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pvp Ark ages rp, (ps4) admin free, with new professions and class systems


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Ark ages rp, (ps4) admin free, with new professions and class systems


Ark ages rp is a new ps4 server with a new vision.
well not really its the same old vision that most servers fail to enact.

we have a system for professions, 5x boosted for most things, stats are upped a bit.
weve fine tuned the settings to get a balance between balanced gameplay, and managing to live a life at the same time.
were on valgeuro, we have added griffins, gachas, velos, shinehorns. 
And the big selling point  were running it with our admins not really interfering. sure well ban a troll, but were trying to stay out of the way. we want villages and towns  to set themselves up on their own, letting whatever happens happen (within reason)

the admins do not offer starter packs, but some settlements do.

we have a planned system for professions, pvp rewards, quests, bounties, and a discord server. https://discord.gg/rdQpA2M
so please, check out our discord, see what ye think, let us know, 


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