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pvp Looking for friendly alpha tribe, currently on server 5 ORPcrossark


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Looking for friendly alpha tribe, currently on server 5 ORPcrossark

Hello everyone, So I am currently based on ORP cross ark server 5 and honestly i feel like i’m just wasting my time here, the alphas are way too far ahead of everyone which means they must wipe frequently. 


Does anyone know or have a friendly alpha tribe on their server? if so please let us know. we love ark so much and we’ve been playing it for about 4 years now and we just wish to have a less toxic experience.


If not can someone please help us take down the alpha tribe on our server? they have 21 members and seem undefeatable. 

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Hello, unfortunately the ORP 5 are governed by 2 huge tribes (Ascendance, LYON) who do not attack each other, set rules and raid you if you have had the misfortune to attack their small allies

Suddenly these are annoying servers or you can of course prosper but without the possibility of raid at the risk of being raided by much more powerful than you

They raided one day several tribes that they thought were allied to an enemy tribe

On my side I wait until they release new ORP servers because the people on ORP 5 and 6 are far too advanced

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