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Are WildCard Trolls?


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Are WildCard Trolls?

Iv played this game since EA like most. Simple put it’s my fave game ever. BUT HOW HOW HOW have the devs added yet another Dino that can destroy a base from out of render range /turret range.

3-4 years ago scorched is added and rock golems can chuck rock through bases destroying them.    Ab is added and reapers can soak entire bases with a out a scratch. Extinction is added and meks can destroy bases from out of render. 
Genesis is added and magmas can destroy bases from out of turret range.

DO you not test anything? Is this a joke? Does thousands of hours of people’s time mean nothing to you guys how can you repeat the same mistake some many times?  

in my job if I made the mistakes you guys did I would be fired. Pure and simple.

iv always gave devs benefits of the doubt cuz the community is toxic  by the large but some times you guys take the biscuit honestly. 

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PVP in ARK has zero balance.it's been that way for many moons.

Not only can the MAG destroy all structures but it can drain turrets due to unlimited Ammo it shoots that turrets target.

I will point to one simple fact that proves this game has zero balance and its stacked in favour of the attackers:

I have also played since before legacy was a thing,thousands of hours and in that time Dino stats have only gone one way,UP,HP through the roof then OP Saddles to complement said rise in stats.

Do you know how many times Structure HP has been increased,ammo cost lowered,smelt time lowered on forges,C4 cost increased etc etc? ZERO.


Dinos grow stronger,defences stay the same,perfect balance right there...

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