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Sorry Wildcard, Genesis map is a big failure.


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If youre next DLC map is going to run like this then dont even bother

This is 2nd expansion in a row from WC (Extinction) thats run like complete garbage with constant stuttering, lagging, and disconnections.

We're way past the initial bumps in the road that I'll allow for any new launch. A game that was delayed twice shouldn't continue to be in this type of state weeks after launch.

If you cant figure out how to stabilize your game then just scrap Gen part 2 as it will be a waste of everyone's time. It's sad the mod maps run much better than your official expansion maps. 




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Y'all are a bunch of whiney children I stg. Aside from the insect swarms being unkillable without tames, I haven't encountered any of the other glitches y'all are complaining about, and I'm easily 100 hours into Genesis. Far from being "unplayable", I find Genesis to be the single most enjoyable xpac I've played so far, and I've out countless hours into every single one except Valguero and Ragnarok. 

All the biomes have a few resources they lack, which means you either need more than one base OR you need to complete missions to use hexagons to secure the unavailable resources. Personally, my main base is in the Bog, with a base in Volcanic that I really enjoy, and a simple little Raft base in the Ocean biome just because I really enjoy exploring there. 

The Arctic biome is hella fun, but feels bland compared to the rest. It just reminds me too much of The Island.

I'm not skilled enough to tough out the Lunar biome yet, but I've ventured there a few times and it looks like it'll be amazing once I get some high level tames to help fight off the waves of Tell Raptors and stuff.

Volcanic is so much fun! The basilisks add a huge element of danger as it's really easy to stumble across one, but the Magmasaurs are easily spotted from well outside their aggro range. Metal, obsidian, and Crystal in abundance makes Fabricator crafting so much more obtainable than other maps, I'm in love with it. A bit frustrating to gather enough wood but nothing a quick warp to the bog can't fix.

Overall I'm wholly in love with this DLC. 80% of the complaints in this thread make y'all sound like flippin Boomers I stg. Between shouting your opinions as facts and repeating "I don't like Change!" Over and over again, y'all can all take a lava bath. 

Get over yourselves and stopped bashing on what is easily the most innovative and entertaining DLC in the game.

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On 2/26/2020 at 9:59 PM, Qeythos said:

The map itself is too restrictive compared to other maps. Not being able to ride a dino between the biomes like previous maps is a fail. Trying to use HLN-A can be a nightmare as it tends to just zip away most of the time you attempt to interact wih it. Not being able to use flying mounts on an open map is a fail unless it is a bug or locked behind progression. It just doesn't make sense other then function as a brake on the rate at which people can obtain resources. The only thing working on the tek suit is the helmet's vision modes and air, but nothing else? A big, fat, fail. Imposing restrictions rather then building the map to take already existing methods into account is always going to be a fail, regardless of game. This has already been proven plenty of times in the past, just google it, no need to repost it all here. You'd need a library for that much information, not a thread in a forum.

I started a new character in the bog biome and by the time the initial white screen went away and i could see the enviorment my character was pretty much dead, at around 10% health from deadly gas and the infernal insect swarms that are literally everywhere you go. They need to be toned down. You kill one swarm and 3 will take its place in seconds. It also rains 99% of the time and the fog's so thick you can barely see a thing. A real bog doesn't have near-constant rain. All the effects are causing a lot of lag on a standard PS4 without a solid state drive. Of course i could install a solid state drive but if the game won't work smoothly on the hardware that the console came with then it just simply wasn't designed right and needs to be tweaked, end of story. While mounted the game pauses between 2 - 5 seconds every 50 or so feet traveled. Hopefully this will get optimized over time.

So far i have checked out the bog, snow, and ocean biomes and the only place i would even think of building is on the back of a Megachelon and i doubt i'll find much of anything in the volcanic or lunar biomes where i would want to build. Base building is a big part of this game after all yet Genesis clearly wasn't designed with that in mind but instead made to fit only a portion of the playerbase of the game, mostly people who prefer to play PvP but i'm tired of constantly running into people who can't PvP without using glitches, and then calling you trash, in pretty much any game, not just ARK, so i don't play PvP anymore unless it's with friends who i know will play legit. For PvE this map is lacking, a lot. Sure, there are missions to do but i haven't tried any of them yet so can't comment on them. What i have read from other peoples comments on them i don't even know if i want to.


I feel your a little harsh saying the map is a failure, many of my friends do play however I quit this map due to the way you travel by teleport, I would much have preferred walking from biome to biome, also your dead while spawning on most occasions.

Each biome is beautifully made and the Devs clearly put time and care into the missions and mechanics, that said I don't think they intended to break Ext map or introduce new bugs, my only issue is that they fix the bugs before part 2.

I regret buying the season pass I love the game bugs and all, just didn't realize how different this map would be compared to the others, however buying the season pass helps fund further development of the game so in a way saying I regret buying it is also a little harsh haha

Lets see what part 2 brings and give the map time to settle, may try it again when transfers open who knows.



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On 3/9/2020 at 10:46 AM, GP said:

Why would they need to reduce building limit? It makes no difference whether they keep it the same as other maps or reduce it.

You seriously using that non-issue as your case for disagreement? ?

Well I mean, they could tighten up the limits for building as well as for in-the-open (un-cryopodded) creatures.  If you make a statement like "Genesis isn't designed for large bases and dino pens," seems like you were saying that one of their intents was to restrict base size. 

Assuming the ARK playerbase is still the same old ARK playerbase, and WildCard is still WildCard, if the limits on building and taming are left unaltered then of course people are going to just build a big awkward base, its going to be inconvenient, its going to be in the way, its going to block resources, and lag the server.  WildCard would also, after close to 5 years of watching how we all play the game, know that this was going to happen.  So then, if they design a map to purposefully make building large bases annoying, that's just kind of a butthead thing to do with very little positive effect, ostensibly a troll-move, because they KNOW the same old ARK playerbase is still going to build just as big and tame just as much as they ever have, on any map.

It just makes more sense that the map was designed the way it is, and small VS large base wasn't a deciding factor in map layout, I think.

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On 3/14/2020 at 9:28 PM, St1ckyBandit said:

Actually the environmental dangers are as follows:

Bog - not the insect swarms themselves, but the constant awful stuttering and lag they cause. Very innovative stuff here. First dev team I've seen to have the balls to utilize lag as a gameplay mechanic.

Artic - Wide spread blue screening. Again very original take on environmental danger to use game crashing as a tool to represent freezing to death. Bravo

Luna - INVISIBLE robots. Any game can give you enemies to fight that you can actually see, but ark has a crack dev team that pushes the envelope. Good luck killing invisible flying robots. Amazing revolutionary enemy design at play here.

Ocean - Do you ever play a game and think "I want to lose control of my character more." Well you're in luck. Now there's underwater tornadoes all over the biome that suck you up hindering your movement and spit you out in the opposite direction youre traveling ! So fun !

Volcano - Want to do the Gallimimus race ? Hope you have a gas mask equipped as this thrilling race not only features constant huge magmasaurs blocking the track, but it also takes you right through poison gas ! Who wants to complete a race anyway amiright ?

Has it ever occurred to you that your PC just isn't good enough? My PC isn't great but I have none of the issues you mention here, and apart from some lag spikes around peak times I haven't heard anyone else moaning about those issues on a packed server who chat a lot about issues affecting them but not the ones you mention. If you do have a beast PC you should check your settings, not the in game ones, the gfx drivers, hardware, etc.

Having to wear a gas mask during the race? What's so difficult about preparing for a mission... wear a gas mask.

I understand you may be frustrated and not enjoying genesis, so am wondering why you are playing it at all. Go back to vanilla ark or play something else... there's no need to start insulting the devs. A lot of us are enjoying it and understand there are bugs and the devs are working hard to fix them.


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29 minutes ago, Luizza said:

Has it ever occurred to you that your PC just isn't good enough? My PC isn't great but I have none of the issues you mention here, and apart from some lag spikes around peak times I haven't heard anyone else moaning about those issues on a packed server who chat a lot about issues affecting them but not the ones you mention. If you do have a beast PC you should check your settings, not the in game ones, the gfx drivers, hardware, etc.

Having to wear a gas mask during the race? What's so difficult about preparing for a mission... wear a gas mask.

I understand you may be frustrated and not enjoying genesis, so am wondering why you are playing it at all. Go back to vanilla ark or play something else... there's no need to start insulting the devs. A lot of us are enjoying it and understand there are bugs and the devs are working hard to fix them.


Im on console. The game runs like trash. Always has really. Extinction to this day is still a laggy mess and yes some servers are literally unplayable.

It varies in severity from server to server but its very rare if not impossible in my play time (and I've been here since the beginning) to find a server that is smooth and stable.

And no you shouldn't have to wear a gas mask to do a race, nor should you be blocked by 100 dinos per run, nor should people be able to build in the track, nor should there be tiny rocks everywhere for you to get hung up on. Its bad design plain and simple.

I 100% guarantee the devs never intended you to wear a gas mask either. They just slapped together the Gally race and shipped it, probably never even testing it just like they clearly never tested the alpha races with their impossible completion times.

If you arent encountering the invisible drones then either you dont go to the luna biome or its not happening on PC because theyre everywhere.

Some of the problems I outlined are caused by bad game performance, some are bad game design, and some are an amazing marriage of both.

If you take offense to my previous sarcasm then thats your opinion and your entitled to it, but I find it laughable for someone to defend these devs when over and over again they've proven to miss deadlines and still end up shipping a half baked product.

So no I dont buy that theyre "working hard" to fix the bugs. If that was the case invisible enemies wouldn't still be in the game 3 weeks after launch or even in the dlc period when it was already delayed twice. If that was the case there wouldn't be oversights all over the place with the races.

The game is amazing in concept and world building but the devs have always shown a fairly lazy attitude towards making sure the content actually works before they take people's money.

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1 hour ago, St1ckyBandit said:

Im on console. The game runs like trash. Always has really. Extinction to this day is still a laggy mess and yes some servers are literally unplayable.

It varies in severity from server to server but its very rare if not impossible in my play time (and I've been here since the beginning) to find a server that is smooth and stable.

And no you shouldn't have to wear a gas mask to do a race, nor should you be blocked by 100 dinos per run, nor should people be able to build in the track, nor should there be tiny rocks everywhere for you to get hung up on. Its bad design plain and simple.

I 100% guarantee the devs never intended you to wear a gas mask either. They just slapped together the Gally race and shipped it, probably never even testing it just like they clearly never tested the alpha races with their impossible completion times.

If you arent encountering the invisible drones then either you dont go to the luna biome or its not happening on PC because theyre everywhere.

Some of the problems I outlined are caused by bad game performance, some are bad game design, and some are an amazing marriage of both.

If you take offense to my previous sarcasm then thats your opinion and your entitled to it, but I find it laughable for someone to defend these devs when over and over again they've proven to miss deadlines and still end up shipping a half baked product.

So no I dont buy that theyre "working hard" to fix the bugs. If that was the case invisible enemies wouldn't still be in the game 3 weeks after launch or even in the dlc period when it was already delayed twice. If that was the case there wouldn't be oversights all over the place with the races.

The game is amazing in concept and world building but the devs have always shown a fairly lazy attitude towards making sure the content actually works before they take people's money.

Yeah it's painfully obvious they are doing just the opposite of working hard.  If they were working even the least amount they would have the servers working by now, or the stat reset bug fixed, or, well, any of the other 10,000,000 plus bugs fixed.  So far I have yet to see a single thing different from the launch.  Well, I shouldn't say a single thing different, seems like more problems showed up after the last patch, now every time we fast travel everyone has to reboot the game because the screen becomes blindingly bright to them.  So I suppose that's different!

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For me the biggest thing is that wildcard keeps adding in dinos that can just 1 shot you off your mount. When im farming i want to farm not deal with that bullpoop. Most of the wild dinos that can hit you while mounted should not have that ability when wild. Period. I know the PvE carebears will cry about a change like that, but i dont care. 

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1 hour ago, Igloo said:

For me the biggest thing is that wildcard keeps adding in dinos that can just 1 shot you off your mount. When im farming i want to farm not deal with that bullpoop. Most of the wild dinos that can hit you while mounted should not have that ability when wild. Period. I know the PvE carebears will cry about a change like that, but i dont care. 

just another sad sob who doe snot like a challenge. anything new?

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7 hours ago, Igloo said:

Called it, and tbh i really dont care at all what you think. Genesis is already bad because its not good for resources, the last thing it needs is the most obnoxious mechanic ever making it worse. 

I'd have to disagree about resources. There's metal and obsidian everywhere. There's unlimited tek dinos in the luna for electronics. Hesperonis everywhere for easy organic poly. Element is easier than ever.

Ok so the flyers are nonexistent but you can still load up a ravy with a ton of material and TP back to your base. Plus the mining drill makes farming on foot the best its ever been.

I have a ton of problems with genesis but farming is not one of them

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1 hour ago, St1ckyBandit said:

I'd have to disagree about resources. There's metal and obsidian everywhere. There's unlimited tek dinos in the luna for electronics. Hesperonis everywhere for easy organic poly. Element is easier than ever.

Ok so the flyers are nonexistent but you can still load up a ravy with a ton of material and TP back to your base. Plus the mining drill makes farming on foot the best its ever been.

I have a ton of problems with genesis but farming is not one of them

Maybe on your map, on ours it's a one shot deal.  Once the metal is mined it's gone for good, there is no such thing as respawning metal, and the trees? About half of those respawn, takes a little over a week.  So every single project we do that requires metal we have to go and search for hours to find unmined nodes.  Which sucks because everyone has to go together to find the meatal each time because we have a tether because wildcard is to lazy/dumb to fix the servers.   

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12 hours ago, Kodking194 said:

just another sad sob who doe snot like a challenge. anything new?

The only thing challenging about this map is having to reset every single setting every time the game gets loaded up.  The rest of it is easy mode.  Seems like every day I find yet another nerfed feature to dumb the game down to the developers level.

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24 minutes ago, SLlCK said:

Maybe on your map, on ours it's a one shot deal.  Once the metal is mined it's gone for good, there is no such thing as respawning metal, and the trees? About half of those respawn, takes a little over a week.  So every single project we do that requires metal we have to go and search for hours to find unmined nodes.  Which sucks because everyone has to go together to find the meatal each time because we have a tether because wildcard is to lazy/dumb to fix the servers.   

This is the first I've ever heard of resources not respawning. Even so it's not a design problem with Genesis it's more of a performance issue.

I'd move servers if I was you.

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1 hour ago, St1ckyBandit said:

This is the first I've ever heard of resources not respawning. Even so it's not a design problem with Genesis it's more of a performance issue.

I'd move servers if I was you.

Its a single player/non dedicated game because shocker! They still have not fixed the player dedicated servers.

I have read about other people having the same issue and a friend of mine has not had any meta respawn in the bog on his single player map.  We have even tried turning the respawn rate up as fast as it goes and nothing changes.   It really is amazing how bad wildcard is at this, one would think after all this time they would have some idea what they are doing, but apparently not.

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Id like to point out a couple things that made me quit playing Ark all together:

1. You released a map with probably the most boring variety of animals i've ever encountered.

2. You released a new map completely ignoring obvious bugs that still remain in game whether its sound, the atrocious blocking of objects, lack of work to AI systems, tools don't work such as mining tool, fishing net, Ect. Others such as phasing through the earth or tech suits not working in certain areas. In other words, please concentrate on optimizing your game, because its so rough and their are games that require much much more that run better. Some of the tames are bugged like bloodstalkers.

3. Genesis has incredibly repetitive biomes, and in most areas you can really tell how rushed it was. Minecraft has more variety and its made out of pixels...I will say the areas underwater that made me hopeful but once again they lack interesting life, they are incredibly laggy to be inside, and i cant find  any purpose to build there other than its a really beautiful area. its about the only beautiful areas worth acknowledging  in this map. There are a few odd areas that stand out but generally speaking i think most of the maps are hideous. That being said, there are some really cool features like the big trees and lava fields and but since it fills the whole map it becomes less appealing and boring. I think i found scorched earth to be more visually pleasing and that's saying a lot considering it to be a desert...also the ocean biome...You spawn us in mission areas, tell us we cant build their but since their is no flyables, you are left to taming Bloodstalkers (horrible set up on controller btw, or surviving the swim to only two areas where you can actually get on land. Why spawn us on mission areas in the first place, shouldn't the challenge be to find these? We even have a tracker for them...

4. You've recently updated the game to attack certain mods and you dont seem support mods even though I'm fairly certain most rage quit Ark without them...Your stacking on items is horridly tedious and makes a whole lot of nonsense work taking away the intent of the game. the game is about survival, not OCD sorting and skyrim encumbered walking. I didnt even go into building on the bugs portion...You really could fix some things in that. Ive never had a more frustrating building system and i couldnt imagine building without an S+ mod. Anything eye catching that is. Also i would really like to know someone who could beat Bog Beat Down on hard without a mod...And without putting half of their experience points in speed because we all know how toxic that can be for game play.

5. Missions were okay, lacking in character and excitement. Also they are extremely frustrating as many are either bugged or just plane thoughtless and tedious game play. Most of them make no sense to story and do nothing to explain the story, as do many of the glitches(some are literally repeated? come on now...thats lazy...)

6. I know you wanted to show off some of your new tames by making them abundant and easy to get but boy does that ruin the surprise. Not to mention, blood stalkers are the only viable mode of transportation. Thats fine i suppose but that would be quite the standoff in multiplayer... Makes for very repetitive game play and no variety in tame usage. The PVP would be so boring... Why you took out tames but put them in missions is beyond me as well. A few Wyverns on the volcano map would have been really cool. Owls would ahve been cool on the snow map (amazing mod). But again your variety is limited to things we see all the time and it takes the excitement out of the game.


I know you are a small studio and i used to play your game for hours. I give you the credit of making it this far and making a really cool concept, but this game has obvious errors and bad decisions. The game play of the new map is incredibly boring, and i cant help but feel like its lacking in life. Any "survival" game that forces you to accept death as a part of game play ( im speaking mostly about environment hazards or the Lunar) Is just bad game play. Im being critical so that you may strive to fix these areas and revive this game. But without the maintenance and game play enhancements, i would really have to say you managed to ruin a a game with dinosaurs and monsters. Im really not sure how thats possible but Genesis is boring.

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On 3/14/2020 at 12:39 PM, Geadmon said:

Genesis is supposed to be hard.   It's a map built around PVE, not PVP.   They've added environmental dangers in each zones that give you more to worry about then other players.   

In the bog, it's the insect swarms.   Yeah, they are fricking obnoxious.   But there are a lot of dinos you can ride that prevent them from attacking you, even IF you attack them.   If you're on a sarco, you can actually attack insect swarms and they won't even attack back.  I kill every single swarm I see by biting them with my dinos.

Plus, you know there's a thing called "bug repellent" you can make, right?  If I want to not be bothered, I just spray some on and ignore the swarms.

If you go to the snow biome, it has avalanches (and the ridiculous) cold.   In the lunar biome there's solar rays.  In the volcano there's the heat.   These are all designed to make you stop and think, change equipment, etc.  

And then there are the "X" series dinosaurs.  Wow, did not know what those did when I started playing.  Took losing two tames to X-raptors half their level before I finally looked them up.   50% damage reduction!!!.   These are meant to count the fact that on most maps, as soon as you tame a max level dino and then pump even more levels into it, it's an unstoppable killing machine.  No regular dinos give you any challenge.   Which is half the reason people got bored and started the whole PVP thing.   There were no more challenges.

Well, now, with the x-dinos, there's still a threat.    I took me getting a pack of 3 sarcos before I could safely move around the bog without any real danger... unless I saw an alpha off in the distance.

The lack of flyers is so you can't just sail above things and ignore them.  Or just strafe enemies and pack them to death in relative safety.  Or reach resources they deliberately placed up high, so they'd be hard to get.


And besides, who needs flyers?  Get a bloodstalker!   Those things are ridiculous fun.   They are probably the main reason why there are no flyers on the map.  Genesis is meant to showcase them.

Besides the two-web "grappling hook" that launches you like a cannon and the single web-slinging spiderman style travel, they also have wall latch/wall crawling and have an absolutely insane jumping ability, with a double jump.   You can charge up the first jump to shoot straight up in the air, and then hit jump again in midair combined with a direction key to shoot you in that direction.   Reallllllly far too.  And the double jump is any direction, forwards, backwards, left, right.    I use the double jump to get around more then the webslinging. Oh, and they can walk on water too.  Or cancel it, and swim underwater (they look like squids under water, it's awesome).  They are like the ultimate all terrain mount.

Plus you can target certain dinos (below a certain size) with the your webs, and "lasso" it.  You can draw it in and begin killing it, and the enemy dino CANNOT fight back.   This works on dinos up to the size of sarcos and pachyrhinosauruses, but not things like stegos and rexes.  But... if you stop reeling the web in, you can dismount the bloodstalker and the enemy dino is still tethered to your bloodstalker.  You can then tranq the dino, etc.   I also use the webs to yank a thing I want to tame out of a dangerous area, and bring it somewhere a little quieter for taming.   The web tethers are also great for fishing too! Target, yank, target, yank! fish for days.

 there intention was to add more annoying gameplay is what you are saying? I get making a more difficult game but you yourself said the bugs arent hard they are just obnoxious... to me thats bad lazy made game play. not to mention they are a hideous enemy and not immersive at all. Why do they get big when they die? Because they are trying to show off their graphic design skills rather game play. I really think they could have made the swarm more interesting. Maybe less of a stupid ball and more of a literal environment hazard where you had to escape it like a blizzard... i genuinely believe though that would be frustrating, it would provide more interesting gameplay.


Also are we really only resorting to one mode of transportation? and bloodstalkers make for some extremely boring Pvp combat i hope you realize...I dont really like the idea of showcasing something and disregarding others personal favorites. I would be fine with making flyers rare, or harder to knockout, but to take them out of the game is very disappointing. Same with Wyverns and others. IT just creates this lack of diversity in PVP and makes for a boring enviornment. When i see fifteen basilisks and 20 frie lizards, it all loses its excitement. Bloodstalkers are overpowered and easy to tame, and once you get them you cant help but feel like the game is already beat. 


The whole game is missing important game play features in reguards to combat and style.


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On 3/18/2020 at 5:55 PM, InfectedCthulhu said:

Y'all are a bunch of whiney children I stg. Aside from the insect swarms being unkillable without tames, I haven't encountered any of the other glitches y'all are complaining about, and I'm easily 100 hours into Genesis. Far from being "unplayable", I find Genesis to be the single most enjoyable xpac I've played so far, and I've out countless hours into every single one except Valguero and Ragnarok. 

All the biomes have a few resources they lack, which means you either need more than one base OR you need to complete missions to use hexagons to secure the unavailable resources. Personally, my main base is in the Bog, with a base in Volcanic that I really enjoy, and a simple little Raft base in the Ocean biome just because I really enjoy exploring there. 

The Arctic biome is hella fun, but feels bland compared to the rest. It just reminds me too much of The Island.

I'm not skilled enough to tough out the Lunar biome yet, but I've ventured there a few times and it looks like it'll be amazing once I get some high level tames to help fight off the waves of Tell Raptors and stuff.

Volcanic is so much fun! The basilisks add a huge element of danger as it's really easy to stumble across one, but the Magmasaurs are easily spotted from well outside their aggro range. Metal, obsidian, and Crystal in abundance makes Fabricator crafting so much more obtainable than other maps, I'm in love with it. A bit frustrating to gather enough wood but nothing a quick warp to the bog can't fix.

Overall I'm wholly in love with this DLC. 80% of the complaints in this thread make y'all sound like flippin Boomers I stg. Between shouting your opinions as facts and repeating "I don't like Change!" Over and over again, y'all can all take a lava bath. 

Get over yourselves and stopped bashing on what is easily the most innovative and entertaining DLC in the game.

THE MISSIONS ARE BORING. Not to mention why is it that you get better rewards from completing a medium and even easy mission than hard?? Especially when hard is damn near impossible. Lunar is incredibly boring and underwhelming i wouldn't bother. Im not a boomer, you sound like you are twelve bud. You just havent played enough decent games to know a good one. least innovative, and most of all least creative. Im serious, ive played minecraft seeds with more variety and charismatic and thats saying a lot... Give me a reason its innovative bud.

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On 3/19/2020 at 6:39 AM, Luizza said:

Has it ever occurred to you that your PC just isn't good enough? My PC isn't great but I have none of the issues you mention here, and apart from some lag spikes around peak times I haven't heard anyone else moaning about those issues on a packed server who chat a lot about issues affecting them but not the ones you mention. If you do have a beast PC you should check your settings, not the in game ones, the gfx drivers, hardware, etc.

Having to wear a gas mask during the race? What's so difficult about preparing for a mission... wear a gas mask.

I understand you may be frustrated and not enjoying genesis, so am wondering why you are playing it at all. Go back to vanilla ark or play something else... there's no need to start insulting the devs. A lot of us are enjoying it and understand there are bugs and the devs are working hard to fix them.


build in parts of the ocean and youll shoot yourself. Youll curse ARK forever. not to mention do you know how poetty you sound? If ARK can run on xbox and is intended to, then it should just about run on anything... your arguments are so incredibly petty dude.


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1 hour ago, OhhhhArk said:

build in parts of the ocean and youll shoot yourself. Youll curse ARK forever. not to mention do you know how poetty you sound? If ARK can run on xbox and is intended to, then it should just about run on anything... your arguments are so incredibly petty dude.


actually ark can take quite a bit of system resources, to run, ark vs atlas I run 100fps in ark while 40fps average using the same settings and pc,  I know for a fact ark isn't meant to run on just any pc, you need I would say a gtx970 and a quad core cpu atleast with about 16gb of ram for both ark and atlas

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Gripes with Genesis so far

As a prefix, me and my friends play on our own private server, keeping it as close to the official servers as we can, but I'm pretty sure our gripes will be felt on the official servers as well, regardless if it's PvE or PvP. We started out fresh on the Genesis map, importing absolutely nothing to the map from our cluster and see how it would go.
We are aware that the map was design for "end game" and that certain expectations were set, but not everyone plays that way.


Race Missions

They're simply not fun, especially on the higher difficulties.
The dino's constantly seem to be getting stuck on rocks, bushes, or other dinosaurs making it almost impossible to clear an alpha difficulty race, even with having memorized the entire track layout. It simply depends whether a dinosaur wanders into the tracks or not, and whether it will be blocking a choke point on the race or not.

It would be nice if those inside the race would get some kind of clipping flag that at the very least allows them to move through dinosaurs, eliminating the most annoying of bottlenecks on the race.

The collision detection on the manta race is just horrible, causing the manta to get stuck on ramps and structures.

Gauntlet missions

They are extremely unbalanced in their difficulties.
Doing for example the bog mission on Gamma, and then trying it on beta simply does not prepare you whatsoever for the difficulty spike that comes with it.
The main issue we find to be with these gauntlets is the weapons being dropped versus the dinosaurs you're supposed to be fighting.
The Bog mission is doable with a decent group and setup, but the snow gauntlet is just ridiculous unless you're lucky enough to grab a shotgun before being knocked all over the place.

Guardian missions

Some of the encounters are ridiculous.
So far we're simply cheesing most of them because it's not worth loosing a single dinosaur on these.
The amount of damage/punishment you need to survive isn't even worth the rewards.

Finding/stealing items

For us these seem to be so far the most balanced ones, especially in small groups where you can have someone on lookout/defense while someone picks up the items


The only one so far giving most issues is the volcano, although we're slowly getting the hang of dealing with the eruptions.
The biggest problem still with any of the biomes is the travel between them.
The teleport animation simply takes way too long, resulting in most of the time one of these :

  • Dinosaurs not being teleported with you
  • Death upon arrival because the game teleports you into a location you're not supposed to be or getting squished by your dinosaur
  • Death upon arrival because you're still stuck in the animation and can't defend against wild dino's
  • Stuck in limbo because the teleport animation hangs on the blue screen, and you not being teleported

The composition of the dinos' in each Biome also makes it rather dull. It would have been better if each Biome included ALL relevant theme'd dinosaurs in them.


Will probably write more later.

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18 hours ago, OhhhhArk said:

THE MISSIONS ARE BORING. Not to mention why is it that you get better rewards from completing a medium and even easy mission than hard?? Especially when hard is damn near impossible. Lunar is incredibly boring and underwhelming i wouldn't bother. Im not a boomer, you sound like you are twelve bud. You just havent played enough decent games to know a good one. least innovative, and most of all least creative. Im serious, ive played minecraft seeds with more variety and charismatic and thats saying a lot... Give me a reason its innovative bud.

To each his own but I actually think the Luna biome is the coolest part of this DLC and one of the better video game environments I've seen. It's completely unique to the rest of the game. I love it, I just wish they'd hurry up and fix the damn invisible robots.

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Not entirely sure what folks are going on about, Genesis is FAR easier to level on than the other maps.

Default XP ramp is 3.1343 on the others, put that in manually for Genesis, my lvl 80 Character was suddenly lvl 50.

One round of "Bog Beatdown" = 42 levels when I first started playing Genesis, although that may have been downtweaked a bit.

X-Raptors don't pounce and pin, so Kaprosuchus and Sarco are the most dangerous things in the bog, the insect swarms are manageable with a torch (make 3 to carry around, repair them when you get home), and you can build inside of the "hollow trees", which means far less materials needed to "dry in" your base.

So far, the hardest start I've had on any Ark map was Aberration, this is a cakewalk.

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