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Wave Ray 64


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How to beat beta Wave Ray 64?

I can do gamma easily, but not beta. There is just not enough time it seems.

So am I missing something? Is there some sort of hidden built-in sprint mode in manta apart from holding SHIFT and swimming through booster rings? Does increased speed from being infected transfer to manta? Does character speed transfer to race manta?

Any chance people who designed it could show us how it's done on official server?

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Now I'm curious to know what percentage of players complete alpha. I'm on PS4(1230EU PVE), me and two other clanmates have 3 out of the top 4 times on alpha. We regularly farm this mission  on alpha for hex instead of harvest materials.

Some tips we've learned:

Only race at 3ppl max(maybe 4 if ping is good), extra lag and glitchy bumping just not worth it.

for faster start click to run before countdown ends to automatically be in run when race starts.(run is left stick to toggle on PS4)

Jump just before hitting a ramp to avoid the bump it usually does or be below the surface and hit ramp at an upward angle for smooth entry.(jump method much more consistent and easier)

Press forward and back midair in ramp jumps to help adjust jump distance (helps sometimes, ramps can just be typical ARK buggy) and never stop pressing forward while on ramp

While in run quickly double tap toggle run button to brake without losing to much speed.

At the point where first go underwater and before the hairpin turn through rocks hit the first speed boost as you go underwater but skip the next one to make the turn easier.

Don't oversteer. I'd imagine majority of players on console have some amount of lag during race, learning to adjust for it takes practice. Practice not overcompensating around turns and obstacles during lag.(unless you hit the speed boost before the hairpin, then crank it to the right all the way through)

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The problem ive encountered is that the timer for beta and alpha seems to be lower than it should. I have seen videos on youtube where the timer for alpha is 2:30 but for me its only 1:40.

Also, the race is the same in all three difficulties, so the only difference is the timer. For the ppl who has completed it: is it actually possible to complete the race under 2 minutes??


edit: just found this 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/27/2020 at 7:05 AM, deedoubleu said:

How to beat beta Wave Ray 64?

I can do gamma easily, but not beta. There is just not enough time it seems.

So am I missing something? Is there some sort of hidden built-in sprint mode in manta apart from holding SHIFT and swimming through booster rings? Does increased speed from being infected transfer to manta? Does character speed transfer to race manta?

Any chance people who designed it could show us how it's done on official server?

Ive just beaten Wave Ray Beta.

The only possible thing that helps your time is by jumping before hitting ramps with speed rings on them. For whatever reason it launches you farther when hitting them, saving time, but sends you off at an odd angle offtrack if you aim yourself slightly off from the next ring

Its risky but helped me beat it. Hope it helps!

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1 hour ago, ScaleHound said:

Ive just beaten Wave Ray Beta.

The only possible thing that helps your time is by jumping before hitting ramps with speed rings on them. For whatever reason it launches you farther when hitting them, saving time, but sends you off at an odd angle offtrack if you aim yourself slightly off from the next ring

Its risky but helped me beat it. Hope it helps!

All difficulties of the race can be done on PC, at least with some efforts regarding the alpha one.

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Jump before hitting the wooden jump ramps. If you step out of the water by touching the bottom, you'll halt for a second, losing time and speed. This also asures a perfect jump once you reach the end of the ramp.

Good racing.

Also, WC does not test their stuff. That's why they refer to a lot of things by the names of the files, not the English localization.


That said, it is possible in all difficulties, indeed.

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  • 1 month later...

On Xbox I can beat Beta every time with about 15-30 seconds to spare, but after despite completing Beta well over 100 times the best time I ever got was 2:08.  
there is no conceivable way to shave another 8 seconds off my time.  

I recommend you run Gamma until you have the course down and your times are 2:40 or less, then run Beta.  Forget Alpha, it’s just not worth the time.

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  • 11 months later...

For those of you struggling to do the races on Alpha, I have been making guides on all the missions on Official settings(no mods or boosts etc) and I would love to pitch in & help you folks out.

Genesis 1 is badly optimised with lags & fps slowdowns hence my videos(especially the races) have tips to improve FPS like what video settings & at what game time to run the races etc. BTW, here's my times for Wave Ray 64.

Time (in secs):
Alpha: 125.27 or 2 mins 3 secs
Beta: 132.13
Gamma: 137.435


Hope this helps. And thanks for watching.

Other Alpha Races:

Bottle Nose Blitz: https://youtu.be/x2K6c_QN-6g

Bog Rally: https://youtu.be/ts_Y4fytkho

The Rhino 500: https://youtu.be/eYRVdOpWaJQ

and on and on ....

I have done around 59 missions till now(not all are posted yet) & my current mission is the Gamma Corrupted Master Controller.





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