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Is this support ticket worthy?


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Is this support ticket worthy?

So, people are already blocking off mission spots by building just around the perimeter with spikes/pillars and setting up turrets. It's an issue for smaller mission zones because as soon as you spawn in, you get tagged by the turrets. The larger ones you either get stuck inside of if the turrets don't get you or can't access at all when approaching outside. This goes for both HLN-A spawn ins and random spawn points, as well as glitch spots. 

Is this support ticket worthy or do we just deal with it? It's rather difficult to deal with when there's not many spawn points per biome as is, though, but I understand that it's difficult to enforce things on official pvp.

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On PVP no... on PVE yes. It violates the code of conduct. But a ticket does not often do anything though.  Ive submitted several for blocking or... “denial of access” as the COC said.. but it is always auto completed with a we link referring me to something that is usually totally off topic for what my ticket was. Than its marked resolved.

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