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How did this happen?


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How did this happen?

I play on a Rag PVE server and was logged off for 4 days. I logged back on today and noticed one of my metal gates was open and most of my dinos were grouped around it. I looked around and saw that my pack of deionychus (the only ones on the server) werw gone. I don't think they were set on neutral, and I have no other people in my tribe. I had made an alliance with another group of tribes the day I logged off. Anyone know what happened?


Edit: I looked all over the highlands where my base is and couldn't find them, I don't know what to do. They cost me a fortune at an auction and I don't want to lose them.

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Thx, I was outside looking for them some more and saw a guy with a hover skiff. He followed me back to my base and started picking my poison wyvern up and flew off with it. I got it back, but I think that was what happened since the deionychus were worth a lot. As for the gate, I'm still kind of confused. I put all my dinos in cryos and suggest you all do the same if you play on PVE.

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