maybe Ammonit bile to make a Super Tranq!  
    • Yes
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage
    • Could be interesting. 
    • yes cuz why is it just one hit? i want to have a Stun rod to beat dinos to death with!
    • Yes
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)   
    • If they do not fix the riot baseline, they should at least add something between Riot and Tek. 
    • yes
    • Riot gear is underpowered


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are
  • agree tek is hard to use especially on console where your controls are limited
  • agree with this and i think their could be ways to make it better. what idk yet.


Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
      So quality? I don’t catch you meaning
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
      II believe it’s in prim+ but didn’t survive the update
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Altas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an autosnap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
      I meant walls and foundations and stuff but ark needs a lot of work on auto snapping, most of it is glitched or hard to use and much more is needed
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing ex:
    • wood
    • thatch
    • meat  
    • buildings
    • stone(flint metal)
    • fiber
    • berries
      • Are you referring to a downgraded version of the dedicated storage or item type storage as somewhat outlined above? 
        Precicly because PvE players have to wait a long time to get that so something like a firewood stack(wood) for example.
    • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
    • snapping: about a million things go here
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat grounfd meat, rich meat, ect.
    • Way more stuff
    • ill submit more ideas later.
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13 minutes ago, Dinobros2000 said:

More variation of meats not too much but like meat grounfd meat, rich meat, ect.

i had a Idea like that


like insect meat, both Prime and normal. you get prime from arthros , Scorpions, crabs , sea scorpions, spiders, and deathworms.

Fat that can be used to make oil, and can be eatten, Dropped by everything, 

Prime meat stacks and can be harvested on Phomias   


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@Dinobros2000, yeah I was thinking the same. And since I am  "at work" from home right now...

I left the headliner bullet and marked it with GTG (good to go) if it looked as though we had agreed on the item. 

If you feel I have cut something short, please feel free to add it back in. 

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
    • I would want it for when my waters at 10 and my skin has emptied in a cave
    • That would be one of the many reasons for the change. It may just be a QOL to extend the decay/evaporation timer of the water in the skin then as opposed to stopping it as the water jar does. Make it last longer, but keep the push there to move to the next item. 
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
    • This would make it so there’s less spark powder, maybe you have to re sparkpowder it after every use because well dur
    • I would say that the spark-powder in this instance would be either a pure ignition source and/or a fuel. The amount would be small, so the use wouldn't be infinite, but honestly, spark powder isn't too hard to come by so it seems feasible even for early game. 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
    • I don’t know what the difference is but I like the slingshot, I think flint for damage is a great idea. Maybe there can be a sling and a slingshot.
    • I would imagine that having both would be better than one of the other. I don't use the Slingshot, but for those that do, removing something they are used to could do more harm than good. Having options though to try new things is not a bad option though. It allows players to build that preference and choose what works best for them. 
    • But getting both weighs on the engrams
    • If they do get to the point of adding a bunch of engrams, even just with those from Primitive Plus, the engram screen will be a disaster. It may need to be re-worked to be sorted by item type or such to simplify the process. That may be a separate item to discuss though. How to re-organize or sort the engram screen should too many more be added. 
    • Apart from that worry however, I do think it would be nice to have both - just to let character build use what they prefer given what is available in the surrounding area. 
  • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword - GTG
  • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crappy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same. - GTG
  • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you" - GTG
  • Simple bed: a slight new look - GTG
  • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc) - GTG
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
    • Aren’t flags just decor, no purpose? Anyway, maybe unlock flag the have a painting station where you put in stuff and it uses half the paint and can paint everything.
    • That could be a method you could use to keep all the engrams linked under one. A flag station where you choose the looks, colors, and can paint the flag. If the goal is to limit a "flag" for decorative/tribal marking purposes to a single engram to learn rather than to require you to spend your hard earned engram points on a variety of items. 
    • so it’s only two items I think this could be a more common theme so you unlock one thing and customize it using stations to save engrams including pipes and lighting as mentioned below
    • It could be a feasible method to group together items under the table you craft them on. It would be a way to avoid changing the engram process completely. For simple items you simply unlock the table/station that allows you to customize and place the item. Otherwise it would be a complete overhaul on how much things cost, how the are organized... etc. It would also make it easier when you reset your character. Instead of claiming every little individual item/decoration. You could get a few of them in groups. And for the sake of this bullet, one Painting Station could unlock flags, perhaps even paint brushes. To take it further, even though it is not necessary, you could have an Upgraded Painting Station which, when connected to water, could also make the paints you need to decorate the flags and the rest of your building. 
  • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel - GTG
  • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  - GTG
  • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way - GTG
  • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better - GTG
  • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe spark powder. Something
    • And Anvil sounds more weaponry and tool based in my mind, but I do get what you are saying. Going back to the Painting Station concept, being able to unlock an engram for a station that would by default, unlock the pipes and/or electrical components all at once. Not sure what to call it, or even if they should be the same.
      • One though, for example; A Gardening Station and an Advanced Gardening Station. 
        •  A Gardening Station could be an upgrade to the compost bin, having more line items with a higher composting rate.
          • With it you would unlock stone piping and the small and medium crop plot. 
        • An Advanced Gardening Station would have even more line items and again, a slightly higher composting rate. 
          • With it you would unlock the metal piping, the large crop plot, and to tie in another item discussed, the green house building items. 
    • That is just one example though. And it would only apply to the piping. Still not sure what to call or how to group the electrical items beyond providing them a similar scenario. 
  • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 - GTG
  • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range - GTG
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
    • Yes also weapon stand, Display case, the armor dummy... ect.
    • maybe a little more customization so you can adjust head angle, pose, ect.
    • Agreed. Perhaps unnecessary to game play, but it would allow you to decorate and personalize your space. Primitive plus has a few items and if they added to those and perhaps created some updated versions to move primitive plus items into a modern set - it would be a nice way to play around with your space (and a way to store items of certain types rather than relying on storage boxes and vaults all the time for the non-resource set)
    • Yeah I was just thinking displays but storage works too.
    • I don't mind them being just displays, but as much as I like my decorative, I am more likely to use something that is both pretty and functional. So doubling them seemed to fit. 
  • Behemoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP - GTG
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
    • so like lay on the ground with it pointed up? No opinion I prefer sword except this one lance that does 101 damage so I kill dodos and say dodo killing 101
    • I think the suggestion is that it could be used as a spear of sorts. perhaps slower to use due to the size. It would give it another use though, and a crazy long reach. 
  • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB - GTG
  • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it! -GTG
  • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring - GTG
  • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! -GTG
  • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST - GTG
  • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found - GTG
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
    • I think it should be cheep for such an decorative things
    • Items without an official use could be termed as straight "decorative" and have a far cheaper cost. If they aren't willing to group things together by type, that would be a method that would allow you use use more of them without straining your engram too badly. 
      I think maybe a light station like fabricator but small and no need to unlock the engrams
    • Agreed. Just as mentioned above with a few of the other groupings of items. 
  • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range - GTG
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
    • Honestly, I haven't played with the drill yet. Have some blueprints, but haven't bothered crafting it. I have one of the top 3 ranked creature for each harvest type so crafting something to do the work myself has seemed a bit unnecessary.  I should probably try it out before I comment further. Because I am not seeing how using a tool cuts the weight of the items harvested in your inventory. The creatures that harvest it? That I can see, it is their specialty. But a tool for your character? 
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
  • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target - GTG
  • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame -GTG
  • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything! GTG
  • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint - GTG
  • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos - GTG
  • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope - GTG
  • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper - GTG
  • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq - GTG
  • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage GTG
  • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)  - GTG


  • Tek
    • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
    • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
    • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
    • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
    • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
    • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
    • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
  • Do I have tek? Yes. Do I use tek? No. Personally I find it cumbersome. If I go to jump, I fly. If I want to throw my little guy, the helmet resets. If I want to keep it powered, I have to carry element. Plus, it isn't as "end game" as it should be.Nor am I interested in being one of the many who all go around wearing the same suite of armor because skins don't work on it and to me, it doesn't scream "survival game" but "scifi game" so I am going to go and leave this one as is. Not saying your suggestions are good, nor that they are
  • agree tek is hard to use especially on console where your controls are limited
  • agree with this and i think their could be ways to make it better. what idk yet.

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
      So quality? I don’t catch you meaning
    • Quality in that it will last longer in a garden plot or re-vitalize an area faster or one that is larger. 
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
      II believe it’s in prim+ but didn’t survive the update
    • There is a pontoon bridge in Primitive Plus that worked the last time I put a Primitive Plus map up back in like October. And it was working then. But it only worked across water. It would be nice to have horizontal supports that could extend the length ceilings could travel to build bridges over land or between tree houses. The horizontal supported ceilings could be far costlier to make and could require placement from the start all the way across or could require placement every few ceilings. Though having them stretch the entire length makes far more sense in my opinion. Just as a bridge would today. 
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Atlas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an auto-snap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
      I meant walls and foundations and stuff but ark needs a lot of work on auto snapping, most of it is glitched or hard to use and much more is needed
    • Honestly I haven't had a lot of issues with snapping in Ark. There are times things will face the wrong direction, but the pick up has alleviated that issue. Atlas does have a slightly better way of handling it though. When you go to place an item on of the functions is a snap though guide. It will let you flip through the different snap points to choose the one you want. The most likely will show first, but you can change it, and see it before you place it. 
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing ex:
    • wood
    • thatch
    • meat  
    • buildings
    • stone(flint metal)
    • fiber
    • berries
      • Are you referring to a downgraded version of the dedicated storage or item type storage as somewhat outlined above? 
        Precisely because PvE players have to wait a long time to get that so something like a firewood stack(wood) for example.
      • Agreed
    • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds
      • Are you referring to the stack-able foundations that we would have gotten had they not watered down the Structures Plus "Homestead" update? They awesome stack-able foundations that they have in Atlas? Which also show flush when a ceiling tile is added to them so there doesn't look like there is a lip? 
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
    • snapping: about a million things go here
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat grounfd meat, rich meat, ect.
      • Adding a few more meat options would be nice. Primitive Plus had Poultry, Bacon, Ribs, etc.. It is built into the farming concept that Primitive Plus has that is rather superior to the standard Ark. They have a a lot more for food, farming, harvesting, and such that really help a PvE and/or Roll-playing world. 
    • Way more stuff
    • ill submit more ideas later.
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  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
    • I would want it for when my waters at 10 and my skin has emptied in a cave
    • That would be one of the many reasons for the change. It may just be a QOL to extend the decay/evaporation timer of the water in the skin then as opposed to stopping it as the water jar does. Make it last longer, but keep the push there to move to the next item. 
      Yes and maybe they could work in something with heat level too. Have they already?
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
    • This would make it so there’s less spark powder, maybe you have to re sparkpowder it after every use because well dur
    • I would say that the spark-powder in this instance would be either a pure ignition source and/or a fuel. The amount would be small, so the use wouldn't be infinite, but honestly, spark powder isn't too hard to come by so it seems feasible even for early game. 
      yeah because some flint and stone and your m and p is making a craft sound every .01 secound.
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage)
    • I can't say I have ever use the one available in game. I have always skipped over it - so I cannot really comment on this one. 
    • thats one of the main reasons. to me is would be easier to make a sling then a Sligshot, and plus gives Very early one players a ok weapon for range 
    • I don’t know what the difference is but I like the slingshot, I think flint for damage is a great idea. Maybe there can be a sling and a slingshot.
    • I would imagine that having both would be better than one of the other. I don't use the Slingshot, but for those that do, removing something they are used to could do more harm than good. Having options though to try new things is not a bad option though. It allows players to build that preference and choose what works best for them. 
    • But getting both weighs on the engrams
    • If they do get to the point of adding a bunch of engrams, even just with those from Primitive Plus, the engram screen will be a disaster. It may need to be re-worked to be sorted by item type or such to simplify the process. That may be a separate item to discuss though. How to re-organize or sort the engram screen should too many more be added. 
    • Apart from that worry however, I do think it would be nice to have both - just to let character build use what they prefer given what is available in the surrounding area. 
      Yes and probably another discussion is needed and might already exist for that! Anyway it would be nice but keep the slingshot.
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram
    • On Atlas you could word it as having one flag in which you can flip through different designs, but on Ark where they have separated everything out, I do not see them doing so without a complete overhaul. That said, I can see what you are getting at. Engram Points are limited and having to purchase flags individually is not exactly cost effective. 
    • this is true. i love building in altas, to me its better sense "hey i have a wall! i can turn it into a Window and it makes sense. but maybe it could be a way to unlock a tone of flag types like wall flags , Flag poles etc
    • Aren’t flags just decor, no purpose? Anyway, maybe unlock flag the have a painting station where you put in stuff and it uses half the paint and can paint everything.
    • That could be a method you could use to keep all the engrams linked under one. A flag station where you choose the looks, colors, and can paint the flag. If the goal is to limit a "flag" for decorative/tribal marking purposes to a single engram to learn rather than to require you to spend your hard earned engram points on a variety of items. 
    • so it’s only two items I think this could be a more common theme so you unlock one thing and customize it using stations to save engrams including pipes and lighting as mentioned below
    • It could be a feasible method to group together items under the table you craft them on. It would be a way to avoid changing the engram process completely. For simple items you simply unlock the table/station that allows you to customize and place the item. Otherwise it would be a complete overhaul on how much things cost, how the are organized... etc. It would also make it easier when you reset your character. Instead of claiming every little individual item/decoration. You could get a few of them in groups. And for the sake of this bullet, one Painting Station could unlock flags, perhaps even paint brushes. To take it further, even though it is not necessary, you could have an Upgraded Painting Station which, when connected to water, could also make the paints you need to decorate the flags and the rest of your building. 
      Yeah that sort of thing a system to unlock things using one thing, like the grinder sort of.
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
    • I know if they make it so after 10 hours away from a raft and 20 away from a boat it just does the explode effect but shows a timer for the last 2/4 hours
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe spark powder. Something
    • And Anvil sounds more weaponry and tool based in my mind, but I do get what you are saying. Going back to the Painting Station concept, being able to unlock an engram for a station that would by default, unlock the pipes and/or electrical components all at once. Not sure what to call it, or even if they should be the same. 
      • One though, for example; A Gardening Station and an Advanced Gardening Station. 
        •  A Gardening Station could be an upgrade to the compost bin, having more line items with a higher composting rate.
          • With it you would unlock stone piping and the small and medium crop plot. 
        • An Advanced Gardening Station would have even more line items and again, a slightly higher composting rate. 
          • With it you would unlock the metal piping, the large crop plot, and to tie in another item discussed, the green house building items. 
    • That is just one example though. And it would only apply to the piping. Still not sure what to call or how to group the electrical items beyond providing them a similar scenario. 
      Kinda what I meant but I said anvil cus it has a bunch of different angles on it to bend the pipes, also if you pay attention the pipe has three parts a tube a connector and another tube So it’d also be interesting to see a system based off that more of like you built straight connectors and 45 and 90 connectors and split conectors ect.
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall
    • I would like to add to this one to include a "Display Case" where you could display things like Chibi's or Tributes.
    • agree
    • Yes also weapon stand, Display case, the armor dummy... ect.
    • maybe a little more customization so you can adjust head angle, pose, ect.
    • Agreed. Perhaps unnecessary to game play, but it would allow you to decorate and personalize your space. Primitive plus has a few items and if they added to those and perhaps created some updated versions to move primitive plus items into a modern set - it would be a nice way to play around with your space (and a way to store items of certain types rather than relying on storage boxes and vaults all the time for the non-resource set)
    • Yeah I was just thinking displays but storage works too.
    • I don't mind them being just displays, but as much as I like my decorative, I am more likely to use something that is both pretty and functional. So doubling them seemed to fit. 
      II was thinking of a functional one and a decorative one so it’s better.
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
      I was thinking a table for each tier like a makeshift workbench for bamboo thatch and maybe some sort of hide teepee thing... basic workbench for wood, enforced wood, lumber, and a log cabin look... Workbench for stone, mossy stone, enforced stone, cut/smooth stone, brick... industrial or advanced workbench for metal, polished metal, enforced metal/steel, blast metal... architectural bench for greenhouse, glass, stained glass ect. ... and lastly and dur tek workbench, for tek, Shock wall(after sustaining heavy damage(10% health) sends A shockwave out destroying itself, requires power connection and more element in building)  Ect...
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good
    • As I have never used one as my creature does more damage than I... It would give the item another purpose and that I am all for. 
    • agree
    • so like lay on the ground with it pointed up? No opinion I prefer sword except this one lance that does 101 damage so I kill dodos and say dodo killing 101
    • I think the suggestion is that it could be used as a spear of sorts. perhaps slower to use due to the size. It would give it another use though, and a crazy long reach. 
      Reminds me of a war where you see the front lines hold up spears as the horses charge at them.
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
      Maybe the mine’s plant just is whatever’s native or it has a small crop plot and it grows a native plant, and if someone comes along they can collect fiber and berries from it the step on it and die, so they could also make a dangerous fiber farm, it would take 3 minuets to grow or something though 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
      Maybe just nicer metal, I can’t see whats between metal and tek
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram 
    • Another example of a possible skill to learn "lighting" and/or "advanced lighting". Or as a possible group of engrams as mentioned previously. 
    • agree and maybe able to unlock stuff like wall lights!
    • I think it should be cheep for such an decorative things
    • Items without an official use could be termed as straight "decorative" and have a far cheaper cost. If they aren't willing to group things together by type, that would be a method that would allow you use use more of them without straining your engram too badly. 
      I think maybe a light station like fabricator but small and no need to unlock the engrams
    • Agreed. Just as mentioned above with a few of the other groupings of items. 
      yes I think this could be a common theme also turn this purple
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
      Fab is not end game, I think only a thing actually a tek should be able to craft everything if that. But yes split up and always craft the presecors stuff.
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
    • Honestly, I haven't played with the drill yet. Have some blueprints, but haven't bothered crafting it. I have one of the top 3 ranked creature for each harvest type so crafting something to do the work myself has seemed a bit unnecessary.  I should probably try it out before I comment further. Because I am not seeing how using a tool cuts the weight of the items harvested in your inventory. The creatures that harvest it? That I can see, it is their specialty. But a tool for your character? 
      yeah no, I think drill itself was pretty useless, if you need a quick bit, use a pick/ax if you need a lot use a tame drill uses gas I believe and doesn't do anything to the weight, nor should it, And is too endgame to be useful as it would only be useful in early to mid-game (In this example tek doesn't count) I would need to spend an hour to get it if I had the Engram ect. And I already had a Anklo(metal, obsidian) dode(stone) and a beaver(wood) and a bronto(thatch(better than mouse because weight and AOE)) and a rex(meat) before it I could have even crafted it.
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
      nothing in it really. I mean it dosent even change that much

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
      Don’t have the new dlc yet so no idea
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
      So quality? I don’t catch you meaning
    • Quality in that it will last longer in a garden plot or re-vitalize an area faster or one that is larger. 
      Oh so like the recipe system for poop
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
      I think the game needs a new Tranq melee weapon
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
      I’d also like a fast little scout motor boat
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
      II believe it’s in prim+ but didn’t survive the update
    • There is a pontoon bridge in Primitive Plus that worked the last time I put a Primitive Plus map up back in like October. And it was working then. But it only worked across water. It would be nice to have horizontal supports that could extend the length ceilings could travel to build bridges over land or between tree houses. The horizontal supported ceilings could be far costlier to make and could require placement from the start all the way across or could require placement every few ceilings. Though having them stretch the entire length makes far more sense in my opinion. Just as a bridge would today. 
      I think the horasontal supports could only add one or two building spaces so a combination of the diagonal would make the bridges and more look good and be less pillar mess.
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
      Well maybe 10-15 we're still trying for realism. But I was saying two more types of support, horizontal and diagonal which would make the bridge go like 10 without another pillar above I said compounding like if you put 4 pillars right next to each other it could go father as if you put one big pillar. So pillar plus more pillars equal bigger pillar which compounds the range of support 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Atlas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an auto-snap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
      I meant walls and foundations and stuff but ark needs a lot of work on auto snapping, most of it is glitched or hard to use and much more is needed
    • Honestly I haven't had a lot of issues with snapping in Ark. There are times things will face the wrong direction, but the pick up has alleviated that issue. Atlas does have a slightly better way of handling it though. When you go to place an item on of the functions is a snap though guide. It will let you flip through the different snap points to choose the one you want. The most likely will show first, but you can change it, and see it before you place it. 
      I understand that I was saying for landscape something that makes it nice
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
      Well I’m saying before tek and shoulder pets need feeding, just a giant chest
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing ex:
    • wood
    • thatch
    • meat  
    • buildings
    • stone(flint metal)
    • fiber
    • berries
      • Are you referring to a downgraded version of the dedicated storage or item type storage as somewhat outlined above? 
        Precisely because PvE players have to wait a long time to get that so something like a firewood stack(wood) for example.
      • Agreed
    • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds
      • Are you referring to the stack-able foundations that we would have gotten had they not watered down the Structures Plus "Homestead" update? They awesome stack-able foundations that they have in Atlas? Which also show flush when a ceiling tile is added to them so there doesn't look like there is a lip? 
        That and also it goes down too right? Anyway they excluded a lot from S+ update they should have added
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
      • Pro gen dosent work hardly ever on a super computer, never on a pc and less a console and plus I’d be nice to have a special map that would most likely be easy to code, and also pro gen dosent give you all the control it just almost makes it work
    • snapping: about a million things go here
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat grounfd meat, rich meat, ect.
      • Adding a few more meat options would be nice. Primitive Plus had Poultry, Bacon, Ribs, etc.. It is built into the farming concept that Primitive Plus has that is rather superior to the standard Ark. They have a a lot more for food, farming, harvesting, and such that really help a PvE and/or Roll-playing world. 
    • Notes: More cooking recipes but not with too many effects and more of different types of food
    • Recipes: also more customization of cooking recipes, more images, an option to turn off color regions and free paint it, an option to import images for recipes on unofficial, special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect.
    • paint: able to turn on paint color regions of dinos using paintbrush
    • paintbrush: make paintbrush stand out more
    • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword - GTG
    • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crappy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same. - GTG
    • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you" - GTG
    • Simple bed: a slight new look - GTG
    • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc) - GTG
    • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel - GTG
    • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  - GTG
    • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way - GTG
    • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better - GTG
    • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
      • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range - GTG
          • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 - GTG
          • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range - GTG
        • Behemoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP - GTG
      • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB - GTG
      • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it! -GTG
      • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring - GTG
      • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! -GTG
      • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST - GTG
      • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found - GTG
    • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target - GTG
    • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame -GTG
    • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything! GTG
    • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint - GTG
    • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos - GTG
    • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope - GTG
    • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper - GTG
    • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq - GTG
    • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage GTG
    • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)  - GTG
    • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Tek
      • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
      • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
      • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
      • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
      • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
      • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
      • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
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Opened it up and commented and closed on a few more. This is fun! 

  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
    • I would want it for when my waters at 10 and my skin has emptied in a cave
    • That would be one of the many reasons for the change. It may just be a QOL to extend the decay/evaporation timer of the water in the skin then as opposed to stopping it as the water jar does. Make it last longer, but keep the push there to move to the next item. 
      Yes and maybe they could work in something with heat level too. Have they already?
    • Honestly I am not sure. I usually stay near water until I can craft myself a jar. Goodness knows every time I have depended on a water skin the thing runs out before I can use it. It would make sense though, that it may deplete faster in hotter temperatures. Not sure if that has been added or not. 
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
    • This would make it so there’s less spark powder, maybe you have to re sparkpowder it after every use because well dur
    • I would say that the spark-powder in this instance would be either a pure ignition source and/or a fuel. The amount would be small, so the use wouldn't be infinite, but honestly, spark powder isn't too hard to come by so it seems feasible even for early game. 
      yeah because some flint and stone and your m and p is making a craft sound every .01 secound.
    • I think we are in agreement then on this one. 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage) - GTG
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram -  GTG
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
    • I know if they make it so after 10 hours away from a raft and 20 away from a boat it just does the explode effect but shows a timer for the last 2/4 hours
    • Personally, I have never kept a boat. I use them at the start, until I find a place to build or until I get to where I plan to go... but that is about it. Once I get a flyer or a swimmer, I tend to abandon the boat concept all together. I would probably use one more often and far longer if there were more oceans and rivers wide enough to do so - however there aren't too many. Genesis may have been the first case where I would need to do so - if it weren't for the fact that I run the server I play on now, and we opened transfers day one.. So I already had creatures to take myself around on.  I have however, seen in the past, shores littered with boats that are left and forgotten. Usually holding a smithy, forge, and bed with little else. So having a starter raft of sorts to that would fade faster, made sense. Plus having an upgraded and larger version could have higher durability to go with it so those who wanted to sail around longer could do so. 
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe spark powder. Something
    • And Anvil sounds more weaponry and tool based in my mind, but I do get what you are saying. Going back to the Painting Station concept, being able to unlock an engram for a station that would by default, unlock the pipes and/or electrical components all at once. Not sure what to call it, or even if they should be the same. 
      • One though, for example; A Gardening Station and an Advanced Gardening Station. 
        •  A Gardening Station could be an upgrade to the compost bin, having more line items with a higher composting rate.
          • With it you would unlock stone piping and the small and medium crop plot. 
        • An Advanced Gardening Station would have even more line items and again, a slightly higher composting rate. 
          • With it you would unlock the metal piping, the large crop plot, and to tie in another item discussed, the green house building items. 
    • That is just one example though. And it would only apply to the piping. Still not sure what to call or how to group the electrical items beyond providing them a similar scenario. 
      Kinda what I meant but I said anvil cus it has a bunch of different angles on it to bend the pipes, also if you pay attention the pipe has three parts a tube a connector and another tube So it’d also be interesting to see a system based off that more of like you built straight connectors and 45 and 90 connectors and split conectors ect.
    • Overall I think we are on the same train of thought here. essentially creating tables that will unlock groups of items rather than millions of little items to unlock individually. Flags, pipes, and wires being some of the top items for consideration. 
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall - GTG
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
      I was thinking a table for each tier like a makeshift workbench for bamboo thatch and maybe some sort of hide teepee thing... basic workbench for wood, enforced wood, lumber, and a log cabin look... Workbench for stone, mossy stone, enforced stone, cut/smooth stone, brick... industrial or advanced workbench for metal, polished metal, enforced metal/steel, blast metal... architectural bench for greenhouse, glass, stained glass ect. ... and lastly and dur tek workbench, for tek, Shock wall(after sustaining heavy damage(10% health) sends A shockwave out destroying itself, requires power connection and more element in building)  Ect...
    • That would add to the progression standpoint. And I am totally cool with that as long as it means that we would get to work on the previous tables items from the next table up. Otherwise that could be a lot of little tables. To use thatch, you unlock the thatch table, to use wood you unlock the wood table, etc... I like it. 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good - GTG
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
      Maybe the mine’s plant just is whatever’s native or it has a small crop plot and it grows a native plant, and if someone comes along they can collect fiber and berries from it the step on it and die, so they could also make a dangerous fiber farm, it would take 3 minuets to grow or something though 
    • Along as the code wouldn't be congested by making a visually changing plant form from one region to the next, I am good with it. My worry would be how complex it might be to have a singular item that changes it self based on the area. It may be easy to use in Genesis where it would simply need to recognize the biome, but that isn't the same for the other maps. 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
      Maybe just nicer metal, I can’t see whats between metal and tek
    • It would honestly be what is between the strongest stone and tek, but I agree, I have no idea. Unless you want to go with a cheaper - far more rustic metal or a cheaper, far more rustic tek. Sort of like a old black and tarnished as compared to the shiny variety. I did some research at one point to find some common building metals, and found a few, but they would be harder to work with in terms of resources unless our "metal" was specified. Such as listing it as iron so that we could have other specific resources around as well to make up and mix with other resources to create them. As with Primitive Plus's Iron and Steel
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram - GTG
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
      Fab is not end game, I think only a thing actually a tek should be able to craft everything if that. But yes split up and always craft the presecors stuff.
    • Personally in my mind, the Fabricator was always more "Industrial Tier" or "Metal Tier" depending on what you wanted to call it. But I agree, as you climb up the tiers every new "top-of-the-line" item should be able to craft the previous editions of them, and only at the tek level should the replicator be able to craft them all. 
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
    • Honestly, I haven't played with the drill yet. Have some blueprints, but haven't bothered crafting it. I have one of the top 3 ranked creature for each harvest type so crafting something to do the work myself has seemed a bit unnecessary.  I should probably try it out before I comment further. Because I am not seeing how using a tool cuts the weight of the items harvested in your inventory. The creatures that harvest it? That I can see, it is their specialty. But a tool for your character? 
      yeah no, I think drill itself was pretty useless, if you need a quick bit, use a pick/ax if you need a lot use a tame drill uses gas I believe and doesn't do anything to the weight, nor should it, And is too endgame to be useful as it would only be useful in early to mid-game (In this example tek doesn't count) I would need to spend an hour to get it if I had the Engram ect. And I already had a Anklo(metal, obsidian) dode(stone) and a beaver(wood) and a bronto(thatch(better than mouse because weight and AOE)) and a rex(meat) before it I could have even crafted it.
    • I suppose if you were playing, as some do, without the use of creatures, it may not be a bad item to have. But for those of us with them - from what I can tell, it is not a top of the line tool when you have tamed the creatures you need for collection. Certainly not now that we have crypods and can take them everywhere with us. 
    • So for this note, re-reading the main thought - honestly it doesn't apply to how I specifically play so I would have to say N/A.
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
      nothing in it really. I mean it dosent even change that much
    • This is another note where I will have to say no or N/A. Personally I like knowing what to expect when I go to harvest from them each day, and while having a bit more varied could give you a "good day" it is also as likely to give you a "bad day". So for this note I would have to go, no thank you. Or N/A as I said, simply because I usually hunt my resources a different way. 

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
      Don’t have the new dlc yet so no idea
    • Attempted the use of it last night... Didn't catch anything. But I also wasn't really trying. My character did snap its fingers in frustration though, when the net came back up empty. It was kind funny. Not sure it effects the main point though, that seemed to list better baiting. Honestly - I think the entire fishing situation, much like farming and cooking, needs to be revisited. Not just the baits. The rods, your skills. etc... all of it. 
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
      So quality? I don’t catch you meaning
    • Quality in that it will last longer in a garden plot or re-vitalize an area faster or one that is larger. 
      Oh so like the recipe system for poop
    • Basically. Right now you can a limited number of items, there is no harm in expanding it. Just as in irl, some fertilizers do more for you than others. 
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
      I think the game needs a new Tranq melee weapon
    • Agreed. Not what this note is for, but I would agree. 
    • I would also suggest adding other taming methods. Such as the bola method used in Atlas. Essentially you weaken a creature, bola the creature, and then feed it passively. I am not saying that this should be used for all creatures. But for those that are primarily passive that can be caught by the bola's, it should be an option. Such as the parasaurs and such. Just something to change it up. It could make taming a start creature a bit easier early game. 
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
      I’d also like a fast little scout motor boat
    • If they ever put out an ocean map - not just a biome but an actual map made up of water and small islands (not the pillars in genesis but the smaller islands of The Center), I fully hope that they bring in more boating options. Some you can build on, some you can't. If you could craft a speedboat that you couldn't build on, but that you could use to get you and your cryo-podded creatures from point A to point B - that would be awesome. 
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
      II believe it’s in prim+ but didn’t survive the update
    • There is a pontoon bridge in Primitive Plus that worked the last time I put a Primitive Plus map up back in like October. And it was working then. But it only worked across water. It would be nice to have horizontal supports that could extend the length ceilings could travel to build bridges over land or between tree houses. The horizontal supported ceilings could be far costlier to make and could require placement from the start all the way across or could require placement every few ceilings. Though having them stretch the entire length makes far more sense in my opinion. Just as a bridge would today. 
      I think the horasontal supports could only add one or two building spaces so a combination of the diagonal would make the bridges and more look good and be less pillar mess.
    • Agreed. I am all for anything that will create less lag. Even if the cost is higher to craft it - I would build it. 
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
      Well maybe 10-15 we're still trying for realism. But I was saying two more types of support, horizontal and diagonal which would make the bridge go like 10 without another pillar above I said compounding like if you put 4 pillars right next to each other it could go father as if you put one big pillar. So pillar plus more pillars equal bigger pillar which compounds the range of support 
    • I think I am getting what you are saying. For fantasy-realism sake - 10 to 15 spaces does seem more reasonable. 
    • As for the taller pillars, be it specifically bridge supports or as horizontal support pillars themselves - I am all for it. In fact another suggestion I am a huge fan of is for some behemoth building items and in there I commented with a Pillar (1 high), Short Pillar (2 high), Medium Pillar (3 high), and Tall Pillar (4 high). This would allow the game to have the original pillar height, but additional sizes so people wouldn't go around using the single stature pillar and lagging out their builds as often. Add those formats to horizontal supports - and I think the lag would be cut dramatically. 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Atlas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an auto-snap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
      I meant walls and foundations and stuff but ark needs a lot of work on auto snapping, most of it is glitched or hard to use and much more is needed
    • Honestly I haven't had a lot of issues with snapping in Ark. There are times things will face the wrong direction, but the pick up has alleviated that issue. Atlas does have a slightly better way of handling it though. When you go to place an item on of the functions is a snap though guide. It will let you flip through the different snap points to choose the one you want. The most likely will show first, but you can change it, and see it before you place it. 
      I understand that I was saying for landscape something that makes it nice
    • Either way I think we an agree - Ark snapping, for whatever reason, needs some changes. A few more item placement offerings, pieces to use, and possibly a way to see available snap points with items available. 
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
      Well I’m saying before tek and shoulder pets need feeding, just a giant chest
    • Assuming it would be larger than a vault as it would be carrying more item's I don't mind. I would have to be huge though. Not sure what you would call it if it is large than a vault...hmm...
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing - GTG
    • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds
      • Are you referring to the stack-able foundations that we would have gotten had they not watered down the Structures Plus "Homestead" update? The awesome stack-able foundations that they have in Atlas? Which also show flush when a ceiling tile is added to them so there doesn't look like there is a lip? 
        That and also it goes down too right? Anyway they excluded a lot from S+ update they should have added
      • So true. Honestly I can see why they removed the hatchery and egg collectors, they are monotonous tasks - but they do add to the "life" of the game. But the snap points? The stack-able foundations? Those should be added. Perhaps a Homestead 2.0 update is in order. 
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
      • Pro gen dosent work hardly ever on a super computer, never on a pc and less a console and plus I’d be nice to have a special map that would most likely be easy to code, and also pro gen dosent give you all the control it just almost makes it work
      • I think I get what you are saying... but also not..
      • So you want to be able to build your map, possibly with a third party generator, where you could have it be as flat as you would like for building purposes? 
      • I know Atlas allows you to design grids by placing islands on an ocean... but even that doesn't allow you to fully go in and make those adjustments. It is more of a pick what you want and you get what you get concept...
      • Unless you are talking about simply having a map that has extremely flat areas to build on. In which case, I think the best bet would be to work with a modder unless they do come up with a way for procedural generated maps to create what you are looking for. 
      • Or I am completely off base and totally confused. 
    • snapping: about a million things go here
      • Agreed. Snapping has some serious issues, and for those who don't know how to work around some of them - it is a nightmare. 
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat ground meat, rich meat, ect. - GTG
    • Notes: More cooking recipes but not with too many effects and more of different types of food
      • 100% agreed. Primitive Plus had a much better start than the original when it came to farming and cooking. And I miss it, sooo so much when I play the standard variety. If the items are ever added to the main game, I hope they build on the concept and create so much more than what is already there. 
    • Recipes: also more customization of cooking recipes, more images, an option to turn off color regions and free paint it, an option to import images for recipes on unofficial, special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect.
      • Customization of Cooking Recipes - Already in game as you can build a recipe and add things to it to create it. I have used it in the past and don't mind it, but I would prefer prepared recipes as with those in Primitive Plus. 
      • More images - Are you referring to the recipes you can create? You want a few more options for those you creating? I mean it makes sense so I don't disagree. I again would just prefer simply having more recipes in game. 
      • an option to turn off color regions and free paint it - I am assuming you are still talking about the image for personally crafted recipes? 
      • option to import images for recipes on unofficial - For those who want to do it, I wouldn't say no. I just don't think I would go that far. 
      • special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect. - I don't mind it, but again, I would rather just have the recipes exist in game and additional crating tables and farming items as with Primitive Plus. 
    • paint: able to turn on paint color regions of dinos using paintbrush
      • This one I would have to say no too, just because it takes the work out of the game if all you are going to do is paint your dino as opposed to breed for the mutations or wait for the event to find the creature color of your choice. I am good with allow you to cook a recipe to color your dino like a candy temporarily, but painting it seems a bit much. 
    • paintbrush: make paintbrush stand out more
      • We need more colors, and those colors need to be a bit more solid when used. Some are washed out and rather dull. 
      • I would also like to add angler gel to dyes to get fluorescent glow in the dark colors. That could be fun. 
    • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword - GTG
    • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crappy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same. - GTG
    • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you" - GTG
    • Simple bed: a slight new look - GTG
    • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc) - GTG
    • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel - GTG
    • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  - GTG
    • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way - GTG
    • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better - GTG
    • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
      • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range - GTG
          • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 - GTG
          • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range - GTG
        • Behemoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP - GTG
      • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB - GTG
      • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it! -GTG
      • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring - GTG
      • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! -GTG
      • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST - GTG
      • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found - GTG
    • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target - GTG
    • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame -GTG
    • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything! GTG
    • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint - GTG
    • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos - GTG
    • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope - GTG
    • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper - GTG
    • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq - GTG
    • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage GTG
    • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)  - GTG
    • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Tek
      • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
      • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
      • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
      • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
      • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
      • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
      • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
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  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak
    • Personally I think that while it is annoying that the water will leak/evaporate from the skin, it sort of makes sense. It pushes you to upgrade to the water jar. 
    • i kinda feel the same but water skins (through out history) have been very handy, i understand if some things leak and evaporate but too me, the water skin is a Effective to hold water as a Wet paper towel   
    • well I think that they should maybe half the speed of decay
    • Perhaps a lowering of the speed of decay/evaporation then would be a compromise. Most of the maps I have played usually have water often enough it has not been a massive concern. And when I do travel - I have focused on using jars. Changing that decay time may be the right move. 
    • I would want it for when my waters at 10 and my skin has emptied in a cave
    • That would be one of the many reasons for the change. It may just be a QOL to extend the decay/evaporation timer of the water in the skin then as opposed to stopping it as the water jar does. Make it last longer, but keep the push there to move to the next item. 
      Yes and maybe they could work in something with heat level too. Have they already?
    • Honestly I am not sure. I usually stay near water until I can craft myself a jar. Goodness knows every time I have depended on a water skin the thing runs out before I can use it. It would make sense though, that it may deplete faster in hotter temperatures. Not sure if that has been added or not. 
      Hu, anyways agree two to four times slower and if not already implemented multiply decay by tempature divided by 75 or something.
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis   
    • I have no issue with the ability to set a spear on fire depending on a method and conditions. Do you use a separate recipe for it? Do you wave it over another's torch or campfire? How long is it expect to last? 
    • this i have been debating. ether A: Leave it in a Fire and it would last like a Minute before "spoiling" or make it like SE were you need proponent but at that tier you don't need spears 
    • Durability soooooo YES. I’d like to use my spears more than 5 times when lucky, but i think maybe like for fire spears make it hard to get like sparkpowder and torch and spear or something
    • Using Spark powder would give another legit use for the resources. So I am good with that recipe. Plus it is pretty early game stuff, so it fits in line before a sword. 
    • This would make it so there’s less spark powder, maybe you have to re sparkpowder it after every use because well dur
    • I would say that the spark-powder in this instance would be either a pure ignition source and/or a fuel. The amount would be small, so the use wouldn't be infinite, but honestly, spark powder isn't too hard to come by so it seems feasible even for early game. 
      yeah because some flint and stone and your m and p is making a craft sound every .01 secound.
    • I think we are in agreement then on this one. 
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage) - GTG
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram -  GTG
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
    • I know if they make it so after 10 hours away from a raft and 20 away from a boat it just does the explode effect but shows a timer for the last 2/4 hours
    • Personally, I have never kept a boat. I use them at the start, until I find a place to build or until I get to where I plan to go... but that is about it. Once I get a flyer or a swimmer, I tend to abandon the boat concept all together. I would probably use one more often and far longer if there were more oceans and rivers wide enough to do so - however there aren't too many. Genesis may have been the first case where I would need to do so - if it weren't for the fact that I run the server I play on now, and we opened transfers day one.. So I already had creatures to take myself around on.  I have however, seen in the past, shores littered with boats that are left and forgotten. Usually holding a smithy, forge, and bed with little else. So having a starter raft of sorts to that would fade faster, made sense. Plus having an upgraded and larger version could have higher durability to go with it so those who wanted to sail around longer could do so. 
      Well same here except tame transport, and I play on two worlds and one has a quetzal so platform saddle transport but on the other and with like broncos raft is, not great but good because of glitches.
    • also portable taming pen, storage, cage(trap wild dodos and they will poop eggs(food) and poop(fertilizer) with no care just don’t let them despawn, (stay within render distance of them)Also for event bunny dodos/ oviaraptor.) and more!
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points
    • If Ark were a bit more skill based... That would be easy. Unlock "Stone Piping" and it would unlock all. Same for metal pipes, wires, etc. Of course, that would be a major change over of the engram system. So I guess adding Engram Packages, where some items are grouped together could help simplify the menu system as it is currently. 
    • i agree. but this is just to make stuff easier 
    • Maybe an anvil so you unlock pipe/wire then take it to an anvil And change it, or... have a pipe molder and a wire molder and the engrams are pre unlocked like the ax and maybe spark powder. Something
    • And Anvil sounds more weaponry and tool based in my mind, but I do get what you are saying. Going back to the Painting Station concept, being able to unlock an engram for a station that would by default, unlock the pipes and/or electrical components all at once. Not sure what to call it, or even if they should be the same. 
      • One though, for example; A Gardening Station and an Advanced Gardening Station. 
        •  A Gardening Station could be an upgrade to the compost bin, having more line items with a higher composting rate.
          • With it you would unlock stone piping and the small and medium crop plot. 
        • An Advanced Gardening Station would have even more line items and again, a slightly higher composting rate. 
          • With it you would unlock the metal piping, the large crop plot, and to tie in another item discussed, the green house building items. 
    • That is just one example though. And it would only apply to the piping. Still not sure what to call or how to group the electrical items beyond providing them a similar scenario. 
      Kinda what I meant but I said anvil cus it has a bunch of different angles on it to bend the pipes, also if you pay attention the pipe has three parts a tube a connector and another tube So it’d also be interesting to see a system based off that more of like you built straight connectors and 45 and 90 connectors and split conectors ect.
    • Overall I think we are on the same train of thought here. essentially creating tables that will unlock groups of items rather than millions of little items to unlock individually. Flags, pipes, and wires being some of the top items for consideration. 
      And building structures but, agree
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall - GTG
  • Stone: Slighy Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
      I was thinking a table for each tier like a makeshift workbench for bamboo thatch and maybe some sort of hide teepee thing... basic workbench for wood, enforced wood, lumber, and a log cabin look... Workbench for stone, mossy stone, enforced stone, cut/smooth stone, brick... industrial or advanced workbench for metal, polished metal, enforced metal/steel, blast metal... architectural bench for greenhouse, glass, stained glass ect. ... and lastly and dur tek workbench, for tek, Shock wall(after sustaining heavy damage(10% health) sends A shockwave out destroying itself, requires power connection and more element in building)  Ect...
    • That would add to the progression standpoint. And I am totally cool with that as long as it means that we would get to work on the previous tables items from the next table up. Otherwise that could be a lot of little tables. To use thatch, you unlock the thatch table, to use wood you unlock the wood table, etc... I like it. 
      yes except the architectural/glass work bench wouldn’t be compatible with the others even tek.
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good - GTG
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
      Maybe the mine’s plant just is whatever’s native or it has a small crop plot and it grows a native plant, and if someone comes along they can collect fiber and berries from it the step on it and die, so they could also make a dangerous fiber farm, it would take 3 minuets to grow or something though 
    • Along as the code wouldn't be congested by making a visually changing plant form from one region to the next, I am good with it. My worry would be how complex it might be to have a singular item that changes it self based on the area. It may be easy to use in Genesis where it would simply need to recognize the biome, but that isn't the same for the other maps. 
      Don’t think the code would be to hard, I believe all the maps have specified biomes, but maybe it would be easier if it was just one of those un pickup-able rocks. 
    • if biome = biome_a:
    •      Bush_type = bush_a
    • elif biome = biome_b:
    •      Bush_type = bush_b
    • elif......
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
      Maybe just nicer metal, I can’t see whats between metal and tek
    • It would honestly be what is between the strongest stone and tek, but I agree, I have no idea. Unless you want to go with a cheaper - far more rustic metal or a cheaper, far more rustic tek. Sort of like a old black and tarnished as compared to the shiny variety. I did some research at one point to find some common building metals, and found a few, but they would be harder to work with in terms of resources unless our "metal" was specified. Such as listing it as iron so that we could have other specific resources around as well to make up and mix with other resources to create them. As with Primitive Plus's Iron and Steel
    • Hu well I think make metal a little nice and add a steel wall that’s shiny!
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram - GTG
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
      Fab is not end game, I think only a thing actually a tek should be able to craft everything if that. But yes split up and always craft the presecors stuff.
    • Personally in my mind, the Fabricator was always more "Industrial Tier" or "Metal Tier" depending on what you wanted to call it. But I agree, as you climb up the tiers every new "top-of-the-line" item should be able to craft the previous editions of them, and only at the tek level should the replicator be able to craft them all. 
      Yes if that.
    • back to the main topic fab can craft Smithy stuff for now but if they implement our idea than probably not cus smithy is more weapons armor and fab is more structure and stuff
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill)
    • As chainsaw put items into your own inventory, I do not think that this will work. 
    • it would work just like a Drill, but for wood.
    • Nah just use a beaver
    • Honestly, I haven't played with the drill yet. Have some blueprints, but haven't bothered crafting it. I have one of the top 3 ranked creature for each harvest type so crafting something to do the work myself has seemed a bit unnecessary.  I should probably try it out before I comment further. Because I am not seeing how using a tool cuts the weight of the items harvested in your inventory. The creatures that harvest it? That I can see, it is their specialty. But a tool for your character? 
      yeah no, I think drill itself was pretty useless, if you need a quick bit, use a pick/ax if you need a lot use a tame drill uses gas I believe and doesn't do anything to the weight, nor should it, And is too endgame to be useful as it would only be useful in early to mid-game (In this example tek doesn't count) I would need to spend an hour to get it if I had the Engram ect. And I already had a Anklo(metal, obsidian) dode(stone) and a beaver(wood) and a bronto(thatch(better than mouse because weight and AOE)) and a rex(meat) before it I could have even crafted it.
    • I suppose if you were playing, as some do, without the use of creatures, it may not be a bad item to have. But for those of us with them - from what I can tell, it is not a top of the line tool when you have tamed the creatures you need for collection. Certainly not now that we have crypods and can take them everywhere with us. 
    • So for this note, re-reading the main thought - honestly it doesn't apply to how I specifically play so I would have to say N/A.
    • Eh well N/A / no
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
      nothing in it really. I mean it dosent even change that much
    • This is another note where I will have to say no or N/A. Personally I like knowing what to expect when I go to harvest from them each day, and while having a bit more varied could give you a "good day" it is also as likely to give you a "bad day". So for this note I would have to go, no thank you. Or N/A as I said, simply because I usually hunt my resources a different way. 

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
      Don’t have the new dlc yet so no idea
    • Attempted the use of it last night... Didn't catch anything. But I also wasn't really trying. My character did snap its fingers in frustration though, when the net came back up empty. It was kind funny. Not sure it effects the main point though, that seemed to list better baiting. Honestly - I think the entire fishing situation, much like farming and cooking, needs to be revisited. Not just the baits. The rods, your skills. etc... all of it. 
      I think you have to aim at fish, also hahahaha, yes not the main point, yes revisit the system of food, and the thing I think is that the current food system works, there really is no need to add more other than cosmetics, because players can easily get tons of food then it’s not a problem.
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them!
    • Sure
    • Using more than feces and thatch or a dung beetle could be the key to creating upgraded versions. As with your idea for consumables in the box. Use better items, create better fertilizer that can then create better re-fertilizer. 
      So quality? I don’t catch you meaning
    • Quality in that it will last longer in a garden plot or re-vitalize an area faster or one that is larger. 
      Oh so like the recipe system for poop
    • Basically. Right now you can a limited number of items, there is no harm in expanding it. Just as in irl, some fertilizers do more for you than others. 
      Yes and a compost bin is your cooking pot!
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
      I think the game needs a new Tranq melee weapon
    • Agreed. Not what this note is for, but I would agree. 
    • I would also suggest adding other taming methods. Such as the bola method used in Atlas. Essentially you weaken a creature, bola the creature, and then feed it passively. I am not saying that this should be used for all creatures. But for those that are primarily passive that can be caught by the bola's, it should be an option. Such as the parasaurs and such. Just something to change it up. It could make taming a start creature a bit easier early game. 
      Well that’s ok I was just saying a new tranq melee and we are getting way off topic, personally I like the system as it is for taming.
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
      I’d also like a fast little scout motor boat
    • If they ever put out an ocean map - not just a biome but an actual map made up of water and small islands (not the pillars in genesis but the smaller islands of The Center), I fully hope that they bring in more boating options. Some you can build on, some you can't. If you could craft a speedboat that you couldn't build on, but that you could use to get you and your cryo-podded creatures from point A to point B - that would be awesome. 
      I’d love a water map with small islands that had 1 resource so like a stone, a small carnivore and herbivore And a dead wood and one big tree and dead trees and trees and bushes ect. Also a ton of new water equipment and buildings ect. Would be added.
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good
    • Horizontal supports for bridges... Literally just talked about this in game yesterday. PLEASE. 
      II believe it’s in prim+ but didn’t survive the update
    • There is a pontoon bridge in Primitive Plus that worked the last time I put a Primitive Plus map up back in like October. And it was working then. But it only worked across water. It would be nice to have horizontal supports that could extend the length ceilings could travel to build bridges over land or between tree houses. The horizontal supported ceilings could be far costlier to make and could require placement from the start all the way across or could require placement every few ceilings. Though having them stretch the entire length makes far more sense in my opinion. Just as a bridge would today. 
      I think the horasontal supports could only add one or two building spaces so a combination of the diagonal would make the bridges and more look good and be less pillar mess.
    • Agreed. I am all for anything that will create less lag. Even if the cost is higher to craft it - I would build it. 
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
      Well maybe 10-15 we're still trying for realism. But I was saying two more types of support, horizontal and diagonal which would make the bridge go like 10 without another pillar above I said compounding like if you put 4 pillars right next to each other it could go father as if you put one big pillar. So pillar plus more pillars equal bigger pillar which compounds the range of support 
    • I think I am getting what you are saying. For fantasy-realism sake - 10 to 15 spaces does seem more reasonable. 
    • As for the taller pillars, be it specifically bridge supports or as horizontal support pillars themselves - I am all for it. In fact another suggestion I am a huge fan of is for some behemoth building items and in there I commented with a Pillar (1 high), Short Pillar (2 high), Medium Pillar (3 high), and Tall Pillar (4 high). This would allow the game to have the original pillar height, but additional sizes so people wouldn't go around using the single stature pillar and lagging out their builds as often. Add those formats to horizontal supports - and I think the lag would be cut dramatically. 
      I think short(1) pillar(2) and tall(4) but agree I don’t think four pillars is necessary.
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot 
    • This is something that both Ark and Atlas miss out on. Auto-snapping. Basically any storage unit, box, or decorative, could be set to have an auto-snap function to walls so that the could be neat and straight. The option to turn them off would also exist, but this way the frustration of crooked vault could be minimized. 
      I meant walls and foundations and stuff but ark needs a lot of work on auto snapping, most of it is glitched or hard to use and much more is needed
    • Honestly I haven't had a lot of issues with snapping in Ark. There are times things will face the wrong direction, but the pick up has alleviated that issue. Atlas does have a slightly better way of handling it though. When you go to place an item on of the functions is a snap though guide. It will let you flip through the different snap points to choose the one you want. The most likely will show first, but you can change it, and see it before you place it. 
      I understand that I was saying for landscape something that makes it nice
    • Either way I think we an agree - Ark snapping, for whatever reason, needs some changes. A few more item placement offerings, pieces to use, and possibly a way to see available snap points with items available. 
      Yes like a scroll wheel command thing that has more sides with more snap points.
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
      Well I’m saying before tek and shoulder pets need feeding, just a giant chest
    • Assuming it would be larger than a vault as it would be carrying more item's I don't mind. I would have to be huge though. Not sure what you would call it if it is large than a vault...hmm...
    • I never used a vault because of there cost, but yes a mammoth chest.
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing - GTG
    • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds
      • Are you referring to the stack-able foundations that we would have gotten had they not watered down the Structures Plus "Homestead" update? The awesome stack-able foundations that they have in Atlas? Which also show flush when a ceiling tile is added to them so there doesn't look like there is a lip? 
        That and also it goes down too right? Anyway they excluded a lot from S+ update they should have added
      • So true. Honestly I can see why they removed the hatchery and egg collectors, they are monotonous tasks - but they do add to the "life" of the game. But the snap points? The stack-able foundations? Those should be added. Perhaps a Homestead 2.0 update is in order. 
        IN ORDER!
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
      • Pro gen dosent work hardly ever on a super computer, never on a pc and less a console and plus I’d be nice to have a special map that would most likely be easy to code, and also pro gen dosent give you all the control it just almost makes it work
      • I think I get what you are saying... but also not..
      • So you want to be able to build your map, possibly with a third party generator, where you could have it be as flat as you would like for building purposes? 
      • I know Atlas allows you to design grids by placing islands on an ocean... but even that doesn't allow you to fully go in and make those adjustments. It is more of a pick what you want and you get what you get concept...
      • Unless you are talking about simply having a map that has extremely flat areas to build on. In which case, I think the best bet would be to work with a modder unless they do come up with a way for procedural generated maps to create what you are looking for. 
      • Or I am completely off base and totally confused. 
        I was saying a map the size of the island or center with half of it flat grassy no trees the other half has 1 quarter water that goes down 5 foundations and the other quarter has tons of 1,2,3,4 wall elevations to build with. That is creative only and built in, and more custom pro gens would be cool, also I’d be cool if you could take a map that was flat and grid like and pull up of sink down the terrain, and you can draw biome border lines. If you’ve ever made a lego level in a lego game you would understand what I mean.
    • snapping: about a million things go here
      • Agreed. Snapping has some serious issues, and for those who don't know how to work around some of them - it is a nightmare. 
        Especially with the triangles, I made a hexagon house and two roof tiles just refuse to snap into place ether by moving around or using the toggle
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat ground meat, rich meat, ect. - GTG
    • Notes: More cooking recipes but not with too many effects and more of different types of food
      • 100% agreed. Primitive Plus had a much better start than the original when it came to farming and cooking. And I miss it, sooo so much when I play the standard variety. If the items are ever added to the main game, I hope they build on the concept and create so much more than what is already there. 
        Yes I’d love more foods even if they were just cosmetics more of
    • Recipes: also more customization of cooking recipes, more images, an option to turn off color regions and free paint it, an option to import images for recipes on unofficial, special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect.
      • Customization of Cooking Recipes - Already in game as you can build a recipe and add things to it to create it. I have used it in the past and don't mind it, but I would prefer prepared recipes as with those in Primitive Plus. 
        I think you missed a key word at the begening if the sentence: MORE
      • More images - Are you referring to the recipes you can create? You want a few more options for those you creating? I mean it makes sense so I don't disagree. I again would just prefer simply having more recipes in game. 
        Yes more than 3 images for food and three for drink, especially more natural and primitive looking ones would be nice not just a burger and a sandwich.
      • an option to turn off color regions and free paint it - I am assuming you are still talking about the image for personally crafted recipes? 
        yes that’s what this category is about
      • option to import images for recipes on unofficial - For those who want to do it, I wouldn't say no. I just don't think I would go that far. 
        Well it’s ok but I was just saying the sandwich, burger, and salad get a little dull
      • special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect. - I don't mind it, but again, I would rather just have the recipes exist in game and additional crating tables and farming items as with Primitive Plus. 
        Yes I’m not saying they wouldn't exist but I’d just like much more customizations like torpor added in or something
    • paint: able to turn on paint color regions of dinos using paintbrush
      • This one I would have to say no too, just because it takes the work out of the game if all you are going to do is paint your dino as opposed to breed for the mutations or wait for the event to find the creature color of your choice. I am good with allow you to cook a recipe to color your dino like a candy temporarily, but painting it seems a bit much. 
        I understand but for many people who would like a quick paint job, a nice job, don’t have time to breed that much, have a specific color combo in mind, I think these people should be able to, as we are trying to be nice to everybody here.
    • paintbrush: make paint colors stand out more
      • We need more colors, and those colors need to be a bit more solid when used. Some are washed out and rather dull. 
      • I would also like to add angler gel to dyes to get fluorescent glow in the dark colors. That could be fun. 
        Yes that would be so cool and yes more solid, 
    • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword - GTG
    • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crappy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same. - GTG
    • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you" - GTG
    • Simple bed: a slight new look - GTG
    • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc) - GTG
    • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel - GTG
    • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  - GTG
    • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way - GTG
    • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better - GTG
    • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
      • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range - GTG
          • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 - GTG
          • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range - GTG
        • Behemoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP - GTG
      • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB - GTG
      • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it! -GTG
      • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring - GTG
      • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! -GTG
      • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST - GTG
      • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found - GTG
    • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target - GTG
    • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame -GTG
    • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything! GTG
    • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint - GTG
    • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos - GTG
    • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope - GTG
    • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper - GTG
    • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq - GTG
    • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage GTG
    • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)  - GTG
    • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Tek
      • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
      • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
      • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
      • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
      • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
      • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
      • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
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  • Water Skin: Able to keep water in it without the leak - GTG
  • Spear: has Debility and can set on fire for damage: (leave it in a fire for a Minute) then it will be like the fire Spear from Genesis  - GTG
  • Slingshot: Should be Replaced with a Sling that is thrown kinda like a Bola but you Fling Rocks or Flint (Rock for Torpor and Flint for Damage) - GTG
  • Flags: Able to unlock all of them by one Engram -  GTG
  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
    • I know if they make it so after 10 hours away from a raft and 20 away from a boat it just does the explode effect but shows a timer for the last 2/4 hour
    • Personally, I have never kept a boat. I use them at the start, until I find a place to build or until I get to where I plan to go... but that is about it. Once I get a flyer or a swimmer, I tend to abandon the boat concept all together. I would probably use one more often and far longer if there were more oceans and rivers wide enough to do so - however there aren't too many. Genesis may have been the first case where I would need to do so - if it weren't for the fact that I run the server I play on now, and we opened transfers day one.. So I already had creatures to take myself around on.  I have however, seen in the past, shores littered with boats that are left and forgotten. Usually holding a smithy, forge, and bed with little else. So having a starter raft of sorts to that would fade faster, made sense. Plus having an upgraded and larger version could have higher durability to go with it so those who wanted to sail around longer could do so. 
    • Well same here except tame transport, and I play on two worlds and one has a quetzal so platform saddle transport but on the other and with like broncos raft is, not great but good because of glitches.
    • also portable taming pen, storage, cage(trap wild dodos and they will poop eggs(food) and poop(fertilizer) with no care just don’t let them despawn, (stay within render distance of them)Also for event bunny dodos/ oviaraptor.) and more!
    • Since adding a Low Boosted server to those I run, we have noticed the use of rafts a bit more. It would be nice to have some progression to them. Nothing as large as what is in atlas, but something a bit larger than what we have. And honestly, we have tried to clean up after ourselves, but many were merely abandoned as they were used to simply get from point A to point B.... I really think that a simply raft should decay faster or require fixing whereas a slightly costly raft and a larger variety should be available to those who want to continually use them. To which they would only decay as fast as the materials used to build them. 
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points - GTG
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall - GTG
  • Stone: slightly Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
      I was thinking a table for each tier like a makeshift workbench for bamboo thatch and maybe some sort of hide teepee thing... basic workbench for wood, enforced wood, lumber, and a log cabin look... Workbench for stone, mossy stone, enforced stone, cut/smooth stone, brick... industrial or advanced workbench for metal, polished metal, enforced metal/steel, blast metal... architectural bench for greenhouse, glass, stained glass ect. ... and lastly and dur tek workbench, for tek, Shock wall(after sustaining heavy damage(10% health) sends A shockwave out destroying itself, requires power connection and more element in building)  Ect...
    • That would add to the progression standpoint. And I am totally cool with that as long as it means that we would get to work on the previous tables items from the next table up. Otherwise that could be a lot of little tables. To use thatch, you unlock the thatch table, to use wood you unlock the wood table, etc... I like it. 
      yes except the architectural/glass work bench wouldn’t be compatible with the others even tek.
    • I am not sure. To keep building item's streamlined I do not see the need for an additional table on the side specifically for glass items. I would bump it up closer to the metal tiers, so that it fits a bit more progressionally, but I don't think I separate table is needed. I could see the crafting of "glass" being required, as with primitive and then added to the table to make the glass tiers, however as they are surrounded by metal frames typically, I think they would work in a metal tier crafting table. 
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good - GTG
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
      Maybe the mine’s plant just is whatever’s native or it has a small crop plot and it grows a native plant, and if someone comes along they can collect fiber and berries from it the step on it and die, so they could also make a dangerous fiber farm, it would take 3 minuets to grow or something though 
    • Along as the code wouldn't be congested by making a visually changing plant form from one region to the next, I am good with it. My worry would be how complex it might be to have a singular item that changes it self based on the area. It may be easy to use in Genesis where it would simply need to recognize the biome, but that isn't the same for the other maps. 
      Don’t think the code would be to hard, I believe all the maps have specified biomes, but maybe it would be easier if it was just one of those un pickup-able rocks. 
    • if biome = biome_a:
    •      Bush_type = bush_a
    • elif biome = biome_b:
    •      Bush_type = bush_b
    • elif......
    • From what little I have seen from a coding perspective, adding items to the different spawn points - which all seem to have quite a few different biome specific plants and progression, I am not sure if it would be necessary. Again, Genesis would be easy, as would Extinction for that matter, but looking at maps like Ragnarok and Valguero.. That is an awful lot of built in code for a small mine. Whereas coding it so that it merely lays on the ground, sort of like a tek light, but of neutral color - you could harvest a bush, place it, let the bush respawn around it and leave it to be stepped upon. Seems much easier to me. 
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
      Maybe just nicer metal, I can’t see whats between metal and tek
    • It would honestly be what is between the strongest stone and tek, but I agree, I have no idea. Unless you want to go with a cheaper - far more rustic metal or a cheaper, far more rustic tek. Sort of like a old black and tarnished as compared to the shiny variety. I did some research at one point to find some common building metals, and found a few, but they would be harder to work with in terms of resources unless our "metal" was specified. Such as listing it as iron so that we could have other specific resources around as well to make up and mix with other resources to create them. As with Primitive Plus's Iron and Steel
    • Hu well I think make metal a little nice and add a steel wall that’s shiny!
    • From a PvE perspective it offers options and from a PvP perspective it would add opportunity to slowing increase the durability of your structures without having a singular option. 
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram - GTG
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
      Fab is not end game, I think only a thing actually a tek should be able to craft everything if that. But yes split up and always craft the presecors stuff.
    • Personally in my mind, the Fabricator was always more "Industrial Tier" or "Metal Tier" depending on what you wanted to call it. But I agree, as you climb up the tiers every new "top-of-the-line" item should be able to craft the previous editions of them, and only at the tek level should the replicator be able to craft them all. 
      Yes if that.
    • back to the main topic fab can craft Smithy stuff for now but if they implement our idea than probably not cus smithy is more weapons armor and fab is more structure and stuff
    • Correct. The fabricator would not be as all-in-one as it is. Which is a good thing for a bit a realism, design, and progression with items - but could be seen a negative things since you do have to build more to reach max and go to more tables to get things done. Personally I think it would be an easier concept because once you are familiar with the different tables players would catch on pretty quickly and know exactly which table does what. 
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill) GTG
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
      nothing in it really. I mean it dosent even change that much
    • This is another note where I will have to say no or N/A. Personally I like knowing what to expect when I go to harvest from them each day, and while having a bit more varied could give you a "good day" it is also as likely to give you a "bad day". So for this note I would have to go, no thank you. Or N/A as I said, simply because I usually hunt my resources a different way. 

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
      Don’t have the new dlc yet so no idea
    • Attempted the use of it last night... Didn't catch anything. But I also wasn't really trying. My character did snap its fingers in frustration though, when the net came back up empty. It was kind funny. Not sure it effects the main point though, that seemed to list better baiting. Honestly - I think the entire fishing situation, much like farming and cooking, needs to be revisited. Not just the baits. The rods, your skills. etc... all of it. 
      I think you have to aim at fish, also hahahaha, yes not the main point, yes revisit the system of food, and the thing I think is that the current food system works, there really is no need to add more other than cosmetics, because players can easily get tons of food then it’s not a problem.
    • The current system works by default alone. Can you eat? yes. Will you survive? yes. But other than that fishing/food/gardening/cooking PvE/Roleplay aspect is horrid. Primitive Plus did 110% better and they hadn't worked their way up into advanced items. They went industrial for some items, but if they had continued through the advanced areas included in the standard game it could have really blown up into an entirely new way to play the game. Yes it would not be for all, but for some it would be a nice realism twist with a bit of individual perspective. Fishing for one, Primitive has fishing traps, which were totally realistic, but were never added to the main game. The could have easily added them, add advanced versions of them and the bait to use within them if they had continued with that progression. 
    • So yes, it works, but it is severely lacking in many ways. 
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them! - GTG
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
      I think the game needs a new Tranq melee weapon
    • Agreed. Not what this note is for, but I would agree. 
    • I would also suggest adding other taming methods. Such as the bola method used in Atlas. Essentially you weaken a creature, bola the creature, and then feed it passively. I am not saying that this should be used for all creatures. But for those that are primarily passive that can be caught by the bola's, it should be an option. Such as the parasaurs and such. Just something to change it up. It could make taming a start creature a bit easier early game. 
      Well that’s ok I was just saying a new tranq melee and we are getting way off topic, personally I like the system as it is for taming.
    • It is easy to get off topic when the topic has many points that could use some work, tweaking, or variety. And that can be  fun part about the discussion process, learning of other options out there. 
    • I do agree however, that they should have a few more tranq weapons that could be used. The bola idea above would work as an option for non-agressive creatures, but for everything else, it would best to have tranq weapons. For one, all bows should have the ability to use the tranq arrows if they use standard arrows. For another, Primitive has a hammer that would be a nice addition - basically an advanced club. 
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
      I’d also like a fast little scout motor boat
    • If they ever put out an ocean map - not just a biome but an actual map made up of water and small islands (not the pillars in genesis but the smaller islands of The Center), I fully hope that they bring in more boating options. Some you can build on, some you can't. If you could craft a speedboat that you couldn't build on, but that you could use to get you and your cryo-podded creatures from point A to point B - that would be awesome. 
      I’d love a water map with small islands that had 1 resource so like a stone, a small carnivore and herbivore And a dead wood and one big tree and dead trees and trees and bushes ect. Also a ton of new water equipment and buildings ect. Would be added.
    • Absolutely! Also the pontoon (floating water bridges) from Primitive plus so you could build a dock without all the pillars. 
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good - GTG
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
      Well maybe 10-15 we're still trying for realism. But I was saying two more types of support, horizontal and diagonal which would make the bridge go like 10 without another pillar above I said compounding like if you put 4 pillars right next to each other it could go father as if you put one big pillar. So pillar plus more pillars equal bigger pillar which compounds the range of support 
    • I think I am getting what you are saying. For fantasy-realism sake - 10 to 15 spaces does seem more reasonable. 
    • As for the taller pillars, be it specifically bridge supports or as horizontal support pillars themselves - I am all for it. In fact another suggestion I am a huge fan of is for some behemoth building items and in there I commented with a Pillar (1 high), Short Pillar (2 high), Medium Pillar (3 high), and Tall Pillar (4 high). This would allow the game to have the original pillar height, but additional sizes so people wouldn't go around using the single stature pillar and lagging out their builds as often. Add those formats to horizontal supports - and I think the lag would be cut dramatically. 
      I think short(1) pillar(2) and tall(4) but agree I don’t think four pillars is necessary.
    • I went has high as 4 for two reasons.
      • One, it keeps the standard pillar in the game under the same name which means that if the others were added, it may not require the destruction of the other items in the game. In others I have seen that when they change the code of an item, it requires all previous editions of that item to vanish with the upload - so anyone who has built out of them would lose their work.
      • And secondly, I have seen many use pillars for short adjustments, but just as many use up to 4-6 tall pillars. The ark maps are not all easy to build on. And at times, it was in conjunction with a behemoth gate. So adding a 4, which is a number that is as tall as our tallest stacking wall, the smaller Dino gate, and dividable into the larger one seemed to make sense. 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot - GTG
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
      Well I’m saying before tek and shoulder pets need feeding, just a giant chest
    • Assuming it would be larger than a vault as it would be carrying more item's I don't mind. I would have to be huge though. Not sure what you would call it if it is large than a vault...hmm...
    • I never used a vault because of there cost, but yes a mammoth chest.
    • I think we can agree on this one that regardless of size or line items - we need a few more storage items. Racks, closets, boxes, shelves, etc... Some with more line items, some that will only hold specific items (like weapons, tools, or clothes), and many of them should have starter and advanced options so that they fit in with the building materials in game. Nothing like holding on to a wood chest when you are building in metal... 
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing - GTG
  • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds - GTG
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
      • Pro gen dosent work hardly ever on a super computer, never on a pc and less a console and plus I’d be nice to have a special map that would most likely be easy to code, and also pro gen dosent give you all the control it just almost makes it work
      • I think I get what you are saying... but also not..
      • So you want to be able to build your map, possibly with a third party generator, where you could have it be as flat as you would like for building purposes? 
      • I know Atlas allows you to design grids by placing islands on an ocean... but even that doesn't allow you to fully go in and make those adjustments. It is more of a pick what you want and you get what you get concept...
      • Unless you are talking about simply having a map that has extremely flat areas to build on. In which case, I think the best bet would be to work with a modder unless they do come up with a way for procedural generated maps to create what you are looking for. 
      • Or I am completely off base and totally confused. 
        I was saying a map the size of the island or center with half of it flat grassy no trees the other half has 1 quarter water that goes down 5 foundations and the other quarter has tons of 1,2,3,4 wall elevations to build with. That is creative only and built in, and more custom pro gens would be cool, also I’d be cool if you could take a map that was flat and grid like and pull up of sink down the terrain, and you can draw biome border lines. If you’ve ever made a lego level in a lego game you would understand what I mean.
      • I have played quite a few building games so I do understand where you are coming from. Minecraft, Portal Knights, both Dragon Quest Builders, Atlas, and Lego's to name a few. 
      • And while I agree, it would be nice to have flat map to do some relatively smooth building on to play around and try things out, I am not sure if WC is interested in adding one as they are more of a "survive the landscape" sort of game whereas the others are far more creative. If we get a  PGM system that works or modder who has created such a map - then we may be in luck. Otherwise I think it is more likely that we get a map based of rolling plains with (sort of flat like the central states of the US) if someone decides to add something of that route. Otherwise "flat maps" may be kept to the other games. 
    • snapping: about a million things go here
      • Agreed. Snapping has some serious issues, and for those who don't know how to work around some of them - it is a nightmare. 
        Especially with the triangles, I made a hexagon house and two roof tiles just refuse to snap into place ether by moving around or using the toggle
      • God I hate the building in Ark. Haven't done much of it until recently since I was messing around in Atlas, but in comparison - Ark is god awful. Upside down triangles? Nope. Roof Corners? Nope. Roof Valleys? Nope. Wide Dino gates? Nope. Behemoth walls? Nope. Stacking foundations? Nope. Crafting all single wide/single tall wall items from one piece with a flip through menu so you don't have to craft multiple items? Nope. Cliff platforms that act as foundations? Nope. 
      • Ark needs to do better. It is not all snapping, but their pieces are lacking as well. I am not saying Atlas is the best - but they are better in some aspects. Put them together and then you would be closer to finding the best. 
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat ground meat, rich meat, ect. - GTG
    • Notes: More cooking recipes but not with too many effects and more of different types of food - GTG
    • Recipes: also more customization of cooking recipes, more images, an option to turn off color regions and free paint it, an option to import images for recipes on unofficial, special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect.
      • Customization of Cooking Recipes - Already in game as you can build a recipe and add things to it to create it. I have used it in the past and don't mind it, but I would prefer prepared recipes as with those in Primitive Plus. 
        I think you missed a key word at the begening if the sentence: MORE
      • More images - Are you referring to the recipes you can create? You want a few more options for those you creating? I mean it makes sense so I don't disagree. I again would just prefer simply having more recipes in game. 
        Yes more than 3 images for food and three for drink, especially more natural and primitive looking ones would be nice not just a burger and a sandwich.
      • an option to turn off color regions and free paint it - I am assuming you are still talking about the image for personally crafted recipes? 
        yes that’s what this category is about
      • option to import images for recipes on unofficial - For those who want to do it, I wouldn't say no. I just don't think I would go that far. 
        Well it’s ok but I was just saying the sandwich, burger, and salad get a little dull
      • special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect. - I don't mind it, but again, I would rather just have the recipes exist in game and additional crating tables and farming items as with Primitive Plus. 
        Yes I’m not saying they wouldn't exist but I’d just like much more customizations like torpor added in or something
        • I think the overall note on this one is that the Cooking/Recipe situation needs to be reviewed. We need more built in recipes, more items to cook with, more reason to doing so, and overall - a better progression with it. Primitive Plus took a step in the right direction, but even then were not perfect as a lot of the work requires research and not clearly defined or noted. I would suggest using their items as a starting point and building off of it. 
    • paint: able to turn on paint color regions of dinos using paintbrush
      • This one I would have to say no too, just because it takes the work out of the game if all you are going to do is paint your dino as opposed to breed for the mutations or wait for the event to find the creature color of your choice. I am good with allow you to cook a recipe to color your dino like a candy temporarily, but painting it seems a bit much. 
        I understand but for many people who would like a quick paint job, a nice job, don’t have time to breed that much, have a specific color combo in mind, I think these people should be able to, as we are trying to be nice to everybody here.
      • I get it, I really do, and when the event colors came out - this suggestion has gone around several times. From an ease standpoint being able to permanently dye your creatures would be nice. But for longevity I simply don't see WC ever incorporating it. They want to add life to the game and not cut out a portion of it - which being able to dye a creature would do. Mutation breeding and event taming is a big time consuming effort that simply coloring creatures would remove. 
      • It is one of the reasons my servers, even the low boosted one for harvest and experience still have higher rates for breeding and taming. It helps those who work long hours still be able to get the mutations and do the taming. 
      • The middle ground mentioned in another suggestion is to be able to craft or create costumes you could add to your dinos and color while doing so to give them the colors you want until you get the colors you are looking for. And that I can get behind. I prefer to not to say no outright if possible, but find a middle ground and that idea is not a horrid one. 
    • paintbrush: make paint colors stand out more - GTG
    • Club: Able to add stone to make it do more damage like a Tier one sword - GTG
    • Thatch Structures: A slight visual upgrade. Walls, Foundations and Doors look like Very Crappy Bamboo Tied together. but the roofs look the same. - GTG
    • Smoke bomb: Able to change Color of smoke and can make dinos "loose you" - GTG
    • Simple bed: a slight new look - GTG
    • Training Dummy: Able to count range damage , Special damage (torpor , Fire , Gas etc) - GTG
    • Standing torch: Able to place underwater with Angler gel - GTG
    • Compost bin: Adds a Buff for Plants (can't stack) and can place any Organic Item like Eggs, rotten meat , Chitin, thatch , fibber etc to make fertilizer  - GTG
    • Cooking pot: Able to Set it to "cook mode" or "Recipe Mode" cooking mod allows you to cook meat and with a bottle and Berries (50) you can fill it up half way - GTG
    • Wood: Slightly Stronger and maybe a new look. Too look slightly better - GTG
    • Water Well: able to place anywhere but has a Placing Range like a Tek Bubble shield
      • Grappling Hook: can hold it and throw it (like in atlas) or Crossbow for more range - GTG
          • Water Tanks: Better Water Storage, stone 500 and Metal 1500 - GTG
          • Through: shows Range but can Disable the range - GTG
        • Behemoth walls: With the behemoth gates you can unlock behemoth walls that has more HP - GTG
      • Tree Platform: Able to place it on trees in AB - GTG
      • Cannon: able to "ride it" Like in atlas and can fire it! -GTG
      • Dino leash: Able to disable the Range Ring - GTG
      • Chitin armor: Need to craft it on Smithy but Can Repair it on the go! -GTG
      • Greenhouse Buildings: CHEAPER IN ENGRAM COST - GTG
      • Harpoon Gun: 100% chance to get spear bolts back and can Find Better Quality's can be found - GTG
    • AR: Does slight more damage per shot on the same target - GTG
    • AC: Able to shut off, can Pin code, Can Place on a window Frame -GTG
    • Grinder: Able to Turn Rock into sand on SE or rag, and Able to auto grind everything! GTG
    • Tracker: Able to place it on a Dino but it will stay on it FOREVER, like a imprint - GTG
    • Tranq Spear bolt: Does 4xs more Tranq Damage to Sea dinos - GTG
    • Fab Sniper: able to have Iron sights and can put a Holo scope - GTG
    • Gas mask and Night Vision goggles: Cheeper - GTG
    • Rocket launcher: MUCH BETTER DAMAGE and can have Specal "rockets" that can be used as a Tranq - GTG
    • electrical Prod: Two modes. Attack mode: does more damage then Pike and you can keep attacking without breaking insistently and Stun mode: One shot use and does A TON of Tranq damage GTG
    • Riot Armor: 2 times better so its worth using. in terms of Armor (at least 175)  - GTG
    • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Tek
      • Tek Armor: MUCH better armor (like 250 each)
      • Tek Saddles: MUCH better armor like 90
      • Tek Rifle: 2 modes: Assault Mode, super Fast fire rate (small projectiles) and can't damage buildings (uses less Ammo) and DMR mode: The base Gun
      • Tek Railgun: able to activate a Normal scope, and A slighy Faster charge rate
      • Tek Mek Rockets: homing
      • Tek Claws: Much better damage and Does 50% AP damage
      • Tek Rocket Launcher  : Able to Craft ammo but Not cheap and Can Have a Gauss Cannon mode (uses Element
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  • Raft: Able to decompose overtime and needs Maintenance or it will break
    • Agreed
    • No I hate the decomposing function and can’t figure out which setting turns it off
    • The reason I I agree isn't because I want to go out and fix the boat every once in a while, but because there are usually so many left behind when people get to where they are going. This would force them to become a bit more aware of their boats. I would say though, for those that intend to keep a boat, perhaps an ungraded version that has a slightly higher cost, but not as high as the metal variety could be an option. It would have a much slower maintenance if any at all. After all, it is sort of weird from a progression standpoint to go from log raft to metal powered raft. 
      Ok well maybe some sort of upgrade like ‘water proofing’ to stop that
    • If an upgraded raft were available that alleviated the maintenance cost, then it would default to the timers the game uses which could be a bit more than the raft even without the maintenance cost. That would make it as "water proof" as it could get. Only fading when the game timers force it to do so. Which means only the first version of the raft would require a maintenance to keep it going, allow being to get from point A to point B and abandon ship if needed without bogging down the waters. And if you wanted a raft that would last, you would have to work for it a bit more which means abandoning it may not happen as often. (hopefully)
    • I know if they make it so after 10 hours away from a raft and 20 away from a boat it just does the explode effect but shows a timer for the last 2/4 hour
    • Personally, I have never kept a boat. I use them at the start, until I find a place to build or until I get to where I plan to go... but that is about it. Once I get a flyer or a swimmer, I tend to abandon the boat concept all together. I would probably use one more often and far longer if there were more oceans and rivers wide enough to do so - however there aren't too many. Genesis may have been the first case where I would need to do so - if it weren't for the fact that I run the server I play on now, and we opened transfers day one.. So I already had creatures to take myself around on.  I have however, seen in the past, shores littered with boats that are left and forgotten. Usually holding a smithy, forge, and bed with little else. So having a starter raft of sorts to that would fade faster, made sense. Plus having an upgraded and larger version could have higher durability to go with it so those who wanted to sail around longer could do so. 
    • Well same here except tame transport, and I play on two worlds and one has a quetzal so platform saddle transport but on the other and with like broncos raft is, not great but good because of glitches.
    • also portable taming pen, storage, cage(trap wild dodos and they will poop eggs(food) and poop(fertilizer) with no care just don’t let them despawn, (stay within render distance of them)Also for event bunny dodos/ oviaraptor.) and more!
    • Since adding a Low Boosted server to those I run, we have noticed the use of rafts a bit more. It would be nice to have some progression to them. Nothing as large as what is in atlas, but something a bit larger than what we have. And honestly, we have tried to clean up after ourselves, but many were merely abandoned as they were used to simply get from point A to point B.... I really think that a simply raft should decay faster or require fixing whereas a slightly costly raft and a larger variety should be available to those who want to continually use them. To which they would only decay as fast as the materials used to build them. 
      Well at least a sett8ng for non structural decay so I don’t have to worry
  • Pipes and Wires: able to unlock them all with the the 3 Engrams (Stone Pipes, Iron and Wire) to save points - GTG
  • trophy wall mount: Able to put any alpha drop , Special Dino drop and implant on the wall - GTG
  • Stone: slightly Better (can take at least 2 or 3 C4 for a wall) 
    • As with wood and thatch, I think we just need more options. Cobblestone, Cement, Cinder block, Granite, Marble... etc.. All things that have been used as building materials and skipped over as building tier items. Some could be stronger than others and require harder to find or new resources, but the build would be worth the work. 
    • same thing with the Building Kit. Brick is stronger and has much better insulation (same for adobe buildings) and Cement that is almost equal to metal but is not as strong but has better insulation and has better blast
    • Yes more options but maybe just two or three more options per tier no need for 10000 different ones
    • Personally, I am all for bring on the options, as opposed to applying limiters. We have had limiters, at least on console and vanilla gameplay, for far to long. Building with the same items year after year, map after map... Now that doesn't mean I want them to add things willy-nilly. I prefer fantasy-realism. Basically, has it been used or is used now and where and when. The eco-mods have some great examples with the empire additions and so do a few other mod authors. 
      Maybe a ‘tier group’ where you make a wood wall and spend extra resources to customize its properties and looks at a station and a station for each group
    • There are a few mods that let you select a view on each item placed. Much like the foundations we have now where you can change the sides of the item. And that method would indeed work. 
    • Honestly I am so desperate to get something new to build with I would take it either way. Either as incorporating new building tiers all together (which would be nice if the then grouped all engrams in that type by the type such as "thatch building", "wood building", etc) or as items we can select after placing the item or adding to it. 
    • If they did go with adding tiers however, and hopefully grouped together. It would be nice to organize them into one table however such as the Construction Bench, where everything (excluding tek) could be crafted and placed. This would help clean up the standard smithy engrams a bit. 
      I was thinking a table for each tier like a makeshift workbench for bamboo thatch and maybe some sort of hide teepee thing... basic workbench for wood, enforced wood, lumber, and a log cabin look... Workbench for stone, mossy stone, enforced stone, cut/smooth stone, brick... industrial or advanced workbench for metal, polished metal, enforced metal/steel, blast metal... architectural bench for greenhouse, glass, stained glass ect. ... and lastly and dur tek workbench, for tek, Shock wall(after sustaining heavy damage(10% health) sends A shockwave out destroying itself, requires power connection and more element in building)  Ect...
    • That would add to the progression standpoint. And I am totally cool with that as long as it means that we would get to work on the previous tables items from the next table up. Otherwise that could be a lot of little tables. To use thatch, you unlock the thatch table, to use wood you unlock the wood table, etc... I like it. 
      yes except the architectural/glass work bench wouldn’t be compatible with the others even tek.
    • I am not sure. To keep building item's streamlined I do not see the need for an additional table on the side specifically for glass items. I would bump it up closer to the metal tiers, so that it fits a bit more progressionally, but I don't think I separate table is needed. I could see the crafting of "glass" being required, as with primitive and then added to the table to make the glass tiers, however as they are surrounded by metal frames typically, I think they would work in a metal tier crafting table. 
      I meant to say except, and also put it one before metal
  • Lance: Able to Hold it on the ground but its not as good - GTG
  • IED: instead of a trip wire its just like a Mine
    • Simply adding a "mine" you can place under bushes and such so that the bush will grow over them and hide them would work. A new item as opposed to replacing one. 
    • Agree and maybe some animals like parausars , troodons and wolfs can track them 
    • Cool I’m not pvp though so...
    • Neither am I, just trying to put myself in their head space. Hiding them in bushes makes sense as putting them under the map probably wouldn't work. Unless they wanted to apply a leafy/grassy pattern that changes where you place it. 
      So just add fiber to the recipe and on top it will look like a bush
    • Having seen how they have added things in the past, my worry is that having the item itself be a bush could cause issue depending on where you want to place it. The plant life in the different biomes change so unless the plant it will resemble changes based on where you want to place it, there is a high chance it could look out of place. Where as hiding it in an actual bush, would mean you wouldn't know what you stepped on until you did so as the plant would be native to the area. 
      Maybe the mine’s plant just is whatever’s native or it has a small crop plot and it grows a native plant, and if someone comes along they can collect fiber and berries from it the step on it and die, so they could also make a dangerous fiber farm, it would take 3 minuets to grow or something though 
    • Along as the code wouldn't be congested by making a visually changing plant form from one region to the next, I am good with it. My worry would be how complex it might be to have a singular item that changes it self based on the area. It may be easy to use in Genesis where it would simply need to recognize the biome, but that isn't the same for the other maps. 
      Don’t think the code would be to hard, I believe all the maps have specified biomes, but maybe it would be easier if it was just one of those un pickup-able rocks. 
    • if biome = biome_a:
    •      Bush_type = bush_a
    • elif biome = biome_b:
    •      Bush_type = bush_b
    • elif......
    • From what little I have seen from a coding perspective, adding items to the different spawn points - which all seem to have quite a few different biome specific plants and progression, I am not sure if it would be necessary. Again, Genesis would be easy, as would Extinction for that matter, but looking at maps like Ragnarok and Valguero.. That is an awful lot of built in code for a small mine. Whereas coding it so that it merely lays on the ground, sort of like a tek light, but of neutral color - you could harvest a bush, place it, let the bush respawn around it and leave it to be stepped upon. Seems much easier to me. 
      Just make it a small smooth semicircle of rock, just perfect enough to tip a player of but natural enough for boom boom.
  • Metal: A slight new look (at least make it look even with the Plates) and somewhat stronger (5 or 7)
    • Again,  I would add building tiers... Steel, Silver, etc... (these are more random than the others, but mostly because I prefer the look of the items earlier mentioned.
    • agree but not with the tiers. with the BMK you can get these tiers. Blaststeel that is very stronge agent explosives and has a almost "industrial look" but has the same HP has metal. Reinforced metal, is stronger the normal metal but tek is still better.
    • Steel blast proof and reinforced also agree
    • Honestly, as PvE player I am far more interested in the early game materials that I am the metal and/or tek tiers for building items. So the suggestions on this step are far more random than the others. The early game tiers are just far more entertaining to work and decorate with than the later two. 
      I’d be nice to have nicer metal stuff not just ‘rusty factory’ look also back to my tier group idea above
    • It is unfortunate that they went from a rusty metal to a shiny tek. There should be some in between. I am just not sure what. 
      Maybe just nicer metal, I can’t see whats between metal and tek
    • It would honestly be what is between the strongest stone and tek, but I agree, I have no idea. Unless you want to go with a cheaper - far more rustic metal or a cheaper, far more rustic tek. Sort of like a old black and tarnished as compared to the shiny variety. I did some research at one point to find some common building metals, and found a few, but they would be harder to work with in terms of resources unless our "metal" was specified. Such as listing it as iron so that we could have other specific resources around as well to make up and mix with other resources to create them. As with Primitive Plus's Iron and Steel
    • Hu well I think make metal a little nice and add a steel wall that’s shiny!
    • From a PvE perspective it offers options and from a PvP perspective it would add opportunity to slowing increase the durability of your structures without having a singular option. 
      We already talked about this in earlier post so gtg
  • Lights: able to unlock each one by one engram - GTG
  • Fabricator: Able to Craft any smithy item on it faster. (to save space)
    • Honestly, I am sort of over the whole "one thing crafts all" experience. I would prefer they break it up and have at least a basic and upgraded version for each crafting station. For example, Construction Bench (building items), Chemistry Table (mortar and pestle items), Anvil (swords, knifes, arrows, tools, etc), Sewing Station (Armor), etc... A simplified version of what Primitive Plus has with a few more options.  
    • i agree but if you can build anything with the rep then you should at least be able to craft smithy items on Fabs like this You first able to craft, then smithy , then fab and you can craft some of the smithy items like metal walls , armor , weapons etc. and the rep would  
    • I think more diverse, armor, weapons, structures, Powders, food, but the Better versions can make the previous stuff.
    • So I think we are in agreement on this one sort of? The items should be split up a bit more, and the better version of the station should always be able to craft the items of the previous, and that the Tek Replicator should be able to craft all items from all tables. 
    • I was going to say Fabricator, but I am not sure if the tables were re-organized if the Fabricator would be and 'end-game' station that could craft everything. it, like the others, would probably be dedicated to certain items. An upgrade from the smithy no doubt, doing everything a smithy would do, but not much more than that. 
      Fab is not end game, I think only a thing actually a tek should be able to craft everything if that. But yes split up and always craft the presecors stuff.
    • Personally in my mind, the Fabricator was always more "Industrial Tier" or "Metal Tier" depending on what you wanted to call it. But I agree, as you climb up the tiers every new "top-of-the-line" item should be able to craft the previous editions of them, and only at the tek level should the replicator be able to craft them all. 
      Yes if that.
    • back to the main topic fab can craft Smithy stuff for now but if they implement our idea than probably not cus smithy is more weapons armor and fab is more structure and stuff
    • Correct. The fabricator would not be as all-in-one as it is. Which is a good thing for a bit a realism, design, and progression with items - but could be seen a negative things since you do have to build more to reach max and go to more tables to get things done. Personally I think it would be an easier concept because once you are familiar with the different tables players would catch on pretty quickly and know exactly which table does what. 
  • electrical outlets: Able to Hide wires - GTG
  • Chainsaw: reduced wight on wood and other items, A super good gather rate and can Use Underwater (same with Drill) GTG
  • Any Harvesting item: Like the Oil Pump. some times you can get aton of oil or sometimes it will take longer
    • Adding variable to the collection may be more code that is needed. Personally I just go out hunt rocks or creatures that drop the oil that i need. 
    • this is so that sometimes your oil from your oil pump may not get as much, same with water and gasballs and sometimes you get even more!
    • Never use much of these so no opinion, would this apply to windmills, just curious
    • It's all fun and games, until it doesn't collect what you need... j/k. I would imagine that if the formula was changed for the other collectors, the windmill could be done in the same manner. 
      I don’t think people would like this much but maybe
    • Personally on this note, I am all for it remaining as is. At least it is consistent and you know what you will be getting when you go harvesting. If it changed and you needed some, only to discover that there had been very little pulled...It would be a major bummer. 
      nothing in it really. I mean it dosent even change that much
    • This is another note where I will have to say no or N/A. Personally I like knowing what to expect when I go to harvest from them each day, and while having a bit more varied could give you a "good day" it is also as likely to give you a "bad day". So for this note I would have to go, no thank you. Or N/A as I said, simply because I usually hunt my resources a different way. 

Also here are some other TLC ideas for you!

  • Fishing rod: more kinds of Bait, Ammonit bile (the best), meat (worst) and maybe a Better system of fishing. and more worth it to fish with better baits!
    • yes I never find the stuff to use fishing rods
    • God I hate fishing... In life and in game. But I have done both, and the latter needs some work. They should also upgrade the rod in my opinion. It is another tool that never received care. You can teleport to the fishing pond... but you are stuck using and old stick with string to fish...
    • Net might make it better idk
    • I have one, haven't tried to hard to use it yet. 
      Don’t have the new dlc yet so no idea
    • Attempted the use of it last night... Didn't catch anything. But I also wasn't really trying. My character did snap its fingers in frustration though, when the net came back up empty. It was kind funny. Not sure it effects the main point though, that seemed to list better baiting. Honestly - I think the entire fishing situation, much like farming and cooking, needs to be revisited. Not just the baits. The rods, your skills. etc... all of it. 
      I think you have to aim at fish, also hahahaha, yes not the main point, yes revisit the system of food, and the thing I think is that the current food system works, there really is no need to add more other than cosmetics, because players can easily get tons of food then it’s not a problem.
    • The current system works by default alone. Can you eat? yes. Will you survive? yes. But other than that fishing/food/gardening/cooking PvE/Roleplay aspect is horrid. Primitive Plus did 110% better and they hadn't worked their way up into advanced items. They went industrial for some items, but if they had continued through the advanced areas included in the standard game it could have really blown up into an entirely new way to play the game. Yes it would not be for all, but for some it would be a nice realism twist with a bit of individual perspective. Fishing for one, Primitive has fishing traps, which were totally realistic, but were never added to the main game. The could have easily added them, add advanced versions of them and the bait to use within them if they had continued with that progression. 
    • So yes, it works, but it is severely lacking in many ways. 
      Agreed also I say 400% so 5 times better
  • Re-fertilizer: SUPER FERTILLZER! and it Boost them! - GTG
  • Shotgun: able to hold Trigger to fire both shots! and able to put Simple Rifle rounds (like a Elephant rifle) and is Stronge damage but not good range like the Longneck rifle 
    • great ideas
    • I generally only use the long neck... Mostly because I tranq creatures with it. 
      Nothin better than taming so...
    • That is something they need to do something more with. Realistically there aught to be something else that shoots tranq darts. 
      I think the game needs a new Tranq melee weapon
    • Agreed. Not what this note is for, but I would agree. 
    • I would also suggest adding other taming methods. Such as the bola method used in Atlas. Essentially you weaken a creature, bola the creature, and then feed it passively. I am not saying that this should be used for all creatures. But for those that are primarily passive that can be caught by the bola's, it should be an option. Such as the parasaurs and such. Just something to change it up. It could make taming a start creature a bit easier early game. 
      Well that’s ok I was just saying a new tranq melee and we are getting way off topic, personally I like the system as it is for taming.
    • It is easy to get off topic when the topic has many points that could use some work, tweaking, or variety. And that can be  fun part about the discussion process, learning of other options out there. 
    • I do agree however, that they should have a few more tranq weapons that could be used. The bola idea above would work as an option for non-agressive creatures, but for everything else, it would best to have tranq weapons. For one, all bows should have the ability to use the tranq arrows if they use standard arrows. For another, Primitive has a hammer that would be a nice addition - basically an advanced club. 
      Yes and a tek one too
  • small and large rafts: for small places and for building more!
    • It would be nice to be able to get as creative with the boats as you can on Atlas. Perhaps not all the super large boats as there isn't enough water to go around, but for some of the smaller boats or at the very least, a better platform to build a boat on. 
      Not mammoth ones just ones a bit bigger like another foundation out on each side
    • Agreed. Though I wouldn't mind a row boat or sloop looking boat. Something you can't really increase the size of but can get around on. I probably wouldn't go bigger than a sloop though. 
      I’d also like a fast little scout motor boat
    • If they ever put out an ocean map - not just a biome but an actual map made up of water and small islands (not the pillars in genesis but the smaller islands of The Center), I fully hope that they bring in more boating options. Some you can build on, some you can't. If you could craft a speedboat that you couldn't build on, but that you could use to get you and your cryo-podded creatures from point A to point B - that would be awesome. 
      I’d love a water map with small islands that had 1 resource so like a stone, a small carnivore and herbivore And a dead wood and one big tree and dead trees and trees and bushes ect. Also a ton of new water equipment and buildings ect. Would be added.
    • Absolutely! Also the pontoon (floating water bridges) from Primitive plus so you could build a dock without all the pillars. 
      I mean ocean platforms but...
  • diagonal supports: for building bridges and stuff and I looks good - GTG
  • support: make the range structures can go without pillar bigger
    • Honestly it makes sense, you can't build out in irl without the support to do so. What they could change however, in my opinion, is how far each type of material can reach out, and if the horizontal supports as listed above were added, that they could be used to further the reach. 
      Well maybe they could add a function where supports near each other compound in a way or add like supports that sit underneath the celing, I just hate bridges with 1 million pillars ect.
    • The need for pillars could be alleviated by the horizontal supporting ceilings above. 
    • And I do understand what you are saying. Pillaring sucks. And pillaring to build a bridge.... Good heavens the lag. Ceilings with horizontal supports, which could be called Bridge Segments or something similar, could be added as a way to remove the pillaring necessary for bridges. Or at least minimize it. Say they could travel 20 Bridge Segments before requiring a pillar. In which case the pillar could then have an alternative called a "Bridge Support" where the pillar would be larger and stronger to support the 20 Bridge Segment stretch. It could be a unique item that would only snap to Bridge Segments. 
      Well maybe 10-15 we're still trying for realism. But I was saying two more types of support, horizontal and diagonal which would make the bridge go like 10 without another pillar above I said compounding like if you put 4 pillars right next to each other it could go father as if you put one big pillar. So pillar plus more pillars equal bigger pillar which compounds the range of support 
    • I think I am getting what you are saying. For fantasy-realism sake - 10 to 15 spaces does seem more reasonable. 
    • As for the taller pillars, be it specifically bridge supports or as horizontal support pillars themselves - I am all for it. In fact another suggestion I am a huge fan of is for some behemoth building items and in there I commented with a Pillar (1 high), Short Pillar (2 high), Medium Pillar (3 high), and Tall Pillar (4 high). This would allow the game to have the original pillar height, but additional sizes so people wouldn't go around using the single stature pillar and lagging out their builds as often. Add those formats to horizontal supports - and I think the lag would be cut dramatically. 
      I think short(1) pillar(2) and tall(4) but agree I don’t think four pillars is necessary.
    • I went has high as 4 for two reasons. 
      • One, it keeps the standard pillar in the game under the same name which means that if the others were added, it may not require the destruction of the other items in the game. In others I have seen that when they change the code of an item, it requires all previous editions of that item to vanish with the upload - so anyone who has built out of them would lose their work. 
      • And secondly, I have seen many use pillars for short adjustments, but just as many use up to 4-6 tall pillars. The ark maps are not all easy to build on. And at times, it was in conjunction with a behemoth gate. So adding a 4, which is a number that is as tall as our tallest stacking wall, the smaller Dino gate, and dividable into the larger one seemed to make sense. 
        I meant 4 types, only a 1 a 2 and a 4 so pillar large pillar and behemoth 
  • something so things can fit perfectly to spaces or just clip a lot - GTG
  • storage: gargantuan storage chest, 
    • I would prefer a more split storage as opposed to larger storage. A different storage box for each type of storage item unique to the item. Such as "Weapons Rack". Basic holds 100 items, upgraded versions could hold more. etc. It would be a way to quickly sort your inventory as with the dedicated storage while giving the space some decorative and customization options. 
      I get the idea but still I’d be nice to have a big junk chest
    • That is basically my tek replicator. I hardly use it and with 600 line items... Or a shoulder pet. I have a few that mass weight so I name them what they are holding and leave them around to light up the place. With 350 line items they can hold a lot... Personally I would like to simply be able to sort things easier. Having a Weapons Rack that will specifically hold whatever type of weapon you tell it too like the dedicated storage's would be awesome. Or a closet that would only hold clothing, walk up to it and deposit all takes all the random gear you may have picked up.... heaven. 
      Well I’m saying before tek and shoulder pets need feeding, just a giant chest
    • Assuming it would be larger than a vault as it would be carrying more item's I don't mind. I would have to be huge though. Not sure what you would call it if it is large than a vault...hmm...
    • I never used a vault because of there cost, but yes a mammoth chest.
    • I think we can agree on this one that regardless of size or line items - we need a few more storage items. Racks, closets, boxes, shelves, etc... Some with more line items, some that will only hold specific items (like weapons, tools, or clothes), and many of them should have starter and advanced options so that they fit in with the building materials in game. Nothing like holding on to a wood chest when you are building in metal... 
    • Yeah
  • maybe specified storage so it’s holds more and costs less but it can only hold one type of thing - GTG
  • foundations: a way to snap foundations down or up a half or full wall side for builds - GTG
    • map: a map that’s has a giant plains and a few perfect platues For custom building with no creatures and stuff
      • There is a procedural generated map option with Nitrado, the provider I use, that hasn't really worked since I have been on when I have tried it. I would imagine is it is similar to the custom map settings in Minecraft. You set the parameters and the map pops out. I supposed that could do what you are asking... If it worked...
      • Pro gen dosent work hardly ever on a super computer, never on a pc and less a console and plus I’d be nice to have a special map that would most likely be easy to code, and also pro gen dosent give you all the control it just almost makes it work
      • I think I get what you are saying... but also not..
      • So you want to be able to build your map, possibly with a third party generator, where you could have it be as flat as you would like for building purposes? 
      • I know Atlas allows you to design grids by placing islands on an ocean... but even that doesn't allow you to fully go in and make those adjustments. It is more of a pick what you want and you get what you get concept...
      • Unless you are talking about simply having a map that has extremely flat areas to build on. In which case, I think the best bet would be to work with a modder unless they do come up with a way for procedural generated maps to create what you are looking for. 
      • Or I am completely off base and totally confused. 
        I was saying a map the size of the island or center with half of it flat grassy no trees the other half has 1 quarter water that goes down 5 foundations and the other quarter has tons of 1,2,3,4 wall elevations to build with. That is creative only and built in, and more custom pro gens would be cool, also I’d be cool if you could take a map that was flat and grid like and pull up of sink down the terrain, and you can draw biome border lines. If you’ve ever made a lego level in a lego game you would understand what I mean.
      • I have played quite a few building games so I do understand where you are coming from. Minecraft, Portal Knights, both Dragon Quest Builders, Atlas, and Lego's to name a few. 
      • And while I agree, it would be nice to have flat map to do some relatively smooth building on to play around and try things out, I am not sure if WC is interested in adding one as they are more of a "survive the landscape" sort of game whereas the others are far more creative. If we get a  PGM system that works or modder who has created such a map - then we may be in luck. Otherwise I think it is more likely that we get a map based of rolling plains with (sort of flat like the central states of the US) if someone decides to add something of that route. Otherwise "flat maps" may be kept to the other games. 
    • snapping: about a million things go here
      • Agreed. Snapping has some serious issues, and for those who don't know how to work around some of them - it is a nightmare. 
        Especially with the triangles, I made a hexagon house and two roof tiles just refuse to snap into place ether by moving around or using the toggle
      • God I hate the building in Ark. Haven't done much of it until recently since I was messing around in Atlas, but in comparison - Ark is god awful. Upside down triangles? Nope. Roof Corners? Nope. Roof Valleys? Nope. Wide Dino gates? Nope. Behemoth walls? Nope. Stacking foundations? Nope. Crafting all single wide/single tall wall items from one piece with a flip through menu so you don't have to craft multiple items? Nope. Cliff platforms that act as foundations? Nope. 
      • Ark needs to do better. It is not all snapping, but their pieces are lacking as well. I am not saying Atlas is the best - but they are better in some aspects. Put them together and then you would be closer to finding the best. 
        Yes totally agree ark needs roof valleys and roof corners, And more gates, and a secound homestead update, but.....
      • 100% disagree on crafting 1 “wall piece” and it flips, NOOOOO if they add the station for structures, sure! But absolutely no on that! It just NO.
    • More variation of meats not too much but like meat ground meat, rich meat, ect. - GTG
    • Notes: More cooking recipes but not with too many effects and more of different types of food - GTG
    • Recipes: also more customization of cooking recipes, more images, an option to turn off color regions and free paint it, an option to import images for recipes on unofficial, special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect.
      • Customization of Cooking Recipes - Already in game as you can build a recipe and add things to it to create it. I have used it in the past and don't mind it, but I would prefer prepared recipes as with those in Primitive Plus. 
        I think you missed a key word at the begening if the sentence: MORE
      • More images - Are you referring to the recipes you can create? You want a few more options for those you creating? I mean it makes sense so I don't disagree. I again would just prefer simply having more recipes in game. 
        Yes more than 3 images for food and three for drink, especially more natural and primitive looking ones would be nice not just a burger and a sandwich.
      • an option to turn off color regions and free paint it - I am assuming you are still talking about the image for personally crafted recipes? 
        yes that’s what this category is about
      • option to import images for recipes on unofficial - For those who want to do it, I wouldn't say no. I just don't think I would go that far. 
        Well it’s ok but I was just saying the sandwich, burger, and salad get a little dull
      • special ingredients or combos of ingredients to add effects such a extra strength, healing, the angry flower affect, ect. - I don't mind it, but again, I would rather just have the recipes exist in game and additional crating tables and farming items as with Primitive Plus. 
        Yes I’m not saying they wouldn't exist but I’d just like much more customizations like torpor added in or something
        • I think the overall note on this one is that the Cooking/Recipe situation needs to be reviewed. We need more built in recipes, more items to cook with, more reason to doing so, and overall - a better progression with it. Primitive Plus took a step in the right direction, but even then were not perfect as a lot of the work requires research and not clearly defined or noted. I would suggest using their items as a starting point and building off of it. 
          Sigh, I’m talking about CUSTOM RECIPIES! Not about normal cooking, because it needs more customization, more images like a thatch bowl with soup instead of a burger sandwich and a salad, and more effectes that the different ingredients can add and custom painting and color regions painting or the custom recipes!
    • paint: able to turn on paint color regions of dinos using paintbrush
      • This one I would have to say no too, just because it takes the work out of the game if all you are going to do is paint your dino as opposed to breed for the mutations or wait for the event to find the creature color of your choice. I am good with allow you to cook a recipe to color your dino like a candy temporarily, but painting it seems a bit much. 
        I understand but for many people who would like a quick paint job, a nice job, don’t have time to breed that much, have a specific color combo in mind, I think these people should be able to, as we are trying to be nice to everybody here.
      • I get it, I really do, and when the event colors came out - this suggestion has gone around several times. From an ease standpoint being able to permanently dye your creatures would be nice. But for longevity I simply don't see WC ever incorporating it. They want to add life to the game and not cut out a portion of it - which being able to dye a creature would do. Mutation breeding and event taming is a big time consuming effort that simply coloring creatures would remove. 
      • It is one of the reasons my servers, even the low boosted one for harvest and experience still have higher rates for breeding and taming. It helps those who work long hours still be able to get the mutations and do the taming. 
      • The middle ground mentioned in another suggestion is to be able to craft or create costumes you could add to your dinos and color while doing so to give them the colors you want until you get the colors you are looking for. And that I can get behind. I prefer to not to say no outright if possible, but find a middle ground and that idea is not a horrid one. 
        what about a setting to turn it on and off for single non ded, and ded
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