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pvp TheArkive 7x WIPED2/25 T/G/H Cluster S+/AA/DS

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TheArkive 7x WIPED2/25 T/G/H Cluster S+/AA/DS

Welcome to The Arkive, we currently host a full cluster with plans to expand with the release of Genesis.

Discord/ Server Rules: #1: NSFW/NSFL posts, links, or anything related is prohibited at all times on the discord server. #2: Racism and sexist behavior won't be tolerated. #3: Excessive tribe disputes that get out of hand in chat will be deleted. If this occurs several times the people involved will be issued a warning or banned if needed. #4: Advertising third party services, servers, or websites will not be tolerated. Talking about other games or anything similar is encouraged. #5: If you disagree with an action one of the admins has taken please take your concerns to that specific admin in private, not public chat. If that isn't possible please create a ticket via the ticket system. #6: Creating excessive drama is discouraged and will likely result in your posts in question to be removed. #7: The poop talk channel does not mean anything goes. The above rules still apply there, however this is a place where players can have banter between each other without disrupting other discord chats.


Map Specific Direct Connect Links.

Ragnarok Quick Link: steam://connect/

Island Quick Link: steam://connect/

Abberation Quick Link: steam://connect/

Extinction Quick Link: steam://connect/

The Center Quick Link: steam://connect/

Valguero Quick Link: steam://connect/

Scorched Earth Quick Link: steam://connect/

Genisis Quick Link: steam://connect/

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