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Well WC did it again. Made an OP dino and hasn't contemplated the obvious....


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11 hours ago, johnm81 said:

Sorry disagreement with your point sits with you as rude. Sniping has never been hard. But you will learn as most others have that mek battle lines and their shield projectors have hard countered most sniping. 


just trying to be helpful but you have to admit the player on a bloodstalker is very exposed is how I killed the players but some people are saying theres a counter to everything. you have a tek tp right? try making a mak and see if that works. or tame some for your tribe. 

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On 3/2/2020 at 3:05 PM, johnm81 said:

Well WC did it again. Made an OP dino and hasn't contemplated the obvious....

The blood stalker is going to be very op on the pvp battle field. Imagine the ability to pull fliers tapejara and smaller at turret range or longer to you. The projectile speed is near instantaneous unlike the reaper. Larger fliers don't get a reprieve either. If the flier is too big the blood stalker pulls the rider off and they take fall damage! Again, the shot is near instantaneous AND the range is turret range or larger. 

All tested on a non-ded server with tribe mates.

Really WC we have to do this all over again after the wild card managarmr embarrassment? 


On 3/4/2020 at 1:27 PM, johnm81 said:


Guys I am not sure If I have fully explained the issue with the  blood stalker. Today the tribe I am in had one of its meat tp's destroyed. It was well protected and had both HA turrets and Tek turrets surrounding it. As players teleported in to defend it a blood  stalker webbed them and dragged them and their tames to an enemy giga. The spider webbed them FROM OUTSIDE TURRET range. 

This spider isn't a counter to flyers. The spider is a counter  to any tame along battle lines as it insta picks you and drags you to the enemy from WAAAAY out of turret range.

allow me to list ways to counter bloodstalkers, (i have sued these myself in pvp)

1. flamethrower: blood stalkers have small hp pool and no armor, meaning flamethrower, especially good ones can burn right through them. i have killed quite a few stalkers this way, all you need is good armor to survive the attack and a flamethrower on stand by

2. melee weapon: again they have low hp pools making them weak to melee, pikes, swords even picks and hatchets can get you out or kill them, strong armor also allows for higher survival chance

3. shotguns: my favorite way to kill these things is by shotgun, at close range you could easily kill one with 1-4 clips. that is if its a good shoty

4. explosives: bloodstalkers can not survive explosives, using grenades can easily kill them


ways to survive a bloodstalker attack

1. armor: the better the armor the longer you survive

2. high health: the more health you have to more likely you are to survive

3. struggle and hit: this is literally a mechanic placed in to help with this kind of crap, you can struggle and hit them to brake free

4. get good: a real ark player knows how to overcome challenges

honestly once again this thread is just people complaining about a creature because they got killed by it once or twice or they failed to kill one. seriously, this thing needs a health buff tbh, yes its range could be reduced a bit

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