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Mining Drills and Tames


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Mining Drills and Tames

With the last patched the fixed the unlimited weight ability for Bloodstalkers... so why do you think they disabled the use of mining drills while mounted to any creature? I can not find one balance issue this causes only extra steps of having to dismount,mine, turn, mount.... wasted time and effort. 


This a glitch or currently intended mechanic? (no farming while mounted) 

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4 hours ago, yekrucifixion187 said:

I just farmed off the back of a sloth a few hours ago. 

They took away the animal stun affect but it still farms while mounted.


6 hours ago, Piffguru said:

When was this patch? I farmed metal with a drill while mounted to the bloodstalker just last night. Is that gone already?

Wow last night we couldn't farm from the Bloodstalker, Procopt, or anything! Hopefully that means it got reverted? (Official Servers btw) 

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